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Everything posted by winsam

  1. When the script executes, it sends the sms multiple times. I don't know which variable to change for it to search the database once and then send out the message. This script was built for me and I modified it to change some variables. I am very new to php This is the first script, second is below <?php function responseMessage($message) { $xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<Response/>'); if(is_array($message)) { $pageNow = isset($_GET["page"]) ? $_GET["page"] : 0; $limit = 1000; $doneRedirect = false; if(count($message) > 5) { $limit = ($pageNow * 5) + 5; } $i = 0; foreach($message as $msg) { if($msg != "" && $msg != null && strlen($msg) > 10 && !is_array($msg)) { $i++; if($i < $limit && $i >= ($pageNow * 5)) { $xml->addChild('Message', str_replace('&', "and", $msg)); } else if(!$doneRedirect && $i >= ($pageNow * 5)) { $doneRedirect = true; $xml->addChild('Redirect', "/TwilioSMS.php?page=" . ($pageNow + 1)); } } } } else { $xml->addChild('Message', $message); } /* $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->loadXML($xml->asXML()); $dom->formatOutput = true; $formattedXML = $dom->saveXML();*/ return $xml->asXML(); } function splitMessages($message) { $ar = explode("-/-/newline/-/-", wordwrap($message, 155, "-/-/newline/-/-", false)); // array_pop($ar); return $ar; } function startsWith($haystack, $needle) { return $needle === "" || strrpos($haystack, $needle, -strlen($haystack)) !== false; } function checkKeyword($str, $arr) { foreach($arr as $srch) { if(startsWith($str, $srch)) { return $srch; } } return null; } $from = $_POST["From"]; $to = $_POST["To"]; $body = (isset($_POST["Body"])) ? strtolower($_POST["Body"]) : $_GET["Body"]; $_CONFIG["mysql.host"] = "localhost"; $_CONFIG["mysql.username"] = " $_CONFIG["mysql.password"] $_CONFIG["mysql.database"] = " $con = mysqli_connect($_CONFIG["mysql.host"], $_CONFIG["mysql.username"], $_CONFIG["mysql.password"], $_CONFIG["mysql.database"]); if(!$con) { die("Unable to connect to SQL: " . mysqli_error($con)); } /*if($from == "" || $to == "" || $body == "") { die("Invalid params"); }*/ $top = checkKeyword($body, array("top", "top 10", "top10")); $ubra = checkKeyword($body, array("ubra","UBRA","Ubra")); $all = checkKeyword($body, array("all")); $fast = checkKeyword($body, array("fast")); $draw = checkKeyword($body, array("draw")); $horse = checkKeyword($body, array("get horse", "search horse")); $rider = checkKeyword($body, array("get rider", "search rider")); $welcome = checkKeyword($body, array("result", "results")); if($welcome != "") { $output[] = "Welcome! Text\nTOP for D's\nFAST for Fastest Times\nDRAW 150 for draw #150\nGET RIDER (NAME) for draw # & results of rider\nGET HORSE (NAME) for draw # & results of horse\nSTOP to unsubcribe\nMsg & data rates may apply"; } else if($top != "") { include("keywords/top.php"); } else if($ubra != "") { include("keywords/ubra.php"); } else if($all != "") { include("keywords/all.php"); } else if($fast != "") { include("keywords/fast.php"); } else if($draw != "" || is_numeric($body)) { include("keywords/draw.php"); } else if($horse != "") { include("keywords/horse.php"); } else if($rider != "" || ($body != "" && strlen($body) >= 3)) { include("keywords/rider.php"); } header("Content-type: text/xml"); echo responseMessage($output); This is the rider script - the only thing i'm using right now <?php $extra = ""; $search = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, substr($body, strlen($draw))); $output = array(); $query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM (SELECT *, MATCH(rider) AGAINST('*$search*' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS score FROM `draws`) AS T WHERE score > 0 ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 10"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) { $info .= "" . $row["rider"] . " "; $info .= "" . $row["horse"] . "\n"; $info .= "" . $row["run_time"] . "\n"; $output[] = $info;
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