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Everything posted by scottg1017

  1. I really appreciate you guys pointing me in the right direction. I was able to move two sections of my code and it works like a champ! I'm sure I will be back with something else that has stumped me and will be trivial for the group, but, I appreciate the help. I am a 42 year old college student and things just don't click like they once did.
  2. Disclaimer: I am extremely new to programming! I have taken one C++ class and am currently taking a PHP class. I have an assignment to "Create a Web form that shows the mileage between European capitals. Use a two-dimensional associative array to store the mileages." I have wrote the code, moved it around to different places, deleted things, added things, and I continuously get error message that says it was expecting the end of the file. I will post what I have below. I am looking for guided help and not just the answer. I have re-read the chapter and if I'm being honest, I don't completely understand it. This is our 7 or 8th assignment and this is the first one I have had to reach out for help. I appreciate any assistance that anyone is willing to give. Thanks in advance! <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>European Travel</title> </head> <body> <p> </p> </body> </html> <?php $Distances = array( "Berlin" => array( "Berlin" => 0, "Moscow" =>1607.99, "Paris" => 876.96, "Prague" => 280.34, "Rome" => 1181.67 ), "Moscow" => array( "Berlin" => 1607.99, "Moscow" => 0, "Paris" => 2484.92, "Prague" => 1664.04, "Rome" => 2374.26 ), "Paris" => array( "Berlin" => 876.96, "Moscow" => 641.31, "Paris" => 0, "Prague" => 885.38, "Rome" => 1105.76 ), "Prague" => array( "Berlin" => 280.34, "Moscow" => 1664.04, "Paris" => 885.38, "Prague" => 0, "Rome" => 922 ), "Rome" => array( "Berlin" => 1181.67, "Moscow" => 2374.26, "Paris" => 1105.76, "Prague" => 922, "Rome" => 0 ) ); $StartIndex = ""; $EndIndex = ""; $KMtoMiles = 0.62; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $StartIndex = stripslashes($_POST['Start']); $EndIndex = stripslashes($_POST['End']); if (isset( $Distances[$StartIndex][$EndIndex])) echo "<p>The distance from $StartIndex to $EndIndex is " . $Distances[$StartIndex][$EndIndex] . " kilometers, or " . round( ($KMtoMiles * $Distances[$StartIndex][$EndIndex]), 2) . " miles.</p>\n"; else echo "<p>The distance from $StartIndex to $EndIndex is not in the array.</p>\n"; } foreach ($Distances as $City => $OtherCities) { echo "<option value='$City'"; if (strcmp($StartIndex,$City)==0) echo " selected"; echo ">$City</option>\n"; } foreach ($Distances as $City => $OtherCities) { echo "<option value='$City'"; if (strcmp($EndIndex,$City)==0) echo " selected"; echo ">$City</option>\n"; } <form action="EuropeanTravel.php" method="post"> <p>Starting City: <select name="Start"> </select></p> <p>Ending City: <select name="End"> </select></p> <p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Calculate Distance" /></p> </form> ?>
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