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  1. I found a way: http://www.css-zibaldone.com/articoli/i-contenuti-generati-in-dettaglio/esempio10.html But doesnt run with IE 6
  2. Greetings, just a question. with <ol> i can Increment number with <li> But if I want a list like 1.1, 1.2, 1.3... what have I to use?
  3. Update: the problem is pretty different. The client-side run run then server-side is done... So i need to find any function that can empty buffer or .... anything else donno if it's php or js
  4. Hi everyone! I'm trying to make a script like this schema: 1) ...start... 2) change text value with "loading...." 3) execute operations 4) change text value with "done!" 5) ...end... Problem: does not execute the number "2" or did it so fast that feel unseeable This the easy code: parent.document.getElementById('BUT01').value='ELABORAZIONE... '; <? sleep(2);?> parent.document.getElementById('BUT01').value='FINITO'; what I can Try? P.S. Sleep(2) is like an elaboration of 2 seconds P.S.2. I call "parent" 'cause the execution is in a iframe
  5. Greetings, another questiona about <select> Is it possible to make something like this? I mean a uniqui option on 2 rows (like <br>...)
  6. I already tried it It run with FF but not with IE6 <html><body> <select name="se"> <option value="">----</option> <option value="15" title="FULL TEXT">bla bla bla</option> <option value="25" title="FULL TEXT">bla bla bla</option> <option value="35" title="FULL TEXT">bla bla bla</option> <option value="45" title="FULL TEXT">bla bla bla</option> </select> </body></html>
  7. I think you didn't got the target The problem is not the size the problem is that I Have to let visible all the description. But if it's too long i need to cut it but, on option mouseover, let see the entire description (as a "title" or "alt") Hope my english is enaugh understandable to explane
  8. Greetings everyone! I post here 'cause i think the solution is more "css" than "html" I've a <select> with some <option> Many <option> have long description. Example: <selece name=sel> <option value=10>long description here long description here long description here long description here </option> <option value=13>long description here long description here long description here long description here </option> </select> I NEED to show each description, but too long to see in the <option> (too big for page). Actually I cut the description with PHP at 80 chars. Is there a way to show, e.g., as "ALT" for image ? Or any other tricks? Thanks in advance!
  9. Example : on a php page I see in the code <form name="form1" method="post" action=""> <div align="center"> <input name="pw" type="text" size="80"> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Calcola MD5"> </div> </form> <? if ($_POST['pw']) { echo md5($_POST['pw']); } ?> [c/ode]
  10. This happens on server. Installing wamp on pc, i see php code not executed
  11. I've installed WAMP to make it easy When I try access a file, this is the error log: [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: E:/web/phinfo.php what i can do?
  12. Finally I decided to installa appserv, the all-in-one tool now feel better... BUT Php code is not executed and i can see php code any place to fix?
  13. Greetings guys i'm installing php5 with apache 2 on server... Problem 1 : with normal configuration, php files not run, but proposed to download Problem 2 : with upgrade configuration for php5(see below) , php files not run. I've tried to fix in this way with httpd.conf... but doesnt run Listen ... LoadModule php5_module C:/Programmi/php/php5apache2.dll ... AddType application/x-httpd-php .php AddType application/x-httpd-php .htm what i can check to fix php5 run correctly?
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