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Everything posted by girishk

  1. After successful wamp server installation when i try to create the mysql database it shows duplicate column name errors Failed. Details: SQL Statement: Error Code: 1060 Error Text: Duplicate column name "admin_group_id" Executing: ../../database_schema/upgrades/2.3/data.sql can you please help in this regard?
  2. Hi folks, I configured phpmailer like this ['settings']['phpmailer']['smtp.host'] = 'smtp.gmail.com'; $conf['settings']['phpmailer']['smtp.port'] = '465'; $conf['settings']['phpmailer']['smtp.secure'] = 'tls'; $conf['settings']['phpmailer']['smtp.auth'] = 'true'; $conf['settings']['phpmailer']['smtp.username'] = 'myname@gmail.com'; $conf['settings']['phpmailer']['smtp.password'] = 'mypassword'; $conf['settings']['phpmailer']['sendmail.path'] = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; after creating a reservation in booked software i'm getting this warning and mail was not delivered. SMTP -> FROM SERVER: SMTP -> NOTICE: EOF caught while checking if connected Could you please help me in this regard. Thanks in advance.
  3. Config.php file Application configuration */ $conf['settings']['app.title'] = 'Booked Scheduler'; // application title $conf['settings']['default.timezone'] = 'America/Chicago'; // look up here http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php $conf['settings']['allow.self.registration'] = 'true'; // if users can register themselves $conf['settings']['admin.email'] = 'admin@example.com'; // email address of admin user $conf['settings']['admin.email.name'] = 'Booked Administrator'; // name to be used in From: field when sending automatic emails $conf['settings']['default.page.size'] = '50'; // number of records per page $conf['settings']['enable.email'] = 'true'; // global configuration to enable if any emails will be sent $conf['settings']['default.language'] = 'en_us'; // find your language in the lang directory $conf['settings']['script.url'] = 'http://localhost/Web'; // public URL to the Web directory of this instance. this is the URL that appears when you are logging in. leave http: or https: off to auto-detect $conf['settings']['image.upload.directory'] = 'Web/uploads/images'; // full or relative path to where images will be stored $conf['settings']['image.upload.url'] = 'uploads/images'; // full or relative path to show uploaded images from $conf['settings']['cache.templates'] = 'true'; // true recommended, caching template files helps web pages render faster $conf['settings']['use.local.jquery'] = 'false'; // false recommended, delivers jQuery from Google CDN, uses less bandwidth $conf['settings']['registration.captcha.enabled'] = 'false'; // recommended. unless using recaptcha this requires php_gd2 enabled in php.ini $conf['settings']['registration.require.email.activation'] = 'false'; // requires enable.email = true $conf['settings']['registration.auto.subscribe.email'] = 'false'; // requires enable.email = true $conf['settings']['registration.notify.admin'] = 'false'; // whether the registration of a new user sends an email to the admin (ala phpScheduleIt 1.2) $conf['settings']['inactivity.timeout'] = '30'; // minutes before the user is automatically logged out $conf['settings']['name.format'] = '{first} {last}'; // display format when showing user names $conf['settings']['css.extension.file'] = ''; // full or relative url to an additional css file to include. this can be used to override the default style $conf['settings']['disable.password.reset'] = 'false'; // if the password reset functionality should be disabled $conf['settings']['home.url'] = ''; // the url to open when the logo is clicked $conf['settings']['logout.url'] = ''; // the url to be directed to after logging out $conf['settings']['default.homepage'] = '1'; // the default homepage to use when new users register (1 = Dashboard, 2 = Schedule, 3 = My Calendar, 4 = Resource Calendar) $conf['settings']['schedule']['use.per.user.colors'] = 'false'; // color reservations by user $conf['settings']['schedule']['show.inaccessible.resources'] = 'true'; // whether or not resources that are inaccessible to the user are visible $conf['settings']['schedule']['reservation.label'] = '{name}'; // format for what to display on the reservation slot label. Available properties are: {name}, {title}, {description}, {email}, {phone}, {organization}, {position}, {startdate}, {enddate} {resourcename} {participants} {invitees} {reservationAttributes}. Custom attributes can be added using att with the attribute id. For example {att1} $conf['settings']['schedule']['hide.blocked.periods'] = 'false'; // if blocked periods should be hidden or shown /** * ical integration configuration */ $conf['settings']['ics']['require.login'] = 'true'; // recommended, if the user must be logged in to access ics files $conf['settings']['ics']['subscription.key'] = ''; // must be set to allow webcal subscriptions $conf['settings']['ics']['import'] = 'false'; // enable iCal import $conf['settings']['ics']['import.key'] = ''; // it's recommended to set this key when iCal import is enabled /** * Privacy configuration */ $conf['settings']['privacy']['view.schedules'] = 'false'; // if unauthenticated users can view schedules $conf['settings']['privacy']['view.reservations'] = 'false'; // if unauthenticated users can view reservations $conf['settings']['privacy']['hide.user.details'] = 'false'; // if personal user details should be displayed to non-administrators $conf['settings']['privacy']['hide.reservation.details'] = 'false'; // if reservation details should be displayed to non-administrators /** * Reservation specific configuration */ $conf['settings']['reservation']['start.time.constraint'] = 'future'; // when reservations can be created or edited. options are future, current, none $conf['settings']['reservation']['updates.require.approval'] = 'true'; // if updates to previously approved reservations require approval again $conf['settings']['reservation']['prevent.participation'] = 'false'; // if participation and invitation options should be removed $conf['settings']['reservation']['prevent.recurrence'] = 'false'; // if recurring reservations are disabled for non-administrators $conf['settings']['reservation']['enable.reminders'] = 'false'; // if reminders are enabled. this requires email to be enabled and the reminder job to be configured /** * Email notification configuration */ $conf['settings']['reservation.notify']['resource.admin.add'] = 'false'; $conf['settings']['reservation.notify']['resource.admin.update'] = 'false'; $conf['settings']['reservation.notify']['resource.admin.delete'] = 'false'; $conf['settings']['reservation.notify']['resource.admin.approval'] = 'false'; $conf['settings']['reservation.notify']['application.admin.add'] = 'false'; $conf['settings']['reservation.notify']['application.admin.update'] = 'false'; $conf['settings']['reservation.notify']['application.admin.delete'] = 'false'; $conf['settings']['reservation.notify']['application.admin.approval'] = 'false'; $conf['settings']['reservation.notify']['group.admin.add'] = 'false'; $conf['settings']['reservation.notify']['group.admin.update'] = 'false'; $conf['settings']['reservation.notify']['group.admin.delete'] = 'false'; $conf['settings']['reservation.notify']['group.admin.approval'] = 'false'; /** * File upload configuration */ $conf['settings']['uploads']['enable.reservation.attachments'] = 'false'; // if reservation attachments can be uploaded $conf['settings']['uploads']['reservation.attachment.path'] = 'uploads/reservation'; // full or relative (to the root of your installation) filesystem path to store reservation attachments $conf['settings']['uploads']['reservation.attachment.extensions'] = 'txt,jpg,gif,png,doc,docx,pdf,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx,csv'; // comma separated list of file extensions that users are allowed to attach. leave empty to allow all extensions /** * Database configuration */ $conf['settings']['database']['type'] = 'mysql'; $conf['settings']['database']['user'] = 'root'; // database user with permission to the booked database $conf['settings']['database']['password'] = ''; $conf['settings']['database']['hostspec'] = ''; // ip, dns or named pipe $conf['settings']['database']['name'] = 'bookedscheduler'; /** * Mail server configuration */ $conf['settings']['phpmailer']['mailer'] = 'smtp'; // options are 'mail', 'smtp' or 'sendmail' $conf['settings']['phpmailer']['smtp.host'] = 'smtp.company.com'; // 'smtp.company.com' $conf['settings']['phpmailer']['smtp.port'] = '2626'; $conf['settings']['phpmailer']['smtp.secure'] = ''; // options are '', 'ssl' or 'tls' $conf['settings']['phpmailer']['smtp.auth'] = 'true'; // options are 'true' or 'false' $conf['settings']['phpmailer']['smtp.username'] = ''; $conf['settings']['phpmailer']['smtp.password'] = ''; $conf['settings']['phpmailer']['sendmail.path'] = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; $conf['settings']['phpmailer']['smtp.debug'] = 'false'; /** * Plugin configuration. For more on plugins, see readme_installation.html */ $conf['settings']['plugins']['Authentication'] = ''; $conf['settings']['plugins']['Authorization'] = ''; $conf['settings']['plugins']['Permission'] = ''; $conf['settings']['plugins']['PostRegistration'] = ''; $conf['settings']['plugins']['PreReservation'] = ''; $conf['settings']['plugins']['PostReservation'] = ''; /** * Installation settings */ $conf['settings']['install.password'] = 'test'; /** * Pages */ $conf['settings']['pages']['enable.configuration'] = 'true'; /** * API */ $conf['settings']['api']['enabled'] = 'false'; /** * ReCaptcha */ $conf['settings']['recaptcha']['enabled'] = 'false'; $conf['settings']['recaptcha']['public.key'] = ''; $conf['settings']['recaptcha']['private.key'] = ''; /** * Email */ $conf['settings']['email']['default.from.address'] = ''; $conf['settings']['email']['default.from.name'] = ''; /** * Reports */ $conf['settings']['reports']['allow.all.users'] = 'false'; /** * Account Password Rules */ $conf['settings']['password']['minimum.letters'] = '6'; $conf['settings']['password']['minimum.numbers'] = '0'; $conf['settings']['password']['upper.and.lower'] = 'false'; /** * Label display settings */ $conf['settings']['reservation.labels']['ics.summary'] = '{title}'; $conf['settings']['reservation.labels']['ics.my.summary'] = '{title}'; $conf['settings']['reservation.labels']['rss.description'] = '<div><span>Start</span> {startdate}</div><div><span>End</span> {enddate}</div><div><span>Organizer</span> {name}</div><div><span>Description</span> {description}</div>'; $conf['settings']['reservation.labels']['my.calendar'] = '{resourcename} {title}'; $conf['settings']['reservation.labels']['resource.calendar'] = '{name}'; $conf['settings']['reservation.labels']['reservation.popup'] = ''; /** * Security header settings */ $conf['settings']['security']['security.headers'] = 'false'; // Enable the following options $conf['settings']['security']['security.strict-transport'] = 'true'; $conf['settings']['security']['security.x-frame'] = 'deny'; $conf['settings']['security']['security.x-xss'] = '1; mode=block'; $conf['settings']['security']['security.x-content-type'] = 'nosniff'; $conf['settings']['security']['security.content-security-policy'] = "default-src 'self'"; // Requires careful tuning (know what your doing) /** * Google Analytics settings */ $conf['settings']['google.analytics']['tracking.id'] = ''; // if set, Google Analytics tracking code will be added to every page in Booked
  4. PHP error log file shows like this Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.5.12/ext/php_ldap.dll' - The specified module could not be found. in Unknown on line 0
  5. Try this link https://docs.moodle.org/29/en/Manual_install_on_Windows_7_with_Apache_and_MySQL
  6. Hi Folks, I Installed wamp server 2.5 in my windows 7 Apache/2.4.9 (Win64) PHP/5.5.12. MySQL Version : 5.6.17 After making necessary changes in config.php. I am able to create the mysql database. I tried to login in index.php screen, even though it's successfully logged in, dashboard.php is not displaying. can anyone please help in this regard? Thanks in advance. Girish.K
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