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Everything posted by C4mpt3R?

  1. i have just forgotten to say that you have to set auto_increment to ID!!!
  2. you also could do it like this: for this you have to add a row called \"ID\" --> primary key <?php $db=mysql_connect(\'localhost\',\'DBuser\',\'DBpassword\' ); $db or die(\'DataBase Error\'); mysql_select_db(\'DataBase\',$db) or die(\'DataBase Error\'); $sql=\"SELECT * FROM news ORDER BY ID\"; $result=mysql_query($sql,$db); if ($result) { while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo \" <table border=\'0\'><tr> <td> \".$row[\"user\"].\"</td> <td> \".$row[\"article\"].\" </td> <td> \".$row[\"text\"].\" </td></tr> </table>\"; } } mysql_close($db); ?> hope it will work like this too yours C4mpt3R?
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