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Everything posted by Cabomba

  1. :/ in fact, in the WHERE clause, the $password was my MySQL pass. I renamed the member password of the session into $member_pass and wrote WHERE blabla ... AND password = \'$member_pass\' and it works 6 hours tryin to debug my code because of a simple variable .. arrgh the only strange thing is that it doesnt display an error if the query result is empty cause i had no error with the previous variable although the query didnt work.... well, i dont want to talk about this any longer heeh l8rz
  2. ello ! im currently workin on a script what allows members to change their profile. im runnin this code on ma localhost, but i have problems with my web hosting. there is no mysql error, everythin seems to work fine but all my variables are empty... here is my code : function edit_profile(){ global $member_id, $login, $password,$nom; global $prenom, $email, $position, $age; global $location, $pc_specs, $sensitivity; global $connection, $pastclans, $interests; global $fav_map, $fav_weapon, $config, $PHP_SELF; $id_lien = db_connect($nomdb = \'\'); if(!$id_lien) error_message(sql_error()); $recherche = "SELECT * FROM utilisateurs WHERE (User_ID=\'$member_id\' AND login=\'$login\' AND password=\'$password\')"; $resultat = mysql_query($recherche); if(!$resultat) error_message(sql_error()); $donnees_rech = mysql_fetch_array($resultat); $nom = $donnees_rech["nom"]; $prenom = $donnees_rech["prenom"]; $email = $donnees_rech["email"]; $position = $donnees_rech["position"]; $age = $donnees_rech["age"]; $location = $donnees_rech["location"]; $pc_specs = $donnees_rech["pc_specs"]; $sensitivity = $donnees_rech["sensitivity"]; $connection = $donnees_rech["connection"]; $past_clans = $donnees_rech["past_clans"]; $interests = $donnees_rech["interests"]; $fav_map = $donnees_rech["fav_map"]; $fav_weapon = $donnees_rech["fav_weapon"]; $config = $donnees_rech["config"]; ?> <p><b><? echo $login ?></b> - Editing profile</p> <form name="form" method="post" action="<?echo "$PHP_SELF?module=editprofile&action=submit" ?>" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <table width="90%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td width="100">first name</td> <td> <input type="text" name="prenom" value="<? echo $prenom ?>" class="border"></td> </tr> etc, etc ..... I tried everything... i thought there were a problem with ma global variables (?) so i cut the code and tried it out of the function, etc etc... but nothing worked, i always get the same problem : the variables supposed to be displayed in the form are empty. the $login is the only one working cause i registered it in the session, but i cant take anything from the database.... the most strange thing is that it works perfectly on my localhost and the query result isnt empty ?!? :/ thank you for your help. I spent 4 hours on it, its time to go to bed :*(
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