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Everything posted by marker5a

  1. i personally got a kick out of it... its a good forum to post it.
  2. Yea, what happened is... he was swimming near a stingray and I guess the stingray was somewhat cornered by Steve and the cameraman and felt intimitated.  He reacted by thrusting his tail into his chest and heart, causing the cardiac arrest.  Enough said...
  3. No matter how ridiculous this guy seemed on TV... Steve Irwin was truly close to nature and appreciated the things that other people would be scared of and un-hesitant to kill.  Steve Irwin was a true man of nature and will be missed.  RIP and god bless Steve Irwin and his family...
  4. Sorry, since you are limiting to 1 row, go with what extrovertive said, but be sure to check out MySQL's page for help on that kinda stuff, they are very in depth with it.
  5. Ahhhhhhh, yes...  place this after your order by statement in the query... [code] LIMIT OFFSET offest_row [/code] http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/select.html
  6. Yea, I understand what you are saying now... instead of these links on the left changing the page  (corpo_mission.php, corpo_history.php, etc...) you want to only change the text. This cannot all be done with PHP.  You will need to change the hyperlinks to call a javscript function that changes the text in that box.  However, within this Javascript function you create, you will need to use PHP to pull the data from the DB. I cannot help you easily with the javascript aspect... I would post this in the Javascript help forum.
  7. I was faced with this dilemna a long time ago... put in an 'id' field in MySQL (assuming you meant you want to only pull a row from MySQL DB) Call the query [code] $query = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM `table_name` WHERE id = 'some id'" ); [/code] Let us know if that helps
  8. Looks about as simple as it can get... cant you just change the timeout time in the ini file?
  9. It sounds like to me you are talking about implementing Javascript... but your question is not quite to clear.  COuld explain in clearer terms what you want... Thanks
  10. I believe that the path you are going to upload it to has to include also the file name. [code] // Where the file is going to be placed $target_path = "images/image_name.jpg"; [/code] Hope it helps
  11. The first step is to get the websites html code and read that into a string.  I would imagine Dell would have some kind of template the follow per product page, so you could weed through the unneccessary code and find the exact text in the page you want.  All of this is done using the preg_match() function.  Thats the basic synopsis... if you are unfamiliar with patterns in PHP, I would read up on it... I wouldnt mind helping you out with it.  Anyways, let me know if this helps you out at all.
  12. Well If you incorprate sessions into your login.php, it would work the same exact way as htaccess would work, except htaccess has that stupid popup window.  With login.php using sessions, you can customize your login page as well. Marker5a
  13. Whenever I do an admin script, I create a login.php script that authorizes a user.  I use login.php so I can distinguish between user's and their access levels as admins.  Some admins will have more control over the admin section than others.  This is helpful if you have several admins on your website, but you want to limit them to what they can do.  The way to implement this is to include the login script in every file in the admin folder and the admin/templates folder as well.  Also, you can just place htaccess files in the admin directories, giving a simpler way of restricting access.  PM me if you would like help developing a login.php script, I would be more than happy to help you out. Marker5a
  14. print_r($array) works great for me or... You could also do foreach($array as $value) { echo "$value, "; }
  15. OK I think I have an idea, but pay close attention its sort of complicated. Setup an auto_increment field, not to tell what number row it is, but just to serve as a unique value to the row. Then, when you pull a row from the database, to find out what row it is, you would find out how many rows there are up to that record. So, you would run another query as follows $number_record=mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE id<=$row_id")); the id field is the auto_increment, andthe $row_id variable needs to be populated with the id from the row you are pulling. Hope this helps you Chris
  16. I ran your command on my server and got no error, so I dumped the table from my server and came up with this query: CREATE TABLE `bugs` ( `bugid` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment, `memberid` bigint(20) default NULL, `bugtext` text, `type` int(11) default NULL, `bugdate` date default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`bugid`) ) TYPE=MyISAM Give that a shot, and let us know how it works Chris
  17. Hey Its hard to tell what you have given us for information, and the question is a little unclear, could you rephrase that? Chris
  18. Ok I checked out your source and at the footer of the correct page, it doesnt have a <span class="right"> tag, however on the incorrect page, it does. Your css gives all text in the body the blackish text, however, anything that lies in the class that is right, it makes it white. The fix? Remove the <span class="right"> and </span> tags at the end of the page at [a href=\"http://www.shockingimages.com/dolemite/albums/albumgalleryfront.php\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.shockingimages.com/dolemite/alb...alleryfront.php[/a] Hope this helps Chris
  19. One other idea for you $query_editbooks = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `books` WHERE bookID = '$editkey'"); Not much changed with the code, but thats how I do my queries. Give it a shot, and let me know Chris
  20. Try this $query_editbooks = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM books WHERE bookID = $editkey"); Let us know Chris
  21. Its kind of hard to tell what is going on without knowing what file you are calling with require_once in the first line. My guess is that there is some faulty MySQL code in the '../Connections/yelan.php' file, but not to sure. Hope this helps Chris
  22. If you have phpmyadmin or any mysql management software, usually there is a way to "dump" a database or a table. That will give you a printout of the actual SQL queries to make the database. Hope that helps Chris
  23. Yea, its a setting in your php.ini file. Make sure you are editing the correct ini file, run a phpinfo(); and see where the file is. Open it up, and change the max_execution_time variable from 30 to 60. Save the ini file, and restart the server Chris
  24. Not sure, but give this a shot. $max='15728640.00'; Before, the decimal was not acting as a decimal, but instead as 1572864000 Give that a shot and let us know Chris
  25. What is the mysql_query?
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