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Everything posted by DaMaxl

  1. Hi guys, sorry...i'm a newbiiii and actually not that firm with php. i create some formualrs using while loop. the forms and input fields receives their names including a variable out of the database. by submitting to another page almost all values are transmitted except the value of the select field. I'm acutally using that ( it's just a shortcut ): <form id='contact-form".$KitchConfigID."' name='contact-form".$KitchConfigID."' action='_pages/_kitchenconfig/adm_saveKitchConfig.php?Nav=".$NavHash."&kcid=".$KitchConfigID."' method='POST'> <div class='row'> <div class='col-sm-12'> <div class='md-form mb-0 form-sm'> <input value='".$KitchConfig."' type='text' id='configname".$KitchConfigID."' name='configname".$KitchConfigID ."' class='form-control'> <label for='configname".$KitchConfigID ."' class=''>Config Name:</label> </div> </div> </div> <div class='row'> <div class='col-sm-12'> <div class='md-form mb-0 form-sm'> <select id='designer_".$KitchConfigID."' name='designer_".$KitchConfigID."' class='mdb-select md-form' searchable='Search here..' onchange='changeInput(this.value, ".$SelField.");'>"); $designersql = "SELECT * FROM `tbl_contacts` ORDER BY `FirstName`"; $resultdesigner = $conn->query($designersql); if ($resultdesigner->num_rows > 0) { $resultdesigner->MoveFirst; echo("<option value='designer_".$KitchConfigID."'></option>"); while($rowdesigner = $resultdesigner->fetch_assoc()) { $DesignerName = $rowdesigner["FirstName"]." ".$rowdesigner["LastName"]; $DesignerID = $rowdesigner["ContactID"]; if($rowdesigner["ContactID"]==$rowkitch["Designer"]){ echo("<option value='".$DesignerID."' selected='selected'>".$DesignerName."</option>"); } else { echo("<option value='".$DesignerID."'>".$DesignerName."</option>"); } } } echo("</select> <input type='text' name='".$SelField."' value='' /> <label for='designer_".$KitchConfigID."' class=''>Designer:</label> </div> </div> </div> <div class='md-form mb-0 float-right'> <button type='submit' class='btn btn-outline-danger waves-effect btn-sm float-right'>Save <i class='fas fa-magic ml-1'></i></button> </div> For the Output i use: $upd_KitchConfigID = $_GET["kcid"]; if(isset($_POST["configname$upd_KitchConfigID"])) { $upd_KitchConfig = $_POST["configname$upd_KitchConfigID"]; } else { $upd_KitchConfig = 'NotSet'; $ErrMsg = $ErrMsg . 'No KitchConfig, '; } if(isset($_POST["designer$upd_KitchConfigID"])) { $upd_KitchConfigDesigner = $_POST["designer_$upd_KitchConfigID"]; } else { $upd_KitchConfigDesigner = 1; $ErrMsg = $ErrMsg . 'No Designer, '; } echo("designer_$upd_KitchConfigID: ".$_POST["designer_$upd_KitchConfigID"]."<br><br>"); The value of ConfigName is well....BUT for Designer i receive "Undefined index: designer..." and i do not know why. I'm shure it's a mistake by my stupid coding...but i can't find the error. Maybe anybody of you guys can help me out? thnx in advance!!! BR, Max
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