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  1. Yes. I already found my mistake. Thanks for trying to help I made same radio names and added if ($_GET['1'] == (radio value)) and its all perfect
  2. Hi again fellas. Ill make it quick. I attached photo and here is the code. I am braking my head about 2 hours on how to fix those errors and bumped into dead end :s I would really apreaciate your help fellow programers not noob as me ofc
  3. Thanks for reply guys, gonna try it right away
  4. Hi, I have a problem. I am doing one little job with php and html. In html i have textbox in which person id must be entered (11 numbers) I need to do with php that when all 11 numbers are entered, date of birth and gender need to be shown, For example: if id is : 39310121111 first number stands for mele/female (if 3 mele if 4 female) all next numbers are date of birth 1993 10 12 (last 4 numbers doesnt have meaning) Basicly question is. how to make syntax that entered id will be shown as gender and date of birth ? can't think of any ideas. new at php.
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