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  1. Ooops, forgot to post my examples //THis came from Stack Overflow: $conn_string = '(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST='; $pdo = new PDO('oci:dbname=' . $conn_string, 'SYSTEM', 'rootpass'); Might be the service name? my_test is the name of my DB/connection. Thx
  2. Hi all, I've used PDO without issue using MySQL but need to support Oracle as well. I've tried the example provided with the documentation but to no avail. Someone on Stack Overflow with a similar issue was told to try using the full connection string but that didn't work either. Oracle: Oracle 18c Express Edition Server: localhost / Port: 1521 Database: my_test Username: SYSTEM Pass: rootpass The above all works fine using Oracle SQL Developer tool so not sure what the issue is. Any ideas? Cheers, John
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