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Everything posted by Jewbilee

  1. projectshifter thats exactly what I want.. how do i use mod_rewrtie?
  2. Hey guys, I need a little help with this.. everyone knows when you create a myspace, its makes your url something like this: www.myspace.com/usernamehere what I want to know is how to do the /usernamehere part... Is it just creating a seperate folder and adding files or what?
  3. Not related to php but, where did all of my posts go. Im down to 13 when I was at around 50 yesterday. Just wondering what happened
  4. you have to stop posting so many different threads, your pushing the threads that others have way down farther the more posts you make. It is not fair to the others. If you have multiple questions, especially ones as basic as these, you should combine them into one large post
  5. my only suggestion would be to not load to much onto yourself. Id say the perfect the mix for web design for me is HTML/CSS/PHP/MySQL. I know nothing about javascript or any other scripting languages but the named 4 work perfectly for me and I've done some pretty good stuff within the past few months. I would recommend starting small. Yes, smaller than a clone of a fully functional large site. It will be worth it in the long run
  6. yea, basically, create a mysql database that you can hold the video source as well as the id number and any other info you want display.. then in the playvideo.php or whatever, have it called everything like title, source, or whatever. to have it call a certain video create a link like this.. [a href=\"http://www.whatever.com/playvideo.php?id=5\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.whatever.com/playvideo.php?id=5[/a] then do $id = $_GET['id'] use mysql to call all the video files with the id of 5 obviously only 1 of them should have 5 so then you just display all the information that it has.
  7. [code] <? include("db_connect.php"); if($change == "yes") {   $col = $collected++;   mysql_query("UPDATE `$map` SET piece='yes' WHERE User='$user'");   mysql_query("UPDATE `$map` SET Collected='$col' WHERE User='$user'");   echo "You're map pieces for <b>$map</b> have been updated."; } ?> [/code] you needed to get rid of the $ next to $piece in your original leaving just piece. that should do it. and you could also join those two statements together like this [code]   mysql_query("UPDATE `$map` SET piece='yes' and Collected='$col' WHERE User='$user'"); [/code] that should work for you.
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