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  1. will you please give me example please... it will be grate help for me
  2. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Q2220229 - Pivot table</title> <style> td { border-bottom: 1px solid grey; width: 10em; } </style> </head> <body> <?php // I am getting output like /* * Date |NAME | Roll_no | ATTEND ======================================== 01/02/14 |Musician | 1 | 1 01/02/14 |Leader | 2 | 1 01/02/14 |Singer | 3 | 0 08/02/14 |Musician | 4 | 0 08/02/14 |Leader | 5 | 1 08/02/14 |Singer | 6 | 1 * */ // DESIRED OUTPUT /* NEEDED sample output: * * Roll_no | NAME |01/02/14 |08/02/14 =============================== 1 |Musician | 0 | 1 2 |Leader | 1 | 1 3 | Singer | 1 | 0 */ $db = mysql_connect('localhost', 'test', 'test', 'testmysql'); // 1) Must return three columns only. // 2) Can return any number of 'roles' - one per row // 3) Any date range but beware you may need a wide page! // 4) Must sort by date! $query = mysql_query( "SELECT date, attend, name FROM atten ORDER BY date ASC, name ASC"); // i prefer to used named subscripts to make the code easier to read. // These MUST match up with column alias from the above query! define('THE_DATE', 'date'); // !important define('name', 'name'); // !imortant define('attend', 'attend'); // !important /* * Now, we need a complete array of Roles in the order that they are to be displayed. * * These names must match with the names of the roles in the input data. * They will be printed out in the order that they appear in the array. * * These are the only roles that will appear in the $outputDates array. * Add more and in any order to control which 'roles' are shown. * */ $allRoles = array('student1', 'student5', 'student6', 'student2' ); // !important /* * At some point we will need an output array that we can easily traverse and * print out as a row of dates. i.e. a 'page' of data. * * We will build it up as we go along... */ $outputDates = array(); // !important -- this is the 'pivoted' output array /* * Start to process the input data. * * To make my life easier, i will use the 'read ahead' technique to simplify the code. */ $currentInputRow = mysql_fetch_array($query); while (isset($currentInputRow[THE_DATE])) { // process all the input array... // must be a new day... $currentDay = $currentInputRow[THE_DATE]; // create an array to hold ALL the possible roles for this day... $theDayRoles = array(); // initialise the array with default values for all the requested roles. foreach ($allRoles as $name) { $theDayRoles[$name] = '--'; } // now we need to fill theDayRoles with what we actually have for the current day... while ($currentInputRow[THE_DATE] == $currentDay) { // loop around all records for the current day // set the appropiate DayRole to the current ATTEND $theDayRoles[$currentInputRow[name]] = $currentInputRow[attend]; // read the next input row - may be current day, new day or no more $currentInputRow = mysql_fetch_array($query); } // end of day on the input for whatever reason... /* we now have: * 1) Current Date * * 2) an array of members for ALL the roles on that day. * * We need to output it to another array ($outputDates) where we can print it out * by scanning the array line by line later. * * I will 'pivot' the array and produce an output array we can scan sequentially later. */ // to ensure that we are updating the correct $outputDates row i will use a subscript $currentOutputRowIdx = 0; // first add the current date to the output... $outputDates[$currentOutputRowIdx][] = $currentDay; $currentOutputRowIdx++; // next output row // we need to drive off the '$allRoles' array to add the name data in the correct order foreach ($allRoles as $outRole) { $outputDates[$currentOutputRowIdx][] = $theDayRoles[$outRole]; $currentOutputRowIdx++; // next output row } } // end of all the input data /* * Now we just need to print the outputDates array one row at a time... */ // need the roles as the first column... // so we need an index for which one we are currently printing $currentRoleIdx = -1; // increment each time but allow for the first row being the title 'Roles' echo '<table>'; foreach ($outputDates as $oneOutputRow) { echo '<tr>'; // this is the first column... if ($currentRoleIdx < 0) { echo '<td>'. 'NAME' .'</td>'; } else { echo '<td>'. $allRoles[$currentRoleIdx] .'</td>'; } // now output the day info foreach($oneOutputRow as $column) { echo '<td>'. $column .'</td>'; } echo '</tr>'; $currentRoleIdx++; // next output name to show... } echo '</table>'; ?> </body> </html> Thanks Barand sir for quick reply.. Sir here is my code for same problem but i have a issue please guide me little in line no: 66 how can i take dynamic array.. Thank you in advance please help me out
  3. i do not know why but I am getting ERROR: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '$sql' (T_VARIABLE) in C:\xampp\htdocs\att\creating_column\final3.php on line 3. Its in select query statement.. please help thanks
  4. I want to do it with PHP .. thanks
  5. PLEASE help................ // I am getting output like /* * Date |NAME | Roll_no | ATTEND ======================================== 01/02/14 |Musician | 1 | 1 01/02/14 |Leader | 2 | 1 01/02/14 |Singer | 3 | 0 08/02/14 |Musician | 4 | 0 08/02/14 |Leader | 5 | 1 08/02/14 |Singer | 6 | 1 * */ /* NEEDED sample output: * * Roll_no | NAME |01/02/14 |08/02/14 =============================== 1 |Musician | 0 | 1 2 |Leader | 1 | 1 3 | Singer | 1 | 0 */ here is my code -- { <?php include('config.php'); $sql = ("SELECT roll_no,attend,date from atten ") ; $q1 = mysql_query($sql) or die("could not search!"); echo "<table border='1'>"; echo "<tr> <td>roll_no </td> <td> attendance</td> <td> Date </td> </tr>" ; while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($q1)) { echo "<tr> <td>". $row['roll_no'] ." </td> <td>". $row['attend'] ." </td> <td>". $row['date'] ." </td> </tr>"; } echo "</table>"; ?> }
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