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  1. File permissions? Could you elaborate on that? And, thanks for correcting those XD Didn't know it was "\n". "<br>" seems to work fine to me though.
  2. Hello! First post here. I made an "interview" webpage. Basically just the typical Question then Textbox thing. I think it'll be more clear if I posted the code. <html> <title> PHP </title> <head> </head> <body> <form name="form1" method="POST" action="TestProcess.php"> What is your name on Facebook?<br> <input type="text" size=100 name="Question1"><br> <br> Why do you deserve to be an admin?<br> <input type="text" size=100 name="Question2"><br> <br> Do you have any past experiences of being an administrator? Yes or No?<br> <input type="text" size=100 name="Question3"><br> <br> What are your skills?<br> <input type="text" size=100 name="Question4"><br> <br> What about your managing skills, how is it? Rate it 1-10<br> <input type="text" size=100 name="Question5"><br> <br> Why should we choose YOU over the other applicants?<br> <input type="text" size=100 name="Question6"><br> <br> Are you active? How much?<br> <input type="text" size=100 name="Question7"><br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <input type="Submit" name="Submit1" value="Submit"> </form> </body> </html> Now that should be easy, it's just those "<br>" tags that expand it lol. Here's the TestProcess.php <?php $q1=$_POST['Question1']; $q2=$_POST['Question2']; $q3=$_POST['Question3']; $q4=$_POST['Question4']; $q5=$_POST['Question5']; $q6=$_POST['Question6']; $q7=$_POST['Question7']; $fn="TestPHPAnswers.txt"; $file=fopen($fn, "a+"); fwrite($file, $q1."/n".$q2."/n".$q3."/n".$q4."/n".$q5."/n".$q6."/n"); fclose($file); print("Application Sent"); ?> By looking at the code, you'll realize I have 3 pages for my site. The concept I have in mind is: 1. Users fill out textboxes. These textboxes have specific names. 2. The values of the textboxes are assigned to variables. 3. The TestProcess opens a text file in the site (more on this later, I'm a bit confused.) and appends the variables to it, then close. That's it. Now, when I tried to run my code, went through everything. I was surprised that the text file is untouched. No modifications or anything. Does it have something to do with the "$fn" part? Should I do "www.example.com/TestPHPAnswers.txt" or just "TestPHPAnswers.txt"? I also tried the "file_put_content" thing, still didn't work. Can someone tell me what's wrong? and maybe, nudge me into the right solution? Thanks (Anyways, I just started PHP two days ago. Pretty sure I'm missing out on something.)
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