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Posts posted by krishnanayak

  1. In the event that we separate SEO into real segments it can be divided into on-page streamlining and from page improvement.

    These are the accompanying feature of any site that one ought to consider altering with a specific end goal to make your site Search Engine neighborly.

    1. Site Accessibility

    2. XML Sitemaps

    3. Robots.txt

    4. Watchword Research

    5. Making Content

    on the off chance that you don't have your on-page advancement settled, even with most grounded third party referencing and moral social sharing you won't not have the capacity to enhance your site perceivability which might directly affect business deals.

  2. A robots.txt document offers guidelines to web robots about the pages the site proprietor doesn't wish to be 'slithered'. Case in point, on the off chance that you didn't need your pictures to be recorded by Google and other web crawlers, you'd square them utilizing your robots.txt document.

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