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  1. How to write this ? Please I don't now Thank you very much Max
  2. Hi, I have find a script of Markov Chain <?php $string = "Mavic Mini, un quadrirotor reprenant le design pliable de ses aînés, mais pesant cette fois moins de 250 g et disposant de la meilleure autonomie de la famille 30 minutes annoncées."; $tmp = new clsMarkov(); $tmp->makeList($string); $tmp->buildTree(); print $tmp->phraseWriter('le', 111); // phraseWriter(mot de base, nombre de mots dans le résultat) ?> On the last line the script says that the text must start with "le" and the text must be 111 words long. It would be desirable that the text how by "le" or "mini" or "pliable" and whether the text is 111 words or 95 or 56 or 365 words or randomly between 95 and 365. Can you help me please ? Thank you very well Max
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