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Everything posted by alexndrre

  1. In fact, it directs me through the resultado.php page, because that code is included. <script language= "JavaScript"> location.href="resultado.php" </script> <?php } ?> I need it to indicate according to the desired option on the form.
  2. Hi guys. As I am new to PHP, I have a question. Necessarily, this need not be done in php, if you have something in html or js that can be done, let me know! Well, I have a form where you enter information like name, city, phone and product option. These product options include real estate and auto options. By clicking submit (to submit form), I need to direct the visitor to their chosen product option. For example, when I filled out the form I chose 'real estate'. When I clicked submit, it went to a page where the real estate-only content appeared. Note: I already have this code ready below and it already directs the information to the database. However, I don't know how to make him redirect to the customer, the product option he chose. <form action="simulador.php" method="post" name="dados" id="dados" onSubmit="return validaform()"> <div class="col-md-5 esquerda"> Selecione o bem<br/> <select name="tipo" type="text" class="contat3" placeholder="Selecione o bem"> <option value="Im�vel"" style="background-color: #fff;">Imóveis</option> <option value="Autom�vel"" style="background-color: #fff;">Automóveis</option> <option value="Moto" style="background-color: #fff;">Motos</option> </select><br/> Selecione o plano<br/> <select name="plano" type="text" class="contat3"> <option value="Crédito"" style="background-color: #fff;">Crédito</option> <option value="Parcela"" style="background-color: #fff;">Parcela</option> </select><br/> <input name="valorcon" type="text" id="valorcon" class="contat3" placeholder="Digite o valor" maxlength="1000" /><br/> <input name="nomecon" type="text" id="nomecon" class="contat3" placeholder="Nome" maxlength="1000" /><br/> <input name="telefone" type="text" onkeypress="Mascara('TEL',this,event);" type="text" id="telefone" class="contat3" placeholder="Telefone" /> <!--- <input name="tel2" type="text" id="tel2" onkeypress="Mascara('TEL',this,event);" /><br/> ---> <input name="emailcon" type="text" id="emailcon" class="contat3" placeholder="E-mail" maxlength="1000" /><br/> <input name="cidadecon" type="text" id="cidadecon" class="contat3" placeholder="Cidade" maxlength="1000" /> <br/><br/><br/> <a id="enviar-form" class="button solid-color" href="#">Enviar</a> <input type="submit" id="enviar-form-btn" style="display: none;" /> </div> </form>
  3. That was fixed. Because of the language signals, the database was under one name and php another. Thank you!
  4. No updates or changes have been made. I had not moved this part, just made a backup and it was like this.
  5. Hello people! Well, I'm working on a site that has a financing simulator that asks for your data and a value related to cars, real estate and motorcycles. When simulating, it sends you to a page, calculating the closest result and sends your data to the database. However, he has a problem now. When you try to simulate, it no longer shows the result, it even loads the table but has no content, and the simulator form quickly pops up again. Check out an example at http://vitorconsorcios.com.br/simulador.php, below has the source code of the site. I've tried everything, but this is my last solution. What could be the cause of this? <?php include("injection.php"); /* if (isset($_POST['valorcon']) */ $valorcon = (int) tira_virgula_para_ponto( $_POST['valorcon'] ); $plano=anti_injection($_POST["plano"]); $tipo=anti_injection($_POST["tipo"]); $nomecon=anti_injection($_POST["nomecon"]); $telefone=anti_injection($_POST["telefone"]); $emailcon=anti_injection($_POST["emailcon"]); $cidadecon=anti_injection($_POST["cidadecon"]); if ($valorcon>0) { // Inseri a procura $tsql = " insert simulacao set plano='$plano' , tipo = '$tipo' , valor = $valorcon , nome = '$nomecon' , telefone = '$telefone' , email = '$emailcon' , cidade = '$cidadecon' "; //echo $tsql; //exit; $sql_insert = fbd($tsql,"","inserir simulacao"); ?> <div class="col-md-5"> <img src="img/simule.jpg" class="imagem" alt="Vitor Consórcios"> </div> <div class="col-md-7"> <h4>Confira a simualçao abaixo:</h4><br/> <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Descrição</th> <th>Valor do Crédito</th> <th>Valor da Parcela</th> <th>Valor da Meia Parcela</th> <th>Duração</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $_SESSION['splano'] = $plano; $_SESSION['svalorcon'] = $valorcon; $_SESSION['stipo'] = $tipo ; if ($plano=='Crédito') { $tsql = " (SELECT * FROM `consulta` where tipo='$tipo' and credito>=$valorcon order by credito limit 2 ) UNION (SELECT * FROM `consulta` where tipo='$tipo' and credito<$valorcon order by credito desc limit 2 ) order by credito "; } ELSE { $tsql = " (SELECT * FROM `consulta` where tipo='$tipo' and parcela>=$valorcon order by parcela limit 2 ) UNION (SELECT * FROM `consulta` where tipo='$tipo' and parcela<$valorcon order by parcela desc limit 2 ) order by parcela "; } $_SESSION['sqlExecutar'] = $tsql ; //echo $tsql; //exit; $sql = fbd($tsql,"","Seleciona as empresa"); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($sql); if ($num_rows>0) { ?> <script language= "JavaScript"> location.href="resultado.php" </script> <?php } ?> <script language= "JavaScript"> location.href="simulador.php" </script> <?php while($dados= mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ ?> <tr> <td align="left"><? echo $dados[descricao]; ?></td> <td>R$ <? echo valor_ponto_virgula( $dados["credito"] ); ?></td> <td>R$ <? echo valor_ponto_virgula( $dados["parcela"] ); ?></td> <td>R$ <? echo valor_ponto_virgula( $dados["parcela"]/2 ); ?></td> <td><? echo $dados["duracao"] ; ?></td> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> <?php } ELSE { ?> <h2>SIMULE AGORA SEU CONSÓRCIO!</h2><br/><br/> <div class="col-md-6"> <img src="img/simule.jpg" class="imagem" alt="Vitor Consórcios"> </div> <div class="col-md-1"></div> <form action="simulador.php" method="post" name="dados" id="dados" onSubmit="return validaform()"> <div class="col-md-5 esquerda"> Selecione o bem<br/> <select name="tipo" type="text" class="contat3" placeholder="Selecione o bem"> <option value="Imóvel"" style="background-color: #fff;">Imóveis</option> <option value="Automóvel"" style="background-color: #fff;">Automóveis</option> <option value="Moto" style="background-color: #fff;">Motos</option> </select><br/> Selecione o plano<br/> <select name="plano" type="text" class="contat3"> <option value="Crédito"" style="background-color: #fff;">Crédito</option> <option value="Parcela"" style="background-color: #fff;">Parcela</option> </select><br/> <input name="valorcon" type="text" id="valorcon" class="contat3" placeholder="Digite o valor" maxlength="1000" /><br/> <input name="nomecon" type="text" id="nomecon" class="contat3" placeholder="Nome" maxlength="1000" /><br/> <input name="telefone" type="text" onkeypress="Mascara('TEL',this,event);" type="text" id="telefone" class="contat3" placeholder="Telefone" /> <!--- <input name="tel2" type="text" id="tel2" onkeypress="Mascara('TEL',this,event);" /><br/> ---> <input name="emailcon" type="text" id="emailcon" class="contat3" placeholder="E-mal" maxlength="1000" /><br/> <input name="cidadecon" type="text" id="cidadecon" class="contat3" placeholder="Cidade" maxlength="1000" /> <br/><br/><br/> <a id="enviar-form" class="button solid-color" href="#">Enviar</a> <input type="submit" id="enviar-form-btn" style="display: none;" /> </div> </form> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> <?php } // 14-05-2018 ?> </div> </div>
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