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  1. What I want to achieve: 1. User pastes around ~50 rows of data into a textarea which looks something like this: aosijpoaspo4koas4 aso4kaps4kaso4pas 4asp4sak,as4aposk4paos paosk4poas,asas4as4aspkoå4as as4kopasap sk4poask45 4k4 4 4 rkop43kr p4 ¤p 43kpo4 kp¤PO k4 4pw ok4 ,4ok po4w , 4opkrpo4rp4o 2. I want to remove all lines that does NOT contain a comma, this should be fairly easy by first exploding the string with \n as separator and make it become and array (which I have done in my code) 3. Then I want to print out all the lines which has a comma. I am stuck here and my head spins a lot because of all this thinking. Does it mean I am stupid? This is very hard for me. First problem is that I can't check the length of an array with strlen so that's where I am currently stuck... if(isset($_POST['usernames'])) { $str = $_POST['usernames']; //Explode $str to an array, each line separated by line breaks \n $arr = explode("\n", $str); //If row contains "," add it to an array and print it for ($x = 0; $x < strlen($arr); $x++) { if (preg_match('/,/',$arr[$x])) { echo $arr[$x] . "<br>"; } } } Yep I got a spelling error in the title but I can't change it...
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