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Everything posted by anthonygallina

  1. Thank you seandisanti, benanamen, Jaques1, and scootah. I will look into the issues you spoke of. RTFM on the form, I have been looking on the web. I will open another thread if I cant figure it out. Oh I have been reading the O'Reily Programming PHP, 3rd Edition. And found this helpfull site for a link to help with forms for others that may come this way. http://www.phpcontactform.com/creating-contact-form-thank-you-pages.html
  2. The javascript you proposed to use does not load the page modul, by it's self. I can see that you tried to activate it in the code but it doesnt work. The only way the modul right now loads is with the on click code. And with that it loads the modul whether or not the form input is correct. Also I was needing to have the sucess or failure of sending the form sent back to the page. Not to a blank white page with the out come on it. So that is where I am having trouble. I pulled the code down and compared it with diff to see if I was missing something. But it looks indentical to me to the code on your prior post that you are referencing.
  3. What part of the code needs to be modified to give Javascript what it needs?
  4. I am not sure I am understanding the handling empty strings part? Sorry
  5. Yes (function(cash) { "use strict"; var ios = navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/webOS/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i) || $(window).width()<980; //center_image////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var obj; function center_image(){ $('.center_img').each(function(){ obj = $(this); var bg_ratio = obj.attr('data-width-img')/obj.attr('data-height-img'); var wrapper_ratio = obj.parent().width()/obj.parent().height(); if(bg_ratio<wrapper_ratio){ var center = (obj.parent().width()/bg_ratio - obj.parent().height())*(-0.5); obj.css({'left':'0px', 'top':center, 'width':'100%', 'height':'auto'}); } else{ var center_hor = (bg_ratio*obj.parent().height() - obj.parent().width())*(-0.5); obj.css({'left':center_hor, 'top':'0px', 'height':'100%', 'width':'auto'}); } }); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //center_bg///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function center_bg(){ $('.center-image1').each(function(){ var bgSrc = $(this).attr('src'); 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var lng = $('#'+obj).attr("data-lng"); var contentString = $('#'+obj).attr("data-string"); var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat,lng); var map, marker, infowindow; var image = 'img/marker.png'; var zoomLevel = parseInt($('#'+obj).attr("data-zoom")); var styles = [] var styledMap = new google.maps.StyledMapType(styles,{name: "Styled Map"}); var mapOptions = { zoom: zoomLevel, disableDefaultUI: true, center: myLatlng, scrollwheel: false, mapTypeControlOptions: { mapTypeIds: [google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, 'map_style'] } } map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(obj), mapOptions); map.mapTypes.set('map_style', styledMap); map.setMapTypeId('map_style'); infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: contentString }); marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: myLatlng, map: map, icon: image }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() { infowindow.open(map,marker); }); } /////////////////////REMOVE HOVER/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// removeHoverCSSRule(); function removeHoverCSSRule() { if ('createTouch' in document) { try { var ignore = /:hover/; for (var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) { var sheet = document.styleSheets[i]; if (!sheet.cssRules) { continue; } for (var j = sheet.cssRules.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { var rule = sheet.cssRules[j]; if (rule.type === CSSRule.STYLE_RULE && ignore.test(rule.selectorText)) { sheet.deleteRule(j); } } } } catch(e) { } } } /////////////////////fancybox/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $('.send-button').click(function(){ $('.th-popup').addClass('act'); setTimeout(function() { $('.th-popup').removeClass('act'); }, 3000); }); $('.th-popup').click(function(){ $(this).removeClass('act'); }); // $('.gallery').masonry({ // itemSelector: '.item', // columnWidth: 600 // }); // })(jQuery); this is called all.js There also is a bootstrap.min.js not sure if you want that. jquery.fancybox.pack.js jquery.mixitup.min.js jquery-1.11.1.min.js a swiper js http://www.idangero.us/swiper/#.VhkOOKe36DA I have this one in a js file loaded by link into the page $('.send-button').on('submit', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var data = { email: $('#senderEmail').val(), message: $('#message').val() }; $.ajax({ url: 'php/contact.php', type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: data, success: function(response){ if (response.success === true) { $('.th-popup').addClass('act'); setTimeout(function(){ $('.th-popup').removeClass('act'); }, 3000); } } }); }); And the only PHP file is the contact form below <?php error_reporting(-1); ini_set('display_errors', 'On'); function isAjaxRequest() { return (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest'); } // Define some constants define( "RECIPIENT_NAME", "developer" ); define( "RECIPIENT_EMAIL", "developer@fullstackwebdesign.net" ); define( "EMAIL_SUBJECT", "Visitor Message" ); // Read the form values $success = false; $senderEmail = isset( $_POST['senderEmail'] ) ? preg_replace( "/[^\.\-\_\@a-zA-Z0-9]/", "", $_POST['senderEmail'] ) : ""; $message = isset( $_POST['message'] ) ? preg_replace( "/(From:|To:|BCC:|CC:|Subject:|Content-Type:)/", "", $_POST['message'] ) : ""; // If all values exist, send the email if ( $senderEmail && $message ) { $recipient = RECIPIENT_NAME . " <" . RECIPIENT_EMAIL . ">"; $headers = "From: " . $senderEmail . " <" . $senderEmail . ">"; $success = mail( $recipient, EMAIL_SUBJECT, $message, $headers ); if ($success === true) { $responseMessage = "Thanks for sending your message! We'll get back to you soon."; } else { $responseMessage = "There was a problem sending your message. Please try again."; } // Return an appropriate response to the browser if (isAjaxRequest() === true) { // send JSON response echo json_encode(array( 'success' => $success, 'message' => $responseMessage, )); // exit to make sure no other output is sent exit; } else { ?> <html> <head> <title>Thanks!</title> </head> <body> <p><?php echo $responseMessage; ?></p> <p>Click your browser's Back button to return to the page.</p> </body> </html> <?php } } else { // you'll want to handle this state - where $senderEmail or $message // are empty strings. } Let me know if you need more please.
  6. Thank you Scootstah. Got that code loaded. I found a error in the HTML here. <textarea name="message" id="message" required="required placeholder="message"></textarea> I corrected that. Now it sends mail. But the modul does'nt load. And this white page gets loaded from the PHP else { ?> <html> <head> <title>Thanks!</title> </head> <body> <p><?php echo $responseMessage; ?></p> <p>Click your browser's Back button to return to the page.</p> </body> </html> <?php Is there a way to get the thank you modul to load only on sucessful mail send, and have the PHP return to the original page? And also Thank you for helping me work on this.
  7. Maybe there is a clue if you deminify the script that you are using for animation that comes from here http://www.linkbuildingservices4sites.com <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.linkbuildingservices4sites.com/resources/slide-show.js"></script> You can use this to deminify if you want. http://unminify.com/
  8. No not sure that ini is being used. No did not restart services afterwards, not sure I have that ability on the plan I was speaking of. Linux Deluxe
  9. This link maybe helpfull also. http://www.telegraphicsinc.com/2013/07/how-to-use-animate-css/ It has some code on how to trigger the animations on click or hover.
  10. I like it looks like it will be a great asset to those in weight training. You could expand on how to use it. I liked the bug racker also, maybe a FAQ too? Keep up the good work.
  11. Ok looks likes like this now. memory_limit = 50M upload_max_filesize = 50M post_max_size = 50M file_uploads = On error_log = /home/yourusernamehere/public_html/php_error.log error_reporting = -1 display_errors = On
  12. Working on it. I am on godaddy linux deluxe right now. Created a custom php5.ini and a php_error.log. memory_limit = 50M upload_max_filesize = 50M post_max_size = 50M file_uploads = On error_log = /home/yourusernamehere/public_html/php_error.log
  13. Would css help any? https://daneden.github.io/animate.css/
  14. Thank you Scootstah Beautiful code and well documented. Really apreciated I have it installed and it looks like it should work. Unfortunatly the modul doesnt fire now, and it does'nt seem to output anything to the page. Just outputs the white page that the php script makes. Looks like I have a real chinese puzzle over here I am thinking that maybe the onclick value plugs in the bootstrap js to do the modul.
  15. I found this Scootstah $('.send-button').click(function(){ $('.th-popup').addClass('act'); setTimeout(function() { $('.th-popup').removeClass('act'); }, 3000); }); $('.th-popup').click(function(){ $(this).removeClass('act'); }); Still looking for more. It looks like that code plugs into fancy box, and fires the modul. Do you know if there is a way to have the contact.php file write to the page the out put which is either <?php if ( $success ) echo "<p>Thanks for sending your message! We'll get back to you soon.</p>" ?> <?php if ( !$success ) echo "<p>There was a problem sending your message. Please try again.</p>" ?> If so then I would not have to write a if statement for the button. Which I am having a hard time with because I dont know how to write the var for when it does send mail. Also is there away to have the contact.php file do the out put to the page without loading the white page?
  16. Thank you Scootstah I really dont like the screen shot of my site posted here like that, and would'nt really like a shot of the forum posted like that, even though it could be done. My original question was not about site security. And the whole diverting a way from my original question is a bit frustrating. Is there any one here that could help me with my original question please.
  17. Did a google search and found this. https://cirt.net/clickjack-test I will include my link from up above in this thread again also. https://www.owasp.or...nse_Cheat_Sheet And not that I would like to divert the thread from my original question. But this is another question. Could you please also run this test on the server that this forum runs on and post those results? With screen shot?
  18. Sorry to be more specific I meant this thread. PHP Coding Help Do you need help with some code you wrote? Ask here! We'll get you the answers! PHP bootstrap contact form modul help please. I am having trouble with getting this code to not show a thank you modul for incomplete submissions. I also would like the page redirect to originating page(with a pop up modul for either confirmation or error on the page in a modul would be optimal) or just redirect to the originating page without having to create a new PHP file for every page a contact form is on. I have several. The way it is now it can send mail but it directs to a blank white page with just type on it, and a request to use the browser back button to return to originating page. Also it fires the (Thank you)modul even if in put is in correct. would it please be possible to get help with this? Thank you. I was wondering about the relativity and impact of your post on a public thread. Maybe I am misunderstanding but what is your point? I am new here and really wanted help. Are you implying that the contact form button is coded with click-Jacking code? Or any of the other pages you stripped the code from to get to?
  19. Thank you benanamen. And the thread is vulnerable to hijacking also? https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Clickjacking_Defense_Cheat_Sheet
  20. Thank you. Yes it is a work in progress that's why it is in test. Appreciate the critique. I thought if you could see it that it would clarify the thanks pop up I was speaking of. Do you know of a way that I could pass the out put of the php file to the page so that it would display in the pop up box? Also do you know of a way that I could make the plain white php page with only text not display?
  21. Seems to be OK other than that modul problem, and the out put page looking so bland. http://fullstackwebdesign.net/staging/test/
  22. Not really sure that the PHP is firing the modul. But yes it is giving the Thanks in the blank page that the PHP generates that I want directed to a modul in the page,instead of the blank page with type on it. Maybe I am not understanding. Could you please show more of a example of what you are suggesting. LIke a working example please?
  23. I am having trouble with getting this code to not show a thank you modul for incomplete submissions. I also would like the page redirect to originating page(with a pop up modul for either confirmation or error on the page in a modul would be optimal) or just redirect to the originating page without having to create a new PHP file for every page a contact form is on. I have several. The way it is now it can send mail but it directs to a blank white page with just type on it, and a request to use the browser back button to return to originating page. Also it fires the (Thank you)modul even if in put is in correct. would it please be possible to get help with this? Thank you. <form class="o-form" id="contactForm" action="php/contact.php" method="post"> <input type="email" name="senderEmail" id="senderEmail" required="required" placeholder="email"> <textarea name="message" id="message" required="required placeholder="message"></textarea> <input type="submit" value="send" class="send-button"> </form> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="copyright"> <span> anthonygallina </span> </div> </footer> <div class="th-popup"> <div class="massage-th"> <h1>Thank You!</h1> <p>We apreciate your visit to our home page. We will contact you soon!</p> </div> </div> <script src="js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script> <script src="js/all.js"></script> <script src="js/jquery.mixitup.min.js"></script> <script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="js/idangerous.swiper.min.js"></script> </body> </html> <?php // Define some constants define( "RECIPIENT_NAME", "YOURNAME" ); define( "RECIPIENT_EMAIL", "YOUR@EMAIL.net" ); define( "EMAIL_SUBJECT", "Visitor Message" ); // Read the form values $success = false; $senderEmail = isset( $_POST['senderEmail'] ) ? preg_replace( "/[^\.\-\_\@a-zA-Z0-9]/", "", $_POST['senderEmail'] ) : ""; $message = isset( $_POST['message'] ) ? preg_replace( "/(From:|To:|BCC:|CC:|Subject:|Content-Type:)/", "", $_POST['message'] ) : ""; // If all values exist, send the email if ( $senderEmail && $message ) { $recipient = RECIPIENT_NAME . " <" . RECIPIENT_EMAIL . ">"; $headers = "From: " . $senderEmail . " <" . $senderEmail . ">"; $success = mail( $recipient, EMAIL_SUBJECT, $message, $headers ); } // Return an appropriate response to the browser if ( isset($_GET["ajax"]) ) { echo $success ? "success" : "error"; } else { ?> <html> <head> <title>Thanks!</title> </head> <body> <?php if ( $success ) echo "<p>Thanks for sending your message! We'll get back to you soon.</p>" ?> <?php if ( !$success ) echo "<p>There was a problem sending your message. Please try again.</p>" ?> <p>Click your browser's Back button to return to the page.</p> </body> </html> <?php } ?>
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