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Everything posted by smardy

  1. I have got it figured out but now I am wondering how do you get it so that in your browser it will be something like calendar.php?cal=2005&month=feb I can get it to do that except if I have echo on the variable cal=2005 then it will show up when I put the cal=2005&month=feb plus the text that I want to echo back when you type that it so how can I get it so that cal=2005 will echo back as say calender and cal=2005&month=feb will just echo back with other next nothing that is on the cal=2005 here is my script [!--PHP-Head--][div class=\'phptop\']PHP[/div][div class=\'phpmain\'][!--PHP-EHead--] if( !$cal ) { echo \"Calender\"; } if( $cal == 2005 ) { echo \"Choose a month\"; } if( $cal == \'2005\' && $month == \'jan\' ) { echo \"January\"; } [/span][!--PHP-Foot--][/div][!--PHP-EFoot--]
  2. How do get something that like when you click say a link that takes you to test.php and will say HI on the page. But Iv seen stuff on sites where you go to a link to that test.php exept its test.php?test and the page would say HI HOW ARE YOU insted of HI... How do you do that?
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