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  1. Wow that is simple. Thank you @requinix. If only I asked for help sooner...
  2. Familiar yes, really know how to use it, no. If you can point me to an overview I'd love to get my knowledge where it needs to be.
  3. Thank you @requinix! Obviously There's some basics I need to learn here regarding working with this... How to I reference the data in my variable all the way down at the EntityReturnInfo array?
  4. I'm using a PHP framework someone built that allows for easier use of the Autotask ticketing/CRM system API. I have been able to navigate querying the database, but cannot seem to read through the data it returns. A var_dump of the results shows the following: object(ATWS\AutotaskObjects\QueryResponse)[9] public 'queryResult' => object(ATWS\AutotaskObjects\ATWSResponse)[10] public 'EntityResults' => object(ATWS\AutotaskObjects\ArrayOfEntity)[11] public 'Entity' => array (size=500) ... public 'EntityResultType' => string 'contact' (length=7) public 'EntityReturnInfoResults' => object(ATWS\AutotaskObjects\ArrayOfEntityReturnInfo)[1028] public 'EntityReturnInfo' => array (size=500) ... public 'Fields' => null public 'UserDefinedFields' => null public 'Errors' => object(ATWS\AutotaskObjects\ArrayOfATWSError)[1027] public 'ATWSError' => null public 'Fields' => null public 'UserDefinedFields' => null public 'ReturnCode' => int 1 Can someone please give me guidance on how I can get to the data in this result. I'm trying to get my hands on the "EntityReturnInfo" data. A sample is as follows Here is what a print_r returns ATWS\AutotaskObjects\QueryResponse Object ( [queryResult] => ATWS\AutotaskObjects\ATWSResponse Object ( [EntityResults] => ATWS\AutotaskObjects\ArrayOfEntity Object ( **THIS IS WHERE THE GOOD DATA STARTS*** [Entity] => Array ( [0] => ATWS\AutotaskObjects\Contact Object ( [AccountID] => 174 [Active] => 1 [FirstName] => John [LastName] => Doe [AccountPhysicalLocationID] => [AdditionalAddressInformation] => [AddressLine] => 123 Fake Street [AddressLine1] => Suite 2 [AlternatePhone] => [BulkEmailOptOut] => [BulkEmailOptOutTime] => [City] => Fake City [Country] => United States [CountryID] => 237 [CreateDate] => 2016-09-28T10:17:57.34 [EMailAddress] => Fake@email.com [EMailAddress2] => [EMailAddress3] => [Extension] => [ExternalID] => [FacebookUrl] => [FaxNumber] => [LastActivityDate] => 2016-09-28T11:17:24 [LastModifiedDate] => 2016-09-28T11:17:24.68 [LinkedInUrl] => [MiddleInitial] => [MobilePhone] => [NamePrefix] => [NameSuffix] => [Note] => [Notification] => 1 [Phone] => 123-456-7890 [PrimaryContact] => [RoomNumber] => [SolicitationOptOut] => [SolicitationOptOutTime] => [State] => NY [SurveyOptOut] => [Title] => [TwitterUrl] => [ZipCode] => 12345 [Fields] => [UserDefinedFields] => ATWS\AutotaskObjects\ArrayOfUserDefinedField Object ( [UserDefinedField] => ) [id] => 30682885 ) ***AND THE DATA CONTINUES WITH*** [1] => ATWS\AutotaskObjects\Contact Object ( [AccountID] => etc etc etc etc
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