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Everything posted by akhilkumar332

  1. Barand i new to this....Can you be more specific...how to solve this issue!!!
  2. I will do for sure... But right now i need a temp. sol for my prob.... help(Its urgent)
  3. $data = mysqli_query($con, $query) or die(mysqli_error()); I tried this now and earlier too but still the same issue!!! Help me i'm new to php but i'm learning
  4. I'm getting these error plz help!!! Warning: mysqli_query() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given in /storage/h2/401/535401/public_html/register.php on line 80 Warning: mysqli_error() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in /storage/h2/401/535401/public_html/register.php on line 80 <?php $con= new mysqli('localhost','id535401_root','Patch201796','id535401_kickednetwork')or die("Could not connect to mysql".mysqli_error($con)); function NewUser() { $username = $_POST['username']; $email = $_POST['useremail']; $password = $_POST['password']; $query = "INSERT INTO members (username,email,password) VALUES ('$username','$email','$password')"; $data = mysqli_query ($query)or die(mysqli_error()); if($data) { echo "YOUR REGISTRATION IS COMPLETED..."; } } function SignUp() { if(!empty($_POST['username'])) //checking the 'user' name which is from Sign-Up.html, is it empty or have some text { $query = mysqli_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE username = '$_POST[username]' AND password = '$_POST[password]'") or die(mysqli_error()); if(!$row = mysqli_fetch_array($query) or die(mysqli_error())) { newuser(); } else { echo "SORRY...YOU ARE ALREADY REGISTERED USER..."; } } } if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { SignUp(); } ?>
  5. can u help me as i am new at this??? i managed to get these codes!!!
  6. As of now when i refresh...then only the "quote" changes..... but it i want "quotes" to change automatically on its own...m new at this..plz help!!! <?php $quotes[] = "quote1"; $quotes[] = "quote2"; $quotes[] = "quote3"; $quotes[] = "quote4"; srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000); $randomquote = rand(0,count($quotes)-1); echo "<p>" . $quotes[$randomquote] . "</p>"; ?> Thank you
  7. benanamen...i just checked and fixed all closing td and center tags.... and also fixed most of the point u mentioned above... Thank you for suggesting and Thank you requinix My Problem is solved now
  8. Now it working fine after little modification bt one last problem is.....i should get "No Such Data Found" if i enter a wrong value(wrong admission no) Plz help me...!!! Thank you <?php include_once("bg.php"); ob_start(); session_start(); if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ //Connect to dataBase $mysqli=mysqli_connect("localhost","akhil","qwerty123","u761479816_bdata"); $search = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['search']); //query the Database $resultSet = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM stud_adm WHERE adm_no = '$search'"); $row= mysqli_fetch_array($resultSet); } ?> <center><img draggable='false' width='100' height='100' src=imagess/background/logo.png> <center> <h1>Techwell Institute</h1> <center> <form action="qwerty.php" method="POST"> <input type="TEXT" name="search" autofocus placeholder="Admission no." /> <input type="SUBMIT" name="submit" value="Verify"> <br /><br /> <input type="button" value="Search Another" style="width:120px; height:20px" onclick="window.location ='qwerty.php'"> </center> <br /> <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ ?> <center> <table border="10" height="100" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" bordercolor='#21DBD9' bgcolor='#E5F4F4'> <TR> <TD><b>ADMISSION NO.</b></TD> <TD><center> <?php echo $row['adm_no'];?> </TR> <TR> <TD><b>NAME</b></TD> <TD><center> <?php echo $row['name'];?> </TR> <TR> <TD><b>PHOTO</b></TD> <TD><center> <?php echo "<center><img width='120' height='120' src=imagess/student/".$row['img'].">";?> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD><b>DATEOFBIRTH</b></TD> <TD><center> <?php echo $row['dob'];?> </TR> <TR> <TD><b>FATHER/GURDIAN</b></TD> <TD><center> <?php echo $row['fname'];?> </TR> <TR> <TD><b>MOBILE NO</b></TD> <TD><center> <?php echo $row['mb_no'];?> </TR> <TR> <TD><b>EMAIL</b></TD> <TD><center> <?php echo $row['email'];?> </TR> <TR> <TD><b>CORE</b></TD> <TD><center> <?php echo $row['core'];?> </center> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD><b>DATEOFPASSING</b></TD> <TD><center> <?php echo $row['d_passing'];?> </TR> <TR> <TD><b>GRADE</b></TD> <TD><center> <?php echo $row['grade'];?> </TR> <TR> <TD><b>REMARK</b></TD> <TD><center> <?php echo $row['remark'];?> </TR> <TR> <TD><b>CERTIFICATE</b></TD> <TD><center> <?php echo $row['c_issue'];?> </TR> </table> </form> <br /> </center> <?php } ?>
  9. one more problem if i enter the value...which is present in database....if gives me the output correctly But when i enter some other value it gives message "Undefined Variable" for all the rows Notice: Undefined variable: adm_no in C:\xampp\htdocs\bypass-student-enroll\qwerty.php on line 59 Just give me the format to define the variable for the data present in table and i will do
  10. Thank you.... i will do...as u said.... will post back if there any prob
  11. firstly idk php.....i just managed it from youtube.....n i managed to pull data from database
  12. ok i will try...just tell i have to do...in detail
  13. #requinix Yes thats exactly my problem is!!! Could u plz correct it and resend... I just need the output to be displayed in table only not anywhere else!!! Plz help me with this....i need this Thank you
  14. i got few problems on my php file... the prob is i can able to search and retrieve data using adm_no value on my php bt when i enter...some other value which is not in my database....it should give me an arror "No Such Data Found".........this is my prob.....below is php file scripts ...plz look into it and solve my problem...m noob at this ....i just managed to get till here note: I want all the data to shown up in the Table only not anywhere else!!! plz help Thank you!!! <?php include_once("bg.php"); ob_start(); session_start(); $output = NULL; if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ //Connect to dataBase $mysqli=mysqli_connect("localhost","akhil","qwerty123","u761479816_bdata"); $search = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['search']); //query the Database $resultSet = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM stud_adm WHERE adm_no = '$search'"); if($resultSet->num_rows > 0){ while($rows = $resultSet->fetch_assoc()) { $adm_no = $rows['adm_no']; $name = $rows['name']; $img = $rows['img']; $dob = $rows['dob']; $fname = $rows['fname']; $mb_no = $rows['mb_no']; $email = $rows['email']; $core = $rows['core']; $d_passing = $rows['d_passing']; $grade = $rows['grade']; $remark = $rows['remark']; $c_issue = $rows['c_issue']; $output = " Admission No: $adm_no<br /> Name: $name<br /> Photo: <img src='./imagess/student/".$rows ['img']."' height='70' width='70'><br /> Date of Birth: $dob<br /> Father/Gurdian Name: $fname<br /> Mobile No: $mb_no<br /> Email: $email<br /> Core: $core<br /> Date of Passing: $d_passing<br /> Grade: $grade<br /> Remark: $remark<br /> Certificate: $c_issue"; } }else{ $output = "No Data Found"; } } ?> <center><img draggable='false' width='100' height='100' src=imagess/background/logo.png> <center> <h1>Techwell Institute</h1> <center> <form action="Verification.php" method="POST"> <input type="TEXT" name="search" /> <input type="SUBMIT" name="submit" value="Verify"> <br /><br /> <table border="10" height="100" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" bordercolor='#21DBD9' bgcolor='#E5F4F4'> <TR> <TD><b>ADMISSION NO.</b></TD> <TD><center> <?php echo $adm_no ?> </TR> <TR> <TD><b>NAME</b></TD> <TD><center> <?php echo $name ?> </TR> <TR> <TD><b>PHOTO</b></TD> <TD><center> <?php echo "<img width='70' height='70' src=./imagess/student/".$img.">";?> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD><b>DATEOFBIRTH</b></TD> <TD><center> <?php echo $dob ?> </TR> <TR> <TD><b>FATHER/GURDIAN</b></TD> <TD><center> <?php echo $fname ?> </TR> <TR> <TD><b>MOBILE NO</b></TD> <TD><center> <?php echo $mb_no ?> </TR> <TR> <TD><b>EMAIL</b></TD> <TD><center> <?php echo $email ?> </TR> <TR> <TD><b>CORE</b></TD> <TD><center> <?php echo $core ?> </center> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD><b>DATEOFPASSING</b></TD> <TD><center> <?php echo $d_passing ?> </TR> <TR> <TD><b>GRADE</b></TD> <TD><center> <?php echo $grade ?> </TR> <TR> <TD><b>REMARK</b></TD> <TD><center> <?php echo $remark ?> </TR> <TR> <TD><b>CERTIFICATE</b></TD> <TD><center> <?php echo $c_issue ?> </TR> </table> </form> <input type="button" value="Search Another" style="width:120px; height:30px" onclick="window.location ='Verification.php'"> <br /><br /> </center> <?php echo $output; ?> I have also attached my php file!!! Verification.php
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