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  1. My like that $details .= trValue(__mu('equivalent') .' <span class="priceValue">',$k,'</span> '.__mu($Currency) , $v, 'NotallFetures',''); Is this the right way to print ? $pricesRow = sprintf( '%s <span class="priceValue">', __mu('equivalent')); $details .= trValue($pricesRow,$k,'</span> '.__mu($Currency) , $v, 'NotallFetures','');
  2. Thanks, although I had tried this solution and didn't worked but your code send magic to me because it wasn't working because html tags change the order of table
  3. <?php function test(){ $x = ''; $arr = array('co'=>'color','ct'=>'design','cv'=>'weight','cm'=>'hight','cp'=>'price'); foreach($arr as $k=> $v){ $x .= '<tr><td> Td '.$k.' </td><td> Td '.$v.'</td></tr>' /* AFTER ACCESS THE ROW THAT DISPLAY "<tr><td> Td ct </td><td>Td design </td></tr>" */ /* insert HTML CODE (not by echo ) then complete the loop */ } return $x; } ?> How can I do it?
  4. My array is $arr = array( 'global' => array( array('tabs', 'tabs', 'tabs', array( 'Main' => 'main', 'Gallery' => 'galleryID', 'mera' => 'mera', )), array('main','div', 'div'), array('egice', 'Eice', 'text', '', ''), array('closeHere', 'closeHere', 'closeHere'), array('galleryID','div', 'div'), array('gallery', 'Gallery #1', 'image', '', ''), array('closeHere', 'closeHere', 'closeHere'), array('networking', 'div', 'div'), array('siLype', 'SiLype', 'text', '', ''), array('gpXCge', 'GpXCge', 'toggle_button', '1', 'Yes', 'No', ''), array('closeHere', 'closeHere', 'closeHere'), array('mera', 'div', 'div'), array('maimera', 'Maimera', 'repeatedText', 'resYI', 'GYL',''), array('closeHere', 'closeHere', 'closeHere'), array( 'moures','div', 'div'), array('meLmo', 'MeLmo', 'text', '', ''), array('cYSlot', 'CYSlot', 'text', '', ''), array('closeHere', 'closeHere', 'closeHere'), array('clT', 'clT', 'clT'), ), ); Simply, I want to split the main array to multiple arrays extract new Array if “div” value found I had tried here to do it but I can’t https://3v4l.org/ppj1O 1 Could you help?
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