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Everything posted by Sandy_85

  1. @benanamen The problem is solved already. I tried to sort a table by php. So depending on which column i wanted to sort the key values changed. You can find the full code here (Github). It's the first function in this file and the page file list_all.php uses those function in get_cards.php And i include my attempts as i just started to learn php this week and i might do a lot of mistakes or just don't know it better atm. This way more experienced users can give me some hints as they can identify the problem like @gw1500se and @Barand did
  2. Ok i got it now to work with: if ($key != ""){ $key = $key." "; if (!isset($sort_list[$key])){ $sort_list[$key] = []; } $sort_list[$key][sizeof($sort_list[$key])] = array($info_1, $info_2, strval($info_3), $path, $filename); } I used the $key = $key." " statement as my keys could be numbers (negative and positive) or strings. If i didn't do this any integer would be interpreted as array position instead of array key I also rewrote the function function get_all_data($filename, &$output, &$binary, &$sort_list, $depth=0) { if ($sort_list == NULL && $depth == 0) { $sort_list = array(); } $depth++; if (is_dir($filename) && $filename != "." && $filename != "..") { $dir_content = glob("$filename/*"); foreach ($dir_content as $f) { get_all_cards($f, $output, $binary, $sort_list, $depth); } } else { if (is_file($filename)){ stuff ...
  3. Thx @gw1500se & @Barand So far i get a step closer to my target array by populationg the array with this: $sort_list = array_merge( $sort_list, array( $key => array( $counter => array( $information_1, $informatin_2, $informatino_3, $main_dir, $file ) ) ) ); But the finished array is still not in the structure i want to have Example Output: array(7) { [key1]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(6) info_1 [1]=> string(27) info_2 [2]=> info_3 [3]=> string(15) info_4 [4]=> string(36) info_5 } } [key2]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(6) info_1 [1]=> string(27) info_2 [2]=> info_3 [3]=> string(15) _info_4 [4]=> string(36) info_5 } } ..... For the first sight this output looks like i want it. but if i have identical keys this will not work anymore. It's just saving 1 entry for each key. Is the array_merge function the right way to go for this task? @Barand depending on the keys i use but the problem in my case is similar to a recursive directory search but a little bit different. In my case i get data from different directories at different times so i can't add all the values or arrays of each directory in one go. But thanks for the &$variable hint . I'll rewrite my function and try it this way.
  4. edit: the else statement in the function is a elseif statement which checks if $main_dir.$file is a file which matches the pattern of files i'm looking for elseif (is_file($main_dir.$file) && other checks) { ... populate array }
  5. Hey there I just started out with PHP so it might be a trivial problem. I want to populate an array with values by a recursive function but i don't get it the way i want it to have. Target array (written in python syntax): myArray = { key : [ [a1, a2, a3, a4], [b1, b2, b3 ,b4] ], key2 : [ [c1, c2, c3, c4], [d1, d2, d3, d4] ] } So far i created a recursive function to collect all data i need for the array but i don't get the right syntax to achieve my target array. What i have so far is following code (snippet): function get_data($main_dir, $items=[], $myArray=[], $depth=0) { global $items; if ($myArray == NULL && depth == 0) { $myArray = array(); } $depth++; $dirHandle = opendir($main_dir); while ($file = readdir($dirHandle)){ if(is_dir($main_dir.$file) && $file != "." && $file != "..") { $new_dir = $main_dir.$file."/"; $items = get_data($new_dir, $items, $myArray, $depth); $myArray = $items[1] $items = $items[0] } else { splitted_dir = preg_split("/\//", $main_dir); key = splitted_dir[2]; file_information = read_out_file($main_dir.$file); information_1 = file_information[0]; information_2 = file_information[1]; myArray = array_merge($myArray, array($key, array($key, $information_1, $information_2, $main_dir, $file)) } } } The array contains all informations i need but the structure of it is not useable. Current output: Array ( [0] => key1 [1] => Array ( [0] => key1 [1] => information_1 [2] => information_2 [3] => ./path/ [4] => filename ) [2] => key1 [3] => Array ( [0] => key1 [1] => information_1 [2] => information_2 [3] => ./path/ [4] => filename ) [4] => key1 [5] => Array ( [0] => key1 [1] => information_1 [2] => information_2 [3] => ./path/ [4] => filename ) [6] => key2 [7] => Array ( [0] => key2 [1] => information_1 [2] => information_2 [3] => ./path/ [4] => filename ) [8] => key2 [9] => Array ( [0] => key2 [1] => information_1 [2] => information_2 [3] => ./path/ [4] => filename ) ) 1 ## IDK why this "1" at the end gets printed out... But what i want to get is this: Array ( [key1] => Array ( Array ( [0] => key1 [1] => information_1 [2] => information_2 [3] => ./path/ [4] => filename ) ) Array ( [0] => key1 [1] => information_1 [2] => information_2 [3] => ./path/ [4] => filename ) ) ) [key2] => Array ( Array ( [0] => key2 [1] => information_1 [2] => information_2 [3] => ./path/ [4] => filename ) ) Array ( [0] => key2 [1] => information_1 [2] => information_2 [3] => ./path/ [4] => filename ) ) ) ) At the end i want to sort the output by alphabetic order of the keys which i should achieve with sort() i guess? Greetings
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