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Posts posted by Gaia

  1. The PHP mail() function is what you are looking for [a href=\"http://ca3.php.net/manual/en/ref.mail.php\" target=\"_blank\"]http://ca3.php.net/manual/en/ref.mail.php[/a]

    Just integrate the mail() function in your sendfeedback.php file and it will still display the message.
  2. You may want to take a look at the mail() function.

    [a href=\"http://ca3.php.net/manual/en/ref.mail.php\" target=\"_blank\"]http://ca3.php.net/manual/en/ref.mail.php[/a]
  3. Thanks, but i'd rather learn how to do it myself and create my own function/class. Do you remember any of the resources/tutorials you used that helped you create your object?

    Thanks ^_^
  4. hi,

    I want to be able to export some data from a mySQL table to a rss file ( .rss ). So basically i want to create a .rss file for syndication on other websites.

    How can you do that via PHP? If anyone can get me started or point me to a resource/tutorial or a section in the PHP Manual that discusses this?

  5. Well, with the code you have right there, it's not outputting anything, you've just saved the mySQL result to a variable...

    You need to remove the $result = part..

    mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

    Since you just want to update there's no need to save the result in a variable.
  6. Are you sure?

    page.php?action=delete is the form action, meaning it will go to that url correct?

    So, wouldn't you just have to check if ?action=delete is attached to the URL?
  7. Exactly.

    When you retrieve the data, it would be like 1,12,34...when you explode it, it will end up in an array.

    $foo = array (
        [0] => 1,
        [1] => 12,
        [2] => 34

    Then with the in_array function you just wrap an if statement around it.

    if ( in_array('1',$foo) ) {
        echo '1 was found in the array';
    } else {
        echo '1 was not found in the array';

    Hope that helps some :).

    [i]EDIT[/i]: And yea, as Xeno said, you could create a new MySQL table listing the permissions and do it from a MySQL perspective.
  8. You could probably do something like seperate them with comma's (make sure the table type is set to text) then use the explode() function in PHP to put them in an array then use the in_array() function with an if statement?

    Not sure if that's the direction you're wanting to go or not.
  9. Yes, that would work. That's basically what it is used for, using variables that were initiated outside of a function, inside a function.

    If that makes any sense :p

    I'm sure someone else can add some more to my try at answering your question.
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