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Everything posted by redbullmarky
Haha I actually remember actually watching that episode. great stuff. more more TV gameshow gold, here's a certain Mr Simon Cowell before he was mega rich and famous: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ld-a7DYz-cs
Heartless as it may seem, charity and awareness like this is very much like politics - each and every one of us can privately (or publicly) get behind a charity or a cause, or also choose not to. I support a number of charities, but that's something I choose to do myself and tend not to discuss, just like who I vote for. Getting behind one charity and not others would also show an element of bias and unfairness against the thousands of other charities that do great jobs in other areas, and therefore it would not be a wise idea to sticky the topic for these reasons. To show equal support to other good charities would involve several hundred stickied topics, and I'm sure you can understand that's not possible. In just opening this topic, you've made a handful of people read up on it - and perhaps more will read too. Take that as "job done" in itself and understand why it shouldnt/cant be stickied. Cheers
yeah you've done a good job in the revamp. however, my only grudge (and one that just strikes immediately) is the "Sock it to me!". I cant decide why (maybe the typeface, maybe just the whole thing), but in a way, coupled with the guy who looks gutted to have seen a hole in his sock, just kinda makes things quite comical, when i'm sure you're aiming at professionals and hoping to part them from their cash. IMO, it doesnt NEED to be there so worth a try losing it all together. otherwise - yeah definitely a much cleaner layout than v1, and much better use of whitespace in general. tis getting there!
unless i'm missing something, i'd safely guess that 9/10 computer dealers/repair centers would happily burn a recovery CD for you for pennies (if not free) if you ask them nicely...
try it - just use a regular dump of the results and see what gives. it may also be worth checking the size of the actual file to make sure your limits are big enough to accept it. <?php if ($_FILES) { echo '<pre>'; print_r($_FILES); echo '</pre>'; } ?> i'm not actually sure it's relevent to your problem, but move_uploaded_file is generally more commonly used for file uploads
as for the logo, it was looking good in your post specifically about it, but it looks very good now it's in context. menu/nav looks better now, and you COULD live with that. but maybe worth, even if just for elimination sake: a) getting rid of the leading zero b) putting the numbers back behind the text but with a semi-transparency thing going on. IMO though, even if you left it as it is, it'd still be a cracking job in all. Cheers Mark
aside from the labels overlapping the numbers (top right) - which just doesnt look right - it's pretty much another spot on effort. maybe with those particular numbers/labels you could try some sort of semi-transparency?
got a link?
if you've got the time to do it as a hobby, or just got the time full stop, you really need to try and curb your hours. I too have found myself seriously putting in some serious time - yet when I look back at the day at how much i've done, i tend to find that my longest days are the least productive.
Dont beat around the bush, dude - if you want to ask the world personal questions on only your second topic, go ahead Personally, as far as the male species goes, might as well put a sign on the door saying "Library". But as a man, who is destined to leave the lid up afterwards, DO NOT put the book/magazine on the top of the cistern - the vibrations and wobbles from a flushing toilet will one day inevitably end up with you fishing around trying to save your favourite publication from a life with yesterdays processed dinner. Whilst women claim not to read a book/magazine in the bathroom, there really IS a practical reason for them putting the lid down. Sorry to be so graphic, but you have been warned.
regardless of whether encrypted or not - the fact they sent it you via unsecure email is numero uno reason to ditch them and move on. emails can from time to time go walkies or diverted just like snail mail, and an email like that is definitely one you dont want going into the wrong hands. i'd be pissed off if any company sent those details through - but if either my bank or hosting company did it considering how much can be potentially tied up in either, i'd hit the roof - no second chances.
i think you've missed the bit of unwritten forum etiquette that states "Don't demand a reply by reposting and bumping just 30 minutes after opening your topic" Give us a chance, dude...If someone likes it or hates it, they'll post - dont worry. personally - it's far too red (and black), the logo is crumbly and rubbish, there's a big empty area of space down the left side of the page, and whilst you may be proud of the site, the 'site edited by' text at the top would be much better suited down in the footer somewhere. lose the view/hit counter (far too 1990's), lose the music player (annoying when i've already got my stereo on - people just dont like sites that play sound or music unless they expect/ask for it). all in all, i dont think a site like this and the stage its at would take TOO much work to put right - it's not terrible but far from great yet - you've gotta get some professionalism and consistency in there. take a look at the UFC website (or even the WWE) for how they portray themselves in this genre - at the moment, it looks a bit too "underground bedroom fighting" more than anything.
How do they do this on certain webpages?
redbullmarky replied to freakus_maximus's topic in Miscellaneous
i think it's referred to commonly (whether officially) as a "Lightbox". An example is here: http://www.huddletogether.com/projects/lightbox/ but Googling 'lightbox' will give you other suggestions too. Also - if you google "Modal" or "submodal", you'll get some ideas how they do it. One way is laying a DIV with its background image set as a semi-transparent PNG/GIF over the entire screen (to prevent clicking of underlying content), then laying whatever content over the top of that. hope that helps -
Problem when selecting dutch as your language.
redbullmarky replied to Anzeo's topic in PHPFreaks.com Website Feedback
it would seem that it's not just the Dutch selection that's the problem, but any of the other non-English languages too. -
are the iframes necessary at all? you could also turn the outer part of the site into a re-usable template...
if you want us to test it properly, please provide a test account username/password, else it could be said you're just pitching here for new members... you need more notifications on login/register rather than a tiny bit of text up top left - something to let you know that you've entered wrong login details.
New site for my Web Design Business
redbullmarky replied to Guardian-Mage's topic in Website Critique
not so much what i meant, but i'll go with that too... what i meant by that was just trying to get someone to sit back, look at the screen, and ask themselves "is this any good?" because in this case, it really isn't and not only do you need to see that, but you need to see why too. -
dude - if you had bothered to get properly stuck into mootools, or even look for equivalents (like prototype/script.aculo.us), then you'd realise that a) they answer all of your questions and b) how offensive it is to actually take advice on board with a "pretend" thank you, yet dismiss it - this is a waste of people's time. c'mon dude - you've been given the spoon, the microwave, the cutlery and the kitchen sink - how about trying to feed yourself now? if your client wants a site, then spending hours/days researching what they need means you should have knocked it back in the first place - but DEFINITELY not spending that time trying to master the tiny details of AJAX calls or whatever.
New site for my Web Design Business
redbullmarky replied to Guardian-Mage's topic in Website Critique
ummm - do YOU like it? without wanting to be overly harsh, and just being honest, the site sucks big time and you really need to re-assess your priorities. If you're proud of it, then you probably need to take a few steps back and wonder if you're in the right industry. If you're not proud of it, then I'm not sure what you want in terms of critique. If it was a personal site, I wouldn't feel the need to say anything - but the fact that it's a site promoting your design services/company warrants a brutally honest reply. i'd go into specifics of what i think could be fixed, but i think fixing individual elements of that instead of scrapping it and putting it down to experience would be a waste of your time. -
and here's a postcode resource I mentioned, which gives longitude/latitude for the first part of the postcode. http://www.jibble.org/ukpostcodes/ edit: you might find some good references here too: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UK_postcodes#References edit 2: this one seems to do the lot: http://www.pjenkins.co.uk/blog/index.php/2007/04/04/uk_post_code_distance_calculation/ b83s, from my experience, both google and yahoo have rubbish support for UK postcodes, but the link you provided is a good one
well it would seem that taking a quick look around your pages, all you've done is cloned attractive-date.com - how do I know that? because in the pages you've nicked from them, you've not even changed their name... if you want people to test your site, please provide a test username/password - else it might be seen that you're posting to try and get members which is not what this board is for. Please refer to the sticky at the top of website critique clearly labelled 'PLEASE READ: Website Critique Posting Guidelines'
you need to look for 2 things: 1, a UK postcode database which also holds the longitude/latitude of the postcode. Getting a database with a full collection of the first part of the postcode (ie, B27) is a pretty straightforward google search. If you want the full postcode (ie, SE1 4XU) then you may have to do a bit more digging or pay for it (if you find it via the former, let me know ) 2, another google search that converts 2 longitude/latitude pairs to a straight line distance. again, there are many different implementations but finding one shouldnt be too tricky. Then it's simply a case of storing the location of each car and making the calcs as you go.
Cubase (specifically SX, as SE is a little too restricted) is great and comes with a relatively low learning curve. Logic Pro is more expensive and a bit harder to use (though similar in many areas) but comes crammed with stuff. Personally I use Logic Pro but only because I decided to go the Mac route for music software. I have had NO issues using the following for a simple setup for all sorts: - Apple Powerbook G4 - Rode NT1 Microphone - fairly cheap but incredibly good quality and versatile (ie, good for vocals AND mic'ing up an acoustic guitar) - Novation Speedio external audio interface - simple, quite low price, great quality and comes with very low latency. I chose this over some significantly more expensive models, purely based on its results. - Logic Pro 6 - Big Fat Drums & Amplitube plugings for drums and guitar effects your choices will depend on what you're recording. I've just assumed here that you'd be doing music. If not, then scratch the last one but everything else still applies. If you're on a PC, then replace Logic with Cubase. The best place/forums I've ever found for advice on this sort of stuff as well as stuff like the actual recording, mixing, mastering, etc is http://www.homerecording.com/bbs - dont let the name fool you, there are some serious professionals amongst the members.
That's a quality, not a negative
nope. whilst the directory is off limits, i still know the filename of the file I uploaded so can therefore run it if I call the file directly from the URL. On upload, you don't provide a direct link to to the file anyway, so I assume you're using some sort of script to pass the file back to the user? If so, then move the whole upload directory to OUTSIDE the web root. move_uploaded_file is good in the respect that it can move a file anywhere on the server, not just to somewhere inside your web root. this way the files cant be accessed directly. /httpdocs/ index.php /css/ stylesheet.css ... etc etc - all other site files here ... /uploads/ ... uploaded files here ... on other notes: 1, your page fires a javascript error when it loads (FF2 at least) 2, why such a long delay to download a file? 3, you need to sort out some of your HTML into valid code. Most of them are your use of closing tags on IMG/LINK - so use <img src="filename.gif" alt="example" /> instead of <img src="">. There are a few empty <tr></tr> in there too.