Canadian citizen, 19 years high paced and professional experience within online software, and with me your imagination is the only limit. For an idea of capabilities, creator of Apex at, an open source software platform. Also highly proficient with the bitcoin protocol and own if you need any bitcoin / crypto-currency related operations developed. Resume can be found at:
Can handle jobs of any size, simple $100 tasks, large scale systems that require multi-year contracts, dozens of online operations spread across multiple servers, distributable software, or anything else. . Specialize in back-end development of larger scale systems that require a high proficiency with clean database architecture and optomization, server administration and security, horizontal scaling across multiple servers / instances, redis caching for speed and scalability, a quick moving agile environment, etc.
You may get a better insight into my thought process by reading an article I wrote a good while back at the below URL, with more articles to come shortly.
Thanks for your time, and if you need quality online software of any size or scope, please e-mail me anytime at
[email protected], and I'll be happy to provide you with consultation. Looking for $40/hour, which I think is quite reasonable.
Stay safe, and Kovid free.
Best regards,