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Everything posted by mikejv

  1. Hey, thanks for your response. I used RewriteCond to ignore index.php to see if that solved anything, but it didn't, and admin doesn't exist as a file or directory.
  2. Hi all, This is a strange one that's really bugging me. I have some very simple HTACCESS code: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^(.*?)/?$ index.php?folder=$1 So, visiting mysite.com/admin should point to mysite.com/index.php?folder=admin However, when using print_r( $_GET ) on index.php, I get: Array ( [folder] => index.php ) I'm getting index.php returned instead of admin, any ideas? Thanks!
  3. Hi all, I hope I explain this well enough - my apologies for any confusion. My website uses a pretty basic "page and ID" system, and uses the following RewriteRule RewriteRule ^(.*?)/(.*?)/?$ view.php?page=$1&id=$2 So mysite.com/story/33 is actually pointing at mysite.com/view.php?page=story&id=33 The issue is, sometimes a page will have an extra query string; example mysite.com/story/33?code=123456 I can't seem to access "code" in view.php (print_r( $_GET ) only gives me "page" and "id"), and I don't know how to write a RewriteRule to put "code" in view.php?page=$1&id=$2&code=$3? Any help would be appreciated - thanks!
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