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Everything posted by rendezvous123

  1. Hah, nevermind. I did not know there was a "switch" function already. I changed names and everything works now. :)
  2. This is what i currently have for the JavaScript script. [code]function switch(id, id2, id3){ if (document.getElementById){ var obj = document.getElementById(id); var obj2 = document.getElementById(id2); var obj3 = document.getElementById(id3); if (obj2.style.display == "none") { obj.value = "Switch to Content Mode"; obj2.style.display = "block"; obj3.style.display = "none"; } else { obj.value = "Switch to Shout Mode"; obj2.style.display = "none"; obj3.style.display = "block"; } } }[/code] I've been trying to test it using this: [code]<input id="displayer" type="button" value="Switch to Shout Mode" onclick="switch('displayer', 'n1', 'n2')"/> <div id="n1" style="display: none;">Shout!</div> <div id="n2">Content!</div>[/code] When i click on the button, i want the button's value to change, and the display of both DIV elements to switch. But whenever i click the button, nothing happens. I can't see anything wrong with the script.  But, then again, i'm not a JavaScript person. Any help would be appreciated. :D
  3. Nevermind! I figured out how. I needed to negate a character. All works fine, now. :D
  4. Here's what i'm having trouble with: [code]$shout = ereg_replace('\\[color="(.*)"\\](.*)\\[/color\\]', '<font color="\\1">\\2</font>', $shout);[/code] When, i test it, it works fine, until, another instance of it is found on the same line. I submit this: [code][color="blue"]text[/color][/code]It brings back this: [code]<font color="blue">text</font>[/code] But, when I submit this: [code][color="blue"]text[/color][color="blue"]text[/color][/code]It brings back this: [code]<font color="blue"]stuff[/color][color="blue">stuff</font>[/code] [b]How can i make it to bring back this?:[/b] [code]<font color="blue">text</font><font color="blue">text</font>[/code] I've tried many things, but failed to get what i want...
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