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Everything posted by shiningtor

  1. Hi I agree. But the risk is low because I have backups of my systems and could reinstate any of my sites in a few minutes. Thanks shiningtor
  2. Hi. The WordPress sites I use the php-execution-plugin on are completely closed systems. Only I have access to them. How is this plugin insecure? I can see that this plugin would be insecure if I allowed commenting and users to add page etc. But I don't. Thanks shiningtor
  3. I'm trying repair a WordPress plugin called 'php-execution' to run in php 7 and in the latest WordPress software. This error is displayed: 'preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead'. So I've tried to convert the following code to use preg_replace_callback without much luck. if(wp_default_editor() != 'html') { $content = preg_replace ( '#<\?php([\s\S]*?)\?>#ie', '\'<img src="\' . PHP_EXECUTION_BASE_URL . \'/assets/trans.gif" class="mceWpPHP mceItemNoResize" title="php" alt="\' . base64_encode(stripslashes(\'\\0\')) . \'" />\'', $content ); } return $content; } Can anyone help me to convert preg_replace to preg_replace_callback? Thanks shiningtor
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