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Everything posted by JAtz

  1. Hello, First post, very not expert. I have this page I'm editing (from a wordpress theme called "lay theme"): http://mtthsstffn.altervista.org/tagnacht/ In this carousel that scrolls images, I need to move the "next" "prev" clickable area slightly outside the images. I think I want to make two invisible divs, left and right, that overlay the image and occupy the center-to-left and center-to-right area of the carousel, with a variable length I can define. A friend suggested to add this <div id="nav-left" style=" height: 800px; display: block; width: 50%; position: absolute; top: 0; ; pointer-events: left; cursor: move; "></div> inside <div class="lay-carousel-wrap immediate"> I think it can be right, but where can I find the files I need to do it? I looked around the whole website and couldn't find the HTML with this element, hence I think it's automatically generated with PHP, but I have no idea where to start for this. Thanks for any help!
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