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  1. The php script i would be replacing with.. would be a redirect script (header location). I would pass the original link through a variable.
  2. I have the html code.. pulled from a curl call then I need to replace all URLS with my own php file like masked.php?link=theoriginallink I didn't show any code because my attempts were complete jokes... i apologize I'm starting to think I won't be getting much help from any php communities lol
  3. Hey sorry to ask for such a complicated piece of code but I've been trying for hours without any luck. I need to loop through html code find all of the urls that start with http:// or https:// - parse them then replace the entire url with something like this: redirect.php?link=http://originallinkWeAreReplacing this way I can replace all urls in the html code with my own php file that will redirect to the original urls that were there.. Can anyone help? I need it to work for ALL urls.. including style sheets, images, etc thanks
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