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Everything posted by lemaster777

  1. Uhg.. Ok, learning more as I go. If I just switch the $y=$b2 - $a2; around to $y = $a2 - $b2; then it works. I can not thank you enough for helping me muddle through this. Not having access to the original authors source code for webservice api and other portions of this site, combined with my lack of php knowledge is making this a great adventure. Thanks again.
  2. Ok, here is where I stand, and I think I am over the initial roadblock. 1. I have the simplexml into an array. This is working. $sortable = array(); foreach ($table as $case) { $sortable[]=$case; } usort($sortable, function($a, b$) { //I DID THIS TO TEST. The sort was not seeing the $a, $b as a string //so I did the following $test1 = (string)$a->DOCKETID; // This got me just the element we want to sort on $test2 = (string)$b->DOCKETID; // This got me just the element we want to sort on list($a1, $a2, $a3) = splitParts($test1); // Calling the function you provided below list($b1, $b2, $b3) = splitParts($test2); $x = strcmp($a1, $b1); if ($x == 0) { $y = $b2 - $a2; if ($y == 0) { return $b3 - $a3; } return $y; } return $x; }); function splitParts($s) { $k = strlen($s); $a = ['','','']; $i = 0; $p = 0; while ($i < $k) { $c = $s[$i++]; if (ctype_digit($c) && $p==0) $p = 1; if ($c=='-') { $c = $s[$i++]; ++$p; } $a[$p] .= $c; } return $a; } NOW - The last piece of my confusion. The results we want this time are as below. The original sort is what we wanted in my initial request, and that worked great. The piece I'm stuck on now is to sort differently, as below. What we want: CP2015-75 CP2015-76 CP2015-86 CP2015-93 CP2015-102 CP2015-106 CP2015-114 CP2016-3 CP2016-237 CP2016-238 CP2016-241 CP2016-242 CP2016-246 MC2016-164 MC2016-167 What we are getting: CP2016-246 CP2016-242 CP2016-241 CP2016-238 CP2016-237 CP2016-3 CP2015-114 CP2015-106 CP2015-102 CP2015-93 CP2015-86 CP2015-76 CP2015-75 MC2016-167 MC2016-164
  3. If I just call the webservice that is supposed to generate the XML, attached is the XML RAW results, but not from the functions I presented. GetDailyListingSummary.xml
  4. I know this is a pain, but I did the following: $result->GetDailyListingSummaryResult->any and I did a var_dump($result) Here it is attached, just a long string.... VarDumpResult.txt
  5. This is what the API they have is returning. It returns object from simplexml. That's all I can give you, below is the function that generates this: function GetDailyListingSummary($filterdate) { //ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enable', '0'); $x = new SoapClient(variable_get('prcwebservice'),variable_get('soapauth')); // make an API call and get data $result = $x->GetDailyListingSummary(array('docDate'=>$filterdate)); // Interpret the XML response $apiresult = simplexml_load_string($result->GetDailyListingSummaryResult->any); $dockets = $apiresult->DailyListingSummary->DailyListingData; return $dockets; }
  6. Ok, first---- Thanks for all the help. Second, I have the following: I get the data into an array and then apply your function. I must need to sort or pass in one of the array columns. I do not get an error, but I also do not get the result. $table should contain the data from XML. I then put it into an Array and apply the function: foreach($table as $case) { $sortable[] = $case; } var_dump($sortable); 'I HAVE ATTACHED THE RESULTS TO THIS usort($sortable,function($a,$b) { list($a1, $a2, $a3) = splitParts($a); list($b1, $b2, $b3) = splitParts($b); $x = strcmp($a1, $b1); if ($x == 0) { $y = $b2 - $a2; if ($y == 0) { return $b3 - $a3; } return $y; } return $x; }); 'NOW I LOOP THROUGH $sortable to display results foreach($sortable as $case) { 'write out results to a table......... } DailyVarDump.txt
  7. The file I posted earlier is all I have, the simple_xml is coming from someone else's compiled call to a database. Longer sigh...
  8. My issue is with getting xml into an array now..
  9. http://php.net/manual/en/book.simplexml.php
  10. I'm with you on that... I'm thinking it can somehow be loaded into a regular array, sorted and then used as normal.
  11. Ok, this all worked in the area I needed. Thank you endlessly for that. Now I have another section of code, that does not seem to work. It is the same principle but the code runs elsewhere. When I place your function in the code, it fails. This is must be inline php issue or something. Attached is the var_dump and var_export of the data. It must be something different, as I can not seem to get the code to work on this data set. Array-Sample2-varExport.txt Array-Sample2-varDump.txt
  12. I just had wrong code in wrong place.
  13. Ok, as I said, I am new to PHP. I had to move the function you provided out of the function I placed it in. Working now. Let me look at results in a few places and confirm.
  14. Attached is the full set of code. Must be something wrong is the syntax on my end. Fill-ID.txt
  15. Something must be wrong in syntax, nothing comes up.
  16. This is a weird sort. The first set of letters would be A to Z. The next set of numbers would be from high to low in natural sort. Then anything after the dash would be natural sort, high to low. AC2009-1 ACR2016-10 ACR2016-9 etc....
  17. My bad, attached is var_export(array$); Array-Sample-Var_Export.txt
  18. Attached is a text file with all values from array. Array-Sample.txt
  19. The original array has 2000 values. What is best way to post?
  20. Array ( [0] => R2016-6 [1] => R2016-5 [2] => R2016-4 [3] => R2016-3 [4] => R2016-2 [5] => R2016-1 [6] => R2015-6 [7] => R2015-5 [8] => R2015-4 [9] => R2015-3 [10] => R2015-2 [11] => R2015-1 [12] => R2014-7 [13] => R2014-6 [14] => R2014-5 [15] => R2014-4 [16] => R2014-3 [17] => R2014-2 [18] => R2014-1 [19] => R2013-11 [20] => R2013-10 [21] => R2013-9 [22] => R2013-8 [23] => R2013-7 [24] => R2013-6 [25] => R2013-5 [26] => R2013-4 [27] => R2013-3 [28] => R2013-2 [29] => R2013-1 [30] => R2012-9 [31] => R2012-8 [32] => R2012-7 [33] => R2012-6 [34] => R2012-5 [35] => R2012-4 [36] => R2012-3 [37] => R2012-2 [38] => R2012-1 [39] => R2011-7 [40] => R2011-6 [41] => R2011-5 [42] => R2011-4 [43] => R2011-3 [44] => R2011-2 [45] => R2011-1 [46] => R2010-6 [47] => R2010-5 [48] => R2010-4 [49] => R2010-3 [50] => R2010-2 [51] => R2010-1 [52] => R2009-5 [53] => R2009-4 [54] => R2009-3 [55] => R2009-2 [56] => R2009-1 [57] => R2008-1 [58] => R2006-1 ..... [1055] => A2010-3 [1056] => A2010-2 [1057] => A2010-1 [1058] => A2009-1 [1059] => A2007-1 [1060] => A2006-1 [1061] => A2003-1 [1062] => A2000-1 [1063] => A99-1 [1064] => A98-1 [1065] => N2014-1 [1066] => N2012-2 [1067] => N2012-1 [1068] => N2011-1 [1069] => N2010-1 [1070] => N2009-1 [1071] => N2006-1 [1072] => SS2010-1 [1073] => IM2006-1 [1074] => IM2005-1 [1075] => IM2004-1 [1076] => IM2003-1 [1077] => *2003 [1078] => IM2002-1 [1079] => IM2001-1 [1080] => IM2000-1 [1081] => IM99-1 [1082] => PL105/277 [1083] => PI2016-3 [1084] => PI2016-2 [1085] => PI2016-1 [1086] => PI2015-1 [1087] => PI2014-1 [1088] => PI2013-1 [1089] => PI2012-1 [1090] => PI2010-3 [1091] => PI2010-2 [1092] => PI2010-1 [1093] => PI2009-1 [1094] => PI2008-4 [1095] => PI2008-3 [1096] => PI2008-2 [1097] => PI2008-1 [1098] => PI2007-1 [1099] => ACR2015 [1100] => ACR2014 [1101] => ACR2013 [1102] => ACR2012 [1103] => ACR2011 [1104] => ACR2010 [1105] => ACR2009 [1106] => ACR2008 [1107] => ACR2007 [1108] => CP2016-249 [1109] => CP2016-248 [1110] => CP2016-247 [1111] => CP2016-246 [1112] => CP2016-245 [1113] => CP2016-244 [1114] => CP2016-243 [1115] => CP2016-242 [1116] => CP2016-241 [1117] => CP2016-240 Ok, I tried what you have, and I get a different result. Let me see if I can explain a little better. The Array will have a pattern as such: AAA = 1 or more Letters XXXX = 1 or more numbers - = Possible Dash YYYY = 1 or more numbers and/or letters. I am trying to sort as such: AAA (1 or more letters) from A to Z. XXXX (1 or more numbers) from highest to lowest, natsort. - (May or may not be there) YYYY (Remainder of the text) would is mostly numbers. Here is a better Array which is what I have before I sort using your suggestion:
  21. Your Result Needed Result A98-1 A2010-10 A99-1 A2010-9 A2000-1 A2010-8 A2003-1 A2010-7 A2006-1 A2010-6 A2007-1 A2010-5 A2009-1 A2010-4 A2010-10 A2010-3 A2010-9 A2010-2 A2010-8 A2010-1 A2010-7 A2009-1 A2010-6 A2007-1 A2010-5 A2006-1 A2010-4 A2003-1 A2010-3 A2000-1 A2010-2 A99-1 A2010-1 A98-1 Thanks again, my second question was answered. Now back to the first question on natsort. I thought the solution you provided fixed my issue, but after deeper look this is situation: Left column is what the solution you provided creates, Right column is what I am trying to do. Is it possible to sort the left side of the dash A to Z then numbers high to low natsort, and then right of dash natsort descending (10-1).
  22. $TABLE Should contain a list of XML elements like below. I did a print_r($TABLE) to see this result: SimpleXMLElement Object ( [DOCID] => 96629 [DATERECD] => 2016-07-14T00:00:00-04:00 [DOCTITLE] => This is title of file [FILEID] => CP2015-106 ) The $TABLE should have various rows, and then we do following: <?php foreach($TABLE as $CASE) $file_id = $CASE->FILEID; { ?> <tr> <td><a href="/file/showfile/<?php echo $file_id; ?></a></td> </tr> <?php } ?> Which produces table like below: CP2015-106 CP2015-83 CP2015-93 What I need is same sort you provided before: CP2015-106 CP2015-93 CP2015-83 Can this be done just like example you provided? I need to get the FILEID out of the SimpleXML rows and do the sort. Thoughts on this? I have one other issue in another area.
  23. I am trying to read data from an XML file that I do not control, which contains FileID's. I need to present a dropdown box which sorts these as below: What I have What I get with natsort($filelist_array); What I want (loaded into a dropdown box) <FILEID>A2011-1</FILEID> A2011-1 A2011-16 <FILEID>A2011-10</FILEID> A2011-2 A2011-15 <FILEID>A2011-11</FILEID> A2011-3 A2011-14 <FILEID>A2011-12</FILEID> A2011-4 A2011-13 <FILEID>A2011-13</FILEID> A2011-5 A2011-12 <FILEID>A2011-14</FILEID> A2011-6 A2011-11 <FILEID>A2011-15</FILEID> A2011-7 A2011-10 <FILEID>A2011-16</FILEID> A2011-8 A2011-9 <FILEID>A2011-2</FILEID> A2011-9 A2011-8 <FILEID>A2011-3</FILEID> A2011-10 A2011-7 <FILEID>A2011-4</FILEID> A2011-11 A2011-6 <FILEID>A2011-5</FILEID> A2011-12 A2011-5 <FILEID>A2011-6</FILEID> A2011-13 A2011-4 <FILEID>A2011-7</FILEID> A2011-14 A2011-3 <FILEID>A2011-8</FILEID> A2011-15 A2011-2 <FILEID>A2011-9</FILEID> A2011-16 A2011-1 <FILEID>CP2015-102 </FILEID> CP2015-75 CP2015-114 <FILEID>CP2015-106 </FILEID> CP2015-76 CP2015-106 <FILEID>CP2015-114 </FILEID> CP2015-86 CP2015-102 <FILEID>CP2015-75 </FILEID> CP2015-93 CP2015-93 <FILEID>CP2015-76 </FILEID> CP2015-102 CP2015-86 <FILEID>CP2015-86 </FILEID> CP2015-106 CP2015-76 <FILEID>CP2015-93 </FILEID> CP2015-114 CP2015-75 <FILEID>CP2016-237 </FILEID> CP2016-3 CP2016-246 <FILEID>CP2016-238 </FILEID> CP2016-237 CP2016-242 <FILEID>CP2016-241 </FILEID> CP2016-238 CP2016-241 <FILEID>CP2016-242 </FILEID> CP2016-241 CP2016-238 <FILEID>CP2016-246 </FILEID> CP2016-242 CP2016-237 <FILEID>CP2016-3 </FILEID> CP2016-246 CP2016-3 <FILEID>MC2016-164 </FILEID> MC2016-164 MC2016-167 <FILEID>MC2016-167 </FILEID> MC2016-167 MC2016-164 I load the XML file into an array as such: $FILEID = $xml->xpath('FileNOEventsDataSet/FileNOEventsData/FILEID'); $FIRST_NAT_SORT = array(); foreach ($FILEID as $node){ $FIRST_NAT_SORT[]=(string)$node[0]; } natsort($FIRST_NAT_SORT); foreach ($FIRST_NAT_SORT as $NEWFILEID){ $html .="<option value'".$NEWFILEID."' >".$NEWFILEID."</option>"; } This results in normal natsort result in the select box. What I want is column 3 above, which sorts by everything to the left of the 'dash' alphabetically, and everything to the right of the dash descending. I think I can do an explode on the $node[0], such as: $SECOND_NAT_SORT = array(); $second_nat_sort = explode("-",$node[0]); which results in $second_nat_sort[0] = 'A2001' and $second_nat_sort[1]='16' I then try to do a multiarraysort, but I am lost at this point. Above my skill level. I am extremely novice, so bear with me.
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