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Everything posted by Baski

  1. Hey There! im looking for a script that redirects to a html page depending on the time, kindda like this script: [code]<script language="JavaScript"><!-- function makeArray() { for (i = 0; i<makeArray.arguments.length; i++) this[i] = makeArray.arguments[i]; } var daysArray = new makeArray('sunday','monday','tuesday','wednesday','thursday','friday','saturday'); var today = new Date();    // get todays date var dotw = today.getDay(); // get the day of the week                            // Sunday = 0, Monday = 1 ... Saturday = 6 location.href = daysArray[dotw] + '.htm'; //--></script>[/code] but then for time, in 24hour format. Also, it would be good if it had a variable like, if the time is past 16:00, go to notime.html. Hope somebody can help! - Bas
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