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Everything posted by chinoknot

  1. Hello, I need your help. I wrote about this thing two months ago, but without useful answer, now I need to complete this work. I understood better how it works, but I need the last thing. I try to explain my problem: I need to receive a "post" from another domain, but I can't understand how can I do this, because the sender send me a json and I need to get in my receiver. This is my code: <script> //create popup window var domain = ''; var myPopup = window.open(domain + '/Apps/post/child_backup.php','myWindow //periodical message sender setTimeout(function(){ var message = JSON.stringify({action: "redirect", vendor_id :"45" }); console.log('blog.localending message: ' + message); myPopup.postMessage(message,domain); //send the message and target URI },1000); //listen to holla back window.addEventListener('message',function(event) { if(event.origin !== '') return; console.log('receivedponse: ',event.data); },false); </script> Now the vendor_id is "45" for a test. They pass to me vendor_id: xxxx. how can I grab this value from the post? Thank you in advance.
  2. Hello, I can't get all the variables contained in a form, a form which I fill. I saw many tutorials, but with no luck. I need to get this variables and pass to another PHP page. Can you help me? $(document).ready(function() { $('#BtnInserisci').click(function(){ var TxtData = $("#TxtData").val(); var TxtOraAppuntamento = $("#TxtOraAppuntamento").val(); var TxtNome = $("#TxtNome").val(); var TxtCognome = $("#TxtCognome").val(); var TxtCfIva = $("#TxtCfIva").val(); var TxtRecapitoPri = $("#TxtRecapitoPri").val(); var TxtRecapitoMob = $("#TxtRecapitoMob").val(); var TxtRecapitoAlt = $("#TxtRecapitoAlt").val(); var TxtIndirizzo = $("#TxtIndirizzo").val(); var TxtComune = $("#TxtComune").val(); var cap = $("#cap :selected").text(); var TxtDettInt = $("#TxtDettInt").val(); var TxtTipoInt = $("#TxtTipoInt").val(); var TxtIndMaps = $("#TxtIndMaps").val(); var TxtNoteIntervento = $("#TxtNoteIntervento").val(); var TxtNoteIndirizzo = $("#TxtNoteIndirizzo").val(); /*alert(TxtData); alert(TxtOraAppuntamento); alert(TxtNome); alert(TxtCognome); alert(TxtCfIva); alert(TxtRecapitoPri); alert(TxtRecapitoMob); alert(TxtRecapitoAlt); alert(TxtIndirizzo); alert(TxtComune); alert(cap); alert(TxtDettInt); alert(TxtTipoInt); alert(TxtIndMaps); alert(TxtNoteIntervento); alert(TxtNoteIndirizzo); $(this)({ url: 'test.php', type: 'POST', dataType: 'html', data: $('#BtnInserisci'), success: function(html) { $('#BtnInserisci').before(html); } }); }); }); The BtnInserisci is the button I press for retrieve my variables. The alert is working fine. Where is my mistake?
  3. Hello, I'm in trouble with WSSE Authentication in PHP. I found a good client and server file for my tests and works fine, but I receive the call in other way, so I must configure my serverside for receiving the right header with username, psw, nonce and created time. The call: <?php class TokenGenerator { public static function generateToken($username, $password) { $nonce = self::generateNonce (); $created = date ( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:sP' ); $digest = base64_encode ( sha1 ( $nonce . $created . $password, TRUE ) ); $token = sprintf ( 'UsernameToken Username="%s", PasswordDigest="%s", Nonce="%s", Created="%s"', $username, $digest, $nonce, $created ); return $token; } private static function generateNonce($bits = 256) { $bytes = ceil ( $bits / 8 ) * microtime (); $return = ''; for($i = 0; $i < $bytes; $i ++) $return .= chr ( mt_rand ( 0, 255 ) ); return md5 ( $return ); } } $xwsse = TokenGenerator::generateToken ( 'username', 'RC&EWoiQ7#!!' ); // ### GENERO IL TOKEN $httpRequest = new \HttpRequest ( 'http://XXXX/', \HttpRequest::METH_POST, [ 'headers' => [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', 'Accept-Charset' => 'UTF-8', 'X-Wsse' => $xwsse ], 'protocol' => HTTP_VERSION_1_2 ] ); $httpRequest->setPostFields ( [ 'userName' => 'testAgentnip', 'phoneNumber' => '3474875366', 'customer' => '112233' ] ) or die ( 'Errore' ); try { $result = $httpRequest->send()->getBody (); echo $result; } catch ( \HttpException $ex ) { error_log ( 'ERRORE CHIAMATA HTTP => ' . $ex->getMessage () ); } Now I need a page which receive this kind of header. I've been looking for getallheaders() function, but still doesn't work Help me!
  4. Hello, I'm trying to do a post with a crossdomain using PHP. The first solution I found was using Ajax, that it works great, but the other site won't accept the ajax calls. So they told to use other ways.Unfortunately I'm using PHP 5.2.5 and the only useful extension for doing a post is cURL I think (I can't install other modules or extensions). I must pass 3 parameters with a custom header with X-Wsse for the security and for this I have a function which creates the token, than I put this token in the header with the curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, [...]), but probably doesn't work. At least I'm think doesn't work, because in the console of Firefox I can't see the parameters I pass. So I need suggestions. I create also a fake php page for a response. In the attachment my 2 pages. Thanks in advance. Curl.zip
  5. Hello, this time I'm in trouble. Seriously. I need to do a one page which collect all the functions contained in 3 page with query and other stuff, after 2 days I'm a litlle bit confused and blocked, so I need your help. The "old" page was "menu", containing the menu, header and graphic informations, then "preleva", which take record from a table with a certain criteria and "registrazioni" which insert the data in the table plus display all the information on screen from the table. The result should be: from a call/event, which call my only page who read the table, select the right record and then insert in the table. Try to see the files, if you can help me I appreciate so much. My new page is menu_new. I can read the right record, but after I have problem with all the criteria of the old "preleva". Registrazioni.php menu.php menu_new.php Preleva.php
  6. I'm a newbie, and I am on stage for php programmer, today I receveid a simple problem, but I can't recognize where is the problem. I have an index, that call an operation file. <? session_destroy(); if(isset($_POST['Login']) && $_POST['Login'] == "Invio") { //include("Config.php"); echo "Loggato"; include("Lib/Config_new.php"); # Controllo Loggatura $Loggatura = new Operatori(); $Loggatura->Login(); # Fine controllo Loggatura echo $_SESSION['IdOperatore']; $JavaCode=""; if(isset($Loggatura->Errore) && !empty($Loggatura->Errore)) $JavaCode = "alert('".$Loggatura->Errore."');"; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <html> <head> <title>Login - Intranet</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <style lang="it" type="text/css"> body { overflow: hidden; width:80%; height: 80%; } #DivImg { position: absolute; top: 50%; margin-top: -168px; left: 50%; margin-left: -263px; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; background-image: url(Img/Login.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; height:335px; width: 525px; } #DivFrm { position: absolute; top: 100px; width: 400px; left: 30px; } input.text { border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; } #Layer1 { position:absolute; left:278px; top:303px; width:374px; height:20px; z-index:1; } .style1 {font-size: 12px} .PatCar {font-size: 10px} </style> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript"> <? echo $JavaCode; ?> function ControllaForm() { Passwd = document.getElementById('FrmNewPswd'); RetypePasswd = document.getElementById('FrmRptPswd'); UserName = document.getElementById('FrmLogin'); PasswdOld = document.getElementById('FrmPswd'); Errore = true; if(UserName = "" || UserName == " "){ TxtErrore = "UserName non inserito!"; Errore = false; } if(PasswdOld == "" || PasswdOld == " "){ TxtErrore = "Vecchia password non inserita!"; Errore = false; } if(Passwd == "" || Passwd == " "){ TxtErrore = "Non consentite password vuote! Reinserire la password"; Errore = false; } if (Passwd != RetypePasswd) { TxtErrore = "Riscrivere la Password. Form non coerente!"; Errore = false; } if(Errore == false) { alert (TxtErrore); } return Errore; } function Carica(){ <!-- // (c) br1 - 2002 //location.href="Messaggio.php"; window.open('Messaggio.php','', 'scrollbars=yes,height=500,width=800'); //alert ("Prova"); //--> //newwindow=window.open("NuoveUtenze.php","width=470","height=62") //newwindow.creator=self -- +'&Profilo='+document.getElementById('TxtProfilo').value } </script> </head> <body > <? echo $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"] ; ?> <div id="DivImg"> <div id="DivFrm"> <form id="FrmInvioLogin" name="FrmInvioLogin" action="Index_new.php" method="POST" onsubmit="<? if($Loggatura->Errore ) echo "return ControlloForm();" ?>" > <table cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px" width="80%"> <tr> <td>UserName</td> <td><input name="FrmLogin" id="FrmLogin" type="text" size="30" maxlength="30" class="text" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Password</td> <td><input name="FrmPswd" id="FrmPswd" type="password" size="30" maxlength="30" class="text" /></td> </tr> <tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr> <? # Cambio Password per errore COD002 if($Loggatura->Errore==COD002) { echo "<tr> <td>Nuova Password</td> <td><input name=\"FrmNewPswd\" id=\"FrmNewPswd\" type=\"password\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"30\" class=\"text\" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Ripeti Password</td> <td><input name=\"FrmRptPswd\" id=\"FrmRptPswd\" type=\"password\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"30\" class=\"text\" /></td> </tr> <tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan=\"2\"><span class=\"PatCar\">Inserire la password con almeno 8 caratteri. Deve essere presente almeno un numero ed uno dei seguenti caratteri: $ % & . , ! - _ @</span></td></tr> <tr><td colspan=\"2\"><span class=\"PatCar\">Non si puo' usare il proprio nominativo o ripetere la password precedente</span></td></tr>"; } ?> <tr> <td></td> <td> <input name="Login" id="Login" type="hidden" value="Invio" /> <br /><input type="image" src="Img/BtnLogin.gif" border="0" onclick="document.FrmInvioLogin.submit()" /> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </div> </div> </body> </html> than the operation file function Login() { $Login = new SQL(); $SessionOp = new Session(); $ControlloOp = new DateOp(); $InsNewPsw=0; # Cambio Password if(isset($_POST['FrmNewPswd'])) { $InsNewPsw=1; $Change = new Pswd(); $CambioPswd = $Change->ChangePswd(); if(!$CambioPswd) { $this->Errore = COD009; $this->OpDB->Registra(COD009, "Login"); $Login->Clear(); return; /*exit;*/ } # Se cambio password a buon fine allora rilogga con nuova password. else { $_POST['FrmPswd'] = $_POST['FrmNewPswd']; } } # Operazioni di Login # Controllo presenza login if(isset($_POST['FrmLogin']) && !empty($_POST['FrmLogin'])) { # Controllo presenza password //echo $_POST['FrmPswd']; if(isset($_POST['FrmPswd']) && !empty($_POST['FrmPswd'])) { # Query di verifica per la corrispondenza password login $StrControllo = "SELECT IdOperatore, Password, IdStato, DATEDIFF(Month, LastLogin, { fn NOW()}) as DeltaLogin, DATEDIFF(Month, LastChange, { fn NOW()}) as DeltaChange FROM Operatori WHERE Login = '".$Login->ParseStringa($_POST['FrmLogin'])."'"; $RsLogin = $Login->Query($StrControllo); $this->OpDB->Registra($Login->Errore, "Login"); # Controllo presenza coerenza if(isset($RsLogin['Password']) && $RsLogin['Password'] == $_POST['FrmPswd']) { # Controllo validità Login if(!$ControlloOp->ControlloLogin($RsLogin['DeltaLogin'], $RsLogin['IdOperatore'])) { echo 'ERRORE'; $this->Errore = COD001; $this->OpDB->Registra(COD001, "Login"); } # Controllo validità Password if(!$ControlloOp->ControlloPswd($RsLogin['DeltaChange'], $RsLogin['IdOperatore'])) { $this->Errore = COD002; $this->OpDB->Registra(COD002, "Login"); //exit; } if($RsLogin['IdStato'] == 3){ $this->Errore = COD008; $this->OpDB->Registra(COD008, "Login"); } # Partenza sezzione e Login if(!isset($this->Errore) || empty($this->Errore)) { $this->RecuperaOp($RsLogin['IdOperatore']); # Assegnazione di un gruppo di lavoro per l'operatore (prende solo il MASTER) $GruppoLavorazione = $this->GruppiLavorazione($RsLogin['IdOperatore']); $SessionOp->StartSession($this->RsOperatore, $GruppoLavorazione); } } # Password Errata else { $this->Errore = COD007; $this->OpDB->Registra(COD007, "Login"); } } # Password non digitata else { $this->Errore = COD003; $this->OpDB->Registra(COD003, "Login"); } } # UserName non digitato else { $this->Errore = COD004; $this->OpDB->Registra(COD004, "Login"); } if ($InsNewPsw==1 && $this->Errore!="") { $this->Errore = COD010; $this->OpDB->Registra(COD010, "Login"); } $Login->Clear(); } .............. function ChangePswd() { $ObjSql = new SQL(); # Selezione della vecchia password $qStrPasswd = "SELECT Nome, Password, IdOperatore FROM Operatori WHERE Login = '".$_POST['FrmLogin']."'"; $RsPasswd = $ObjSql->Query($qStrPasswd); if (strlen($_POST['FrmNewPswd'])>=8 && $_POST['FrmNewPswd']!=$_POST['FrmPswd']) { $Parola=split(" ",$RsPasswd['Nome']); $ContrA=(strpos(strtoupper($_POST['FrmNewPswd']), strtoupper( $Parola[0]))); $ContrB=(strpos(strtoupper($_POST['FrmNewPswd']), strtoupper( $Parola[1]))); if(preg_match("([0-9]{1})",$_POST['FrmNewPswd'])) { if(strpos($_POST['FrmNewPswd'], ".") || strpos($_POST['FrmNewPswd'], "!") || strpos($_POST['FrmNewPswd'], "$") || strpos($_POST['FrmNewPswd'], "%") || strpos($_POST['FrmNewPswd'], "&") || strpos($_POST['FrmNewPswd'], "-") || strpos($_POST['FrmNewPswd'], ",") || strpos($_POST['FrmNewPswd'], "_") || strpos($_POST['FrmNewPswd'], "@")) { if (!is_int($ContrA)) { if (!is_int($ContrB)) { if($_POST['FrmPswd'] == $RsPasswd['Password']){ # Update vecchia password $qUpd = "UPDATE Operatori SET Password = '".$ObjSql->ParseStringa($_POST['FrmNewPswd'])."', LastChange= getdate() WHERE IdOperatore = ".$RsPasswd['IdOperatore']; $ObjSql->Query($qUpd); /*$this->OpDB->Registra($ObjSql->Errore);*/ return false; } # Fallimento Cambio Password per login errata else { return true; } } } } } } } than I have a file with all the code you can see in the second part define("COD001", "Login Scaduta"); define("COD002", "Password Scaduta"); define("COD003", "Password non digitata"); define("COD004", "UserName non digitato"); define("COD005", "Sessione scaduta o Login non valido"); define("COD006", "Cambio Password Fallito per Login Errata"); define("COD007", "Password Sbagliata"); define("COD008", "Utenza Cessata"); define("COD009", "Cambio Password Fallito: non conforme ai Requisiti Minimi"); define("COD010", "Cambio Password Fallito: Dati di Login Errati"); define("COD011", "Cambio Password avvenuto correttamente"); I always have COD009, in fact in the second box there is the condition: if(!$CambioPswd) { $this->Errore = COD009; $this->OpDB->Registra(COD009, "Login"); $Login->Clear(); return; but when all the parameters are correct I want to display COD011 and I don't know how write this kind of code, is just a visual problem, because the code is working right and write correct into the db. everything I do in the form new password I always have COD009 Thank for your time
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