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Everything posted by henk

  1. Since a week I am diving into PHP, but could not figure out how to fix a good working PHP file. When someone wants to place a comment on the forum page, the text should be stored somewhere in this case names.json. When all the fields are filled in correctly, they can click the submit button. After that the information will be pushed into an array, so their information will be showing on the forum page. BUT when someone is refreshing the page, all the data that recently is stored on names.json will be gone. The array under $scope.comments are not deleted. Anyone an idea how I can fix this. Where do I have to look at. So at the end, when someone has entered the field, push the submit button, their information should be stored even when they are refreshing the page. angular.module("forum-page", ["myApp"]) .controller("Forum", ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http) { $scope.options = [ { id: 1, country : "Angola" }, { id: 2, country: "Argentina" } ]; $scope.comments = [ { "name": "Kevin", "country": "Nederland", "comment": "Wat een mooi toestel vandaag ontvangen, zeer blij met mijn bestelling :)" }, { "name": "Jason", "country": "USA", "comment": "What a great phone I received from Meizu, will surely come back to buy again in the future" }, { "name": "姚宣辰", "country": "中国", "comment": "这个手机很标亮, 下次也会买魅族智能手机" }, { "name": "Joshua", "country": "Deutschland", "comment": "Sehr zufrieden mit diesem Smartphone und kann es jedem empfehlen" }, { "name": "Bobby", "country": "België", "comment": "Erg blij dat ik toch het toestel van Meizu besteld hebt, geniet er elke dag van." } ]; $scope.addComment = function(dataObject) { $scope.url = "submit.php"; if(dataObject) { $http.post($scope.url, {"name": $scope.dataObject.name, "email": $scope.dataObject.country, "message": $scope.dataObject.comment}). success(function(data, status) { // console.log(data); $scope.status = status; $scope.data = data; $scope.result = data; $scope.dataObject = { name: "", country: "", comment: "" }; }) $scope.comments.push(dataObject); } else { console.log("Form is not valid"); } }; }]); But when I am refreshing the page, all the data dissapears. What should I do in order to store the data. <?php /** * @filesource : submit.php * @author : Shabeeb <me@shabeebk.com> * @abstract : simple submission php form * @package sample file * @copyright (c) 2014, Shabeeb * shabeebk.com * * */ // below the input field will be $json = file_put_contents('names.json', file_get_contents('php://input'), FILE_APPEND); $data = json_decode($json); @$name = $data->name; @$email = $data->email; @$message = $data->message; //saving to database //save query //now i am just printing the values echo "Name : ".$data->name."\n"; echo "Email : ".$data->email."\n"; echo "Message : ".$data->message."\n"; //echo "Hello world"; ?> <div ng-controller="Forum" class="forum-page"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div id="comment-block"> <div id="comment-list" ng-repeat="comment in comments"> <div id="text-block"> <div class="comment-info name">{{comment.name}}</div> <div class="comment-info" id="comment">{{comment.comment}}</div> <div class="comment-info countries">{{comment.country}}</div> </div> </div> <ng-form name="comment_box" method="post" id="comment-box"> <input type="text" class="comment-form" id="name" ng-model="dataObject.name" ng-minlength="2" ng-maxlength="20" ng-required="true" placeholder="Name"> <select class="comment-form" ng-model="dataObject.country" ng-options="x.country as x.country for x in options" ng-required="true"> <option value="">-- Choose Country --</option> </select> <textarea type="text" class="comment-form countries" ng-model="dataObject.comment" rows="6" cols="90" ng-minlength="1" ng-maxlength="300" ng-required="true" placeholder="Comment"></textarea> <span class="comment-form" id="remain_amount_of_letters">{{300-dataObject.comment.length}} Left</span> <button class="comment-form comment-button" ng-disabled="comment_box.$invalid" type="submit" ng-click="addComment(dataObject)">Place comment</button> </ng-form>
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