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Everything posted by tbone05420

  1. Hi all, Kind of a general question. I have two offices, around 10 employees, that need to share files. In your opinion what would be the most cost effective solution? I have some NAS's in both locations that we can access via FTP, but is there a better solution? Ideally I would like to be able to map a drive on my local computer where I could save files directly from applications and have them save directly to the remote NAS. I would also like to be able to have certain folders restricted to certain users. Any ideas? Thanks, Tbone
  2. You could type something like the following in Google... mod rewrite tutorial and this should bring up some tuts. Good Luck! T
  3. I get it now... I must have been having a bit of a brain f*rt or just too long of a day. So for example to get the 25.45 you would use... $myrate = $var[1]['rates'][0]; Is that correct? Thanks for your help... Tbone
  4. Hi All, I am working with an array from a DB which is serialized. I am able to unserialize it and load the array into a variable. Now once I have it there, I am having trouble reading a certain value from the array. I would also like to place another entry into the array, serialize it and place it back into the DB. Here are the values in the array... Array ( [1] => Array ( [shipping] => Custom shipping method [rates] => Array ( [0] => 25.45 ) [tracking_number] => 123456789[carrier] => FDX ) ) A) For example, how would I load the tracking number(123456789) into a variable $trackit B) How would I insert a different tracking number back in. say 987654321, so I can in turn reserialize the array and update the DB. I am not asking about the serializing or writing to the DB, just the array stuff. Thanks, TBone
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