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  1. Hi, I need to convert following nginx rule to Apache configuration. can anyone help me. location /chat { rewrite /chat(/.+)$ $1 break; proxy_pass http://localhost:8000; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header Cookie $http_cookie; proxy_buffering off; proxy_send_timeout 310; }
  2. yes we need to make correction customly by getting buffer error and correct it by decreasing that error percentage from one of the options.
  3. I'm analyzing poll scripts, plug-ins or mods from several cms and scripts so that I can find how they are handling this situation.
  4. I have no plan to display the total percentage. If I display the individual percentage in such way (61%, 25%, 13%) which totals 99% then, the users impression on the system become pretty bad. Isn't it?
  5. isn't it possible using other methods? I don't like to show decimals on percentages.
  6. Hi, I had made a php poll script, and I am having an issue on the page where I display the individual options percentage. I use php round() function and when I count the each option's vote percentage (used round on each options while calculating) I didn't get 100% in total. Like I have following data: Opt 1: 425 - 61% (with php round) Opt 2: 176 - 25% (with php round) Opt 3: 92 - 13% (with php round) =============== Total: 693 - 99% So where does 1% goes here? what will be the correct way to calculate percentage?
  7. Sorry fella, that don't make sense! what is means?
  8. Hi, How much is the changes of a file corruption while php open, reads and close the file simultaneously? Actually I have a DBF file that needs to be open with huge multiple request at the same time. any idea regarding that? thanks
  9. Hi, I have two mysql table in following format tbl1 ============================== user_name full_name ============================== test1@gmail.com Test 1 test2@gmail.com Test 2 test3@gmail.com Test 3 tbl2 ============================== email full_name ============================== test4@gmail.com Test 4 test5@gmail.com Test 5 test6@gmail.com Test 6 so how is it posible to list the data as following in a one mysql query? Result ============================== email full_name ============================== test1@gmail.com Test 1 test2@gmail.com Test 2 test3@gmail.com Test 3 test4@gmail.com Test 4 test5@gmail.com Test 5 test6@gmail.com Test 6
  10. nope even that code doesn't works
  11. hi, I am confused why settype is not working. <?php $test="8745102459"; settype($test, "int"); print $test; // Prints 2147483647 instead of 8745102459 ?>
  12. Hi, I am developing an application which can be connected by other application for fetching data. So, I am little bit confused how to generate & provide such secure keys to others. Can anyone give me an idea for generating automated secure keys for my application. thanks
  13. oops seems like I forget the center value on css anyway the topic has been solved
  14. Hi, I need some help to fix positioning issue. Please have a look on this link The background box is not on the right position; it should be straight next to the side of the each link. So if anyone can help me if would be a great thanks.
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