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  1. Hi Thank you for your reply, I don't need multiple selection the client allows to select only one option for how many installments he needs. I just want the list to be presented only at certain order mount, now if I want him to see the list I select the checkbox in my admin interface which in the "IF" condition in the above code. Yaron
  2. Hi, I need to change the condition of presenting a drop down list instead of checkbox to be related to order amount in the cart, what do I change in the below condition? <?php if ( $this->Installments_field ) : ?> </p> <p class="form-row form-row-last"> <label for="offline_cc_Installments"><?php _e("Installments", 'wc_offline_cc') ?> <span class="required">*</span></label> <select name="offline_cc_Installments" id="offline_cc_Installments"> <option value="1"><?php _e('תשלום אחד', 'wc_offline_cc') ?></option> <option value="2"><?php _e('שני תשלומים', 'wc_offline_cc') ?></option> <option value="3"><?php _e('שלושה תשלומים', 'wc_offline_cc') ?></option>
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