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Everything posted by Brian_15

  1. Need help with modifying current code to work with en_US instead of en-US and so on. <?php // Languages we support // $available_languages = array("en", "en-us"); # old $available_languages = array("en", "en_US"); # new $default_language = "en"; // a default language to fall back to in case there's no match function prefered_language($available_languages, $http_accept_language) { global $default_language; $available_languages = array_flip($available_languages); $langs = array(); preg_match_all('~([\w-]+)(?:[^,\d]+([\d.]+))?~', $http_accept_language, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach($matches as $match) { list($a, $b) = explode('-', $match[1]) + array('', ''); $value = isset($match[2]) ? (float) $match[2] : 1.0; if(isset($available_languages[$match[1]])) { $langs[$match[1]] = $value; continue; } if(isset($available_languages[$a])) { $langs[$a] = $value - 0.1; } } if($langs) { arsort($langs); return key($langs); // We don't need the whole array of choices since we have a match } else { return $default_language; } } $lang = prefered_language($available_languages, $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]); print "<h3>Site available in:</h3><pre>"; print_r($available_languages); print "</pre>\n<h3>Browser supported languages:</h3><pre>"; print_r(explode(',', $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"])); print "</pre>\n<h3>site will display in: <em>".$lang."</em></h3>"; ?>
  2. Now its woking <?php class Time_zone { protected $regions = array( 'Africa' => DateTimeZone::AFRICA, 'America' => DateTimeZone::AMERICA, 'Antarctica' => DateTimeZone::ANTARCTICA, 'Artic' => DateTimeZone::ARCTIC, 'Asia' => DateTimeZone::ASIA, 'Atlantic' => DateTimeZone::ATLANTIC, 'Australia' => DateTimeZone::AUSTRALIA, 'Europe' => DateTimeZone::EUROPE, 'Indian' => DateTimeZone::INDIAN, 'Pacific' => DateTimeZone::PACIFIC ); public function get_list() { $time_zones = array(); foreach ($this->regions as $name => $mask) { foreach(DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers($mask) as $time_zone) { $time_zones[$name][$time_zone] = '[UTC/GMT ' . $this->get_offset($time_zone) . '] ' . $time_zone; } } return $time_zones; } protected function get_offset($time_zone) { $_tz = new DateTimeZone($time_zone); $_dt = new DateTime('now', $_tz); return $_dt->format('P'); } } <?php $time_zone = new Time_zone(); ?> <select> <?php foreach($time_zone->get_list() as $region => $list) { ?> <optgroup label="<?=$region?>"> <?php foreach($list as $time_zone => $name) { ?> <option value="<?=$time_zone?>"><?=$name?></option> <?php } ?> </optgroup> <?php } ?> </select> Output <select> <optgroup label="Africa"> <option value="Africa/Abidjan">[UTC/GMT +00:00] Africa/Abidjan</option> <option value="Africa/Accra">[UTC/GMT +00:00] Africa/Accra</option> ................................... </optgroup> <optgroup label="America"> <option value="America/Adak">[UTC/GMT -09:00] America/Adak</option> <option value="America/Anchorage">[UTC/GMT -08:00] America/Anchorage</option> ...................................
  3. Testing code $time_zone = new Time_zone(); ?> <select> <?php foreach($time_zone->generate_list() as $region => $list) { ?> <optgroup label="<?=$region?>"> <?php foreach($list as $name) { ?> <option value="<?=$name?>"><?=$name?></option> <?php } ?> </optgroup> <?php } ?> </select> Current output <option value="[UTC/GMT +00:00] Africa/Abidjan">[UTC/GMT +00:00] Africa/Abidjan</option> Expected output <option value="Africa/Abidjan">[UTC/GMT +00:00] Africa/Abidjan</option>
  4. How do improve this class to output offset like + 02:00, - 02:00 What i want to achieve is this output: [ UTC/GMT - 11:00 ] - Timezone name class Time_zone { private $regions = array( 'Africa' => DateTimeZone::AFRICA, 'America' => DateTimeZone::AMERICA, 'Antarctica' => DateTimeZone::ANTARCTICA, 'Artic' => DateTimeZone::ARCTIC, 'Asia' => DateTimeZone::ASIA, 'Atlantic' => DateTimeZone::ATLANTIC, 'Australia' => DateTimeZone::AUSTRALIA, 'Europe' => DateTimeZone::EUROPE, 'Indian' => DateTimeZone::INDIAN, 'Pacific' => DateTimeZone::PACIFIC ); public function generate_list() { $time_zones = array(); foreach ($this->regions as $name => $mask) { $time_zones[$name] = DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers($mask); } return $time_zones; } } $tz = new Time_zone(); ?> <pre><?=print_r($tz->generate_list());?></pre>
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