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Posts posted by Klyx99

  1. O programmer err - script above is fine. My server was lagging and was able to see if "flash" up and disappear. Apparently there is an issue with the batchfile - paths need to be absolute, The script has it relative, thus why it works from file manager, but not the browser.


    I'll leave the code up for anyone that wants to make something similar as reference.

  2. I have two functions that execute an exe program (personal project for a minecraft back end.) Windows only.



    First one will execute the sending of commands (THIS ONE WORKS)

    	/* check to see if admin is sending commands to terminal via web */
        if(isset($_POST['command'])) {
            $content = $_POST['command'];
            try {
            } catch ( Exception $e ) {
                die ($e->getMessage());

    This has been a head scratcher for most the week - any help or suggestions would be great!! thanks!!



    	<div id="commands">
                <div id="command_input">
                    <form method="post" id="commandForm" action="index.php">
                        <label for="command" >Console Command:</label><br/>
                        <input type="text" name="command" autofocuS/>
                        <input type="submit" name="submit_command" value=" >> " /> &nbsp;                
                        <input type="button" value="Refresh page" onclick="location.reload(true);" />


    This is used to start the server

            try {
                    exec(SERVER_DIR.'startServer.bat 2>&1' ,$output);  
            } catch( Exception $e ) {
                die ($e->getMessage());


    	<div id="server_control">
                            <form action="index.php" method="post">
                                <input type="submit" value="START" id="startServerBtn" name="startServerBtn"/>

    MCCOMMANDS.EXE will work from both browser(php) and file manager(tested)

    the STARTSERVER.EXE will NOT work from browser(php), but will work from file manager


    The function IS being accessed - debug is showing it going there, and it seems to be running

    Both exe's are in the same folder

  3. OK, here is the source (for anyone interested)

    I got the online games to use the player count tables, thus eliminating that horrible script in previous post LOL. Much faster. JOIN was tricky to learn. but works here prefectly.

     $sql            = "
                            SELECT *
                            FROM onlinegames AS og                                               
                            INNER JOIN playercount AS pc
                            ON og.gameid = pc.gameid                        
                            WHERE gamename LIKE concat('%', :needle, '%')
                            ORDER BY pc.playercount DESC


  4. Well this is goofy. I realized I need to add a player count (which is from another feed) to the online games. I currently store the gameid and player count in another table. the player count from that table should be added to the onlinetable.playercount

    this script taks over 3 - 5min vs the 30seconds for the other 7 tables. Any ideas what I could do to speed this up. Normally this is not an issue, but it is during a search as I want to use a player count to sort it by (note player count is NOT in the online games feed, it is in a separate feed for some weird reason, I say weird because only the online games use the player count)


     $sql = "SELECT * FROM playercount";
            $stmt = $db->connect()->query($sql);
            $onlineCount = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            foreach($onlineCount as $onlinegame) {
                $online_update = "UPDATE onlinegames SET playercount = :playercount WHERE gameid = :gameid";
                $check = $db->connect()->prepare($online_update);


  5. ok, CRON done.7 feeds into 7 tables 43 seconds (missing one table I will add later for Mac - can't leave them out - they're worse than linux users when it comes to games LOL)

    Incredible  - and here I thought I got it down to 9 min and I was rockin!!! LOL


    Processing Comprehensive... Done!

    Processing Online Games... Done!

    Processing Daily Deal... Done!

    Processing Weekly Special... Done!

    Processing Features... Done!

    Processing Player count for online Games... Done!

    Maint Completed Successfully!

    Completion Time: 43 seconds



  6. 6 minutes ago, Barand said:

    $db->exec("LOAD XML LOCAL INFILE 'C:/inetpub/wwwroot/test/game1.xml' INTO TABLE gameinput ROWS IDENTIFIED BY '<game>'" );

    omg I am so dumb I forgot I could do all this in php der!!


    I found a similar one from a few of my old sites (2010)using curl - prety fast on the download, but bottle necked with the old way of processing.

    Now I'll put it todgether with the LOAD command. minor change in my maint job

  7. Ya I think that is the way to go. with that speed I can now do all 9+ rss feeds that pertain to the overall collection. My test showed about 5min 8 tables, where before it was around 15min  top.. HUGE diff, as when I put it on my server (little more beefier) I am expecting all the tables to process around 1-3min tops.

    That was a very nice tip! Currently making a batchfile to run it all (cept having issues with wget grabbing the xml file) but that is for a different thread. I'll figure it out LOL

  8. 54 minutes ago, Barand said:

    I was experimenting too. This worked (at least the one record you provided):

    CREATE TABLE `gameinput` (
      `gameid` int(11) NOT NULL,
      `gamename` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
      `family` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
      `familyid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      `productid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      `genreid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      `allgenreid` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
      `shortdesc` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
      `meddesc` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL,
      `longdesc` text,
      `bullet1` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
      `bullet2` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
      `bullet3` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
      `bullet4` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
      `foldername` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
      `price` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
      `hasdownload` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
      `macgameid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      `hasvideo` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
      `hasflash` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
      `hasdwfeature` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
      `gamerank` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      `releasedate` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
      `gamesize` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      `sysreqos` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
      `sysreqmhz` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
      `sysreqmem` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      `sysreqdx` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
      `sysreqhd` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`gameid`)
    LOAD XML LOCAL INFILE 'C:/inetpub/wwwroot/test/game.xml'
    INTO TABLE gameinput
    ROWS IDENTIFIED BY '<game>';

    You have some work to normalising the data (eg the comma delimited allgenreid field) and the bulletN fields.

    use this... sorry LOL




  9. yes that is exactly what I did. Very surprised at how fast that processed it. Im at work, so using the old tried and true Thinkpad w530 (20gbRAM) lol  and both times took roughly 9 - 15seconds.


    So thinking outside the box, Instead of using cron.php to run a long and grueling import, I'll write a batch file (will post it here for others) to process all the data.


    Thanks for that tip!! Was extremely helpful!!! Not sure if there is a SOLVED button, but if not, i'll edit the title

  10. 4 minutes ago, Barand said:

    Canyou provide a sample of the XML you are trying to load?

    sure! Here you go, there are about 5,000 others of them but felt one was enough LOL

        <title>Big Fish Games - Game Archive</title>
        <description>A New Game Every Day</description>
        <copyright>© 2018, Big Fish Games, Inc.</copyright>
        <pubdate>Fri, 16 Nov 2018 05:15:32 -0800</pubdate>
          <gamename>1 Moment of Time: Silentville</gamename>
          <family>1 Moment of Time: Silentville</family>
          <genreid name="Puzzle">4</genreid>
          <shortdesc>Uncover a mystery and save a town from a curse.</shortdesc>
          <meddesc>Once upon a time in the small, undistinguished town of Silentville people started disappearing. Help uncover the mystery behind these disappearances and save the town from a curse!</meddesc>
          <longdesc>Uncover a mystery and save a town from a curse in 1 Moment Of Time: Silentville! Once upon a time in the small, undistinguished town of Silentville people started disappearing - one by one. Even the visitors suddenly disappeared without a trace. Airplanes and birds, trains and pedestrians, drivers, tourists and even bicyclers - all of them have vanished! Will you be able to solve the mystery and release Silentville from its cursed non-existence?</longdesc>
          <bullet1>Beautiful graphics</bullet1>
          <bullet2>Original mini-games</bullet2>
          <bullet3>Intriguing story</bullet3>
          <bullet4>Check out our Blog Walkthrough</bullet4>
          <price>$ 6.99 USD</price>
          <releasedate>2012-06-17 00:00:00</releasedate>
              <sysreqos>Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/8</sysreqos>
              <sysreqmhz>1.8 GHz</sysreqmhz>


  11. 29 minutes ago, mac_gyver said:

    the code you linked to in the post above at SOF is the slowest method possible, because it's repeatedly producing, preparing, and executing the same single-row sql statement inside of a loop. at a minimum, it should only produce and prepare the query once, before the start of the loop, then only get each row of data and execute the query inside of the loop. you also need to insure that you are using a true prepared query (PDO emulates prepared queries by default and therefor doesn't actual save the query planning done with a true prepared query when executing the same sql statement more than once.)


    Im still in the process of learning PDO,  so my question then would be:

    The reason I have the repeated preparing, is because the XML is dynamic. will preparing ONCE account for the changes? Can you give an example of the repeated code and how you would improve it? That code posted is very old, and since it works, I have never changed it.

    I use a combination of 2 XML functions to read that file since it is fairly large

    $xml  = new XMLReader();            
     $xml->open($xml_file); // file is your xml file you want to parse
     while($xml->read() && $xml->name != 'game') { ; } // get past the header to your first record (game in my case)


    Unless you are referring to this section: I just loop through the fields and create the prepare statement. If this is the section you are referring to, if I put this outside of the loop, will the execute command function as needed? Maybe this is my bottle neck. I am still new to the prepare and how they respond to an execute command. But if this is the bottle nicek, and the execute will work fine, I could grab the field names and create this string OUTSIDE of the while loop and then run it, might speed it up?

     /* this looks confusing, but it is not. There are over 20 fields, and instead of typing them all out, I just made a string. */
                    $sql = "INSERT INTO $table (";
                    foreach($gameRec as $field=>$game){
                    $sql .= " $field,";
                    $sql = rtrim($sql, ",");
                    $sql .=") values (";
                    foreach($gameRec as $field=>$game) {
                        $sql .= " :$field,";               
                    $sql = rtrim($sql,",");
                    $sql .= ") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE "; // online game doesn't have a gamerank - not my choice LOL, so I adjust that for here
                    switch ($os) {
                        case 'pc' : $sql .= "gamerank = ".$gameRec['gamerank']        ; break;
                        case 'mac': $sql .= "gamerank = ".$gameRec['gamerank']        ; break;
                        case 'pl' : $sql .= "playercount = ".$gameRec['playercount']  ; break;
                        case 'og' :
                            $playercount = $this->getPlayerCount($gameRec['gameid']);
                            $sql .= "playercount = ".$playercount['playercount']  ;


    Also, MY POST is under JAKE STONE. I am not the OP there. Just in case you read a different post. thanks for checking that out.

  12. 6 hours ago, Barand said:

    Fastest way is with mysql's LOAD XML command

    hmm I might write a quick script to test that - the xml file is up to 5k records. The bottleneck comes in when migrating the data to the sql. That's why I just do the following to import it. Fairly fast, but not as fast as if I was reading it from xml straight to the page. I post that yesterday for someone looking for a way to just import XML to SQL.

    What I might tinker with is a way to pull a little and cache it, but that could be problematic as well with a high level of users. what do you think?

  13. 1 minute ago, requinix said:

    Cron and a database. Cron to deal with the updated XML and add it to the database, database for the massively better performance and much better searching capabilities compared to reading an XML file.

    Yeah, okay, it might take a few minutes overnight to deal with the file (something I'm 95% sure can be sped up) but you'll more than make up for the time during the rest of the day when people are hitting the database.

    thaaaannnkkk you. I built this thing from scratch, and out of the two methods the sql was incredibly faster! But it does not update instantly when a user visits. But I agree with you, the 10- 15min delay is ok for the rest of the day of the user hits.

    I guess I just need to hear from a pro that I was on the right track. And when I find it, there is a massively faster method to import xml to sql - I forgot to bookmark it. but apparently the script imports a 20mb xml file in a few seconds - wow, when I find it, I'll post the link here - might help others.

    Love to hear anyone else's thoughts on this. Or if you use a similar method.

  14. Simply put, I every night I have to pull a HUGE xml file (5mb 4500+ records).
    with this data ( small sales site), I create a webpage using the data provided. Pretty simple.

    However, I first used XML and converted it to arrays. This was problematic for functions and manipulating etc.. or picking out discounts and  specific items etc.

    So Now I use the xml file, and convert it to sql - this as you know is very time consuming (longest time is about 10-12min using INSERT UPDATE ON DUPLICATE). So I have to use a cronjob to perform this. I would rather have the page dynamicly loaded when user is visiting.

    Now SQL works nicely as all the manipulation features are fast. However, I still think it feels sluggish. And it feels sloppy.
    I do not want to learn XSLT (LAZY?), I am comfortable with PHP. I can already parse the xml file fast. Just need a way to manipulate the data. mainly sorting, and picking out specific items in the xml - then sort those results.

    One method I did use was to cache what I manipulated and then overnight I pull the new feed, I delete the cache.
    Hopefully this is not answered already, gonna feel like an idiot. What would you pro's recommend? Leave it at the SQL? Or keep pursuing the XML?

  15. Hi

    I do have a backend for this, however I was attempting to migrate a lot of the little stuff before it went there - on aspect was just getting rid of the unwanted characters before it is sent.

    the line


    is (i thought) more cosmetic - as I wanted the cursor back on the input where the error occurred. Not good?


    The onchange I mixed up with VB, VBA and other languages I do, where it changes per character typed, so I used onblurr as it (i thought ) triggered when focus was lost.


    However, with all that said and the appropiate changes, this seemed to work as expected - TYVM!!


  16. I cannot get this to fail when entering a non valid character


    cannot get the following to work (I use FFox). I did search around, and found most of this code on various search results - I am not fluent in JS (yet thus why I am slowly implementing into some of my projects).


       function checkInput() {        
                var user_input = document.getElementById('char_name').value;
                var notgood = "!\"·$%&/()=?¿@#¬";
                if ( 
    notgood.test( user_input ) )
                    document.getElementById('badInput').innerHTML = 'Bad Input';
                    Alert('Cannot use that character');

    the line it is targeting:

        <input type="text" name="char_name" value="" id="char_name" required=""  onblur="checkInput();"/>

    Working with pure javascript not jquery.

    ignore the disabled/not disabled

    The issue I am having, is when testing, it will not alert on bad character. it accepts the input.


    I tested this by inserting an alert in both conditions, it only acknowledges the accepted and moves on - even if I put one of those characters in there.

    Also, how can I check versus an empty space to add to that list?

  17. ok working now.. looks like pretty much what I was looking for. I'll skim over it and use it as a model. need some changes (unit price needs to be dynamic instead of static but the rest looks about right)


    thank you very much

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