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Everything posted by ProgrammingCaveman

  1. Great, but still the above doesn't answer my question, but only show arrogance. So how do I install MySqL 5.7.32 from repos ?
  2. Well, I can try that, but they offer version 8.0 ... how can I install version 5.7.32? This is the newest subversion of 5.7 ... what if there is no newest subversion in Kali/Debian repo? Also, can you tell me what the error accually mean ?
  3. Hi. I downloaded mysql-server_5.7.32-1debian10_amd64.deb-bundle.tar from https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/ and from it I run mysql-community-server_5.7.32-1debian10_amd64.deb and the installer thrown the error visible on my screenshot below. I'm still learning administration of Linux. Please provide some help :-)
  4. Yes. I renamed the file xdebug.so and installed repo and it is now present in phpinfo() ! Now I will try to set it up working with Zend Studio and some browser plugin.
  5. Fuck, good question... I didn't know xdebug is in Debian/Kali's repos. I edited right php.ini , I'm sure... what do you suggest to do now? I added the lines below to /etc/php/7.4/apache2 : zend_extension = xdebug.so xdebug.remote_enable=1 xdebug.remote_host=localhost xdebug.remote_port=9000 xdebug.remote_handler=dbgp xdebug.remote_autostart=1 xdebug.remote_mode=req
  6. I enabled logging errors to a file and it doesn't show any errors. The extension is kept in /usr/lib/php/20190902 and it's the same dir which extension_dir in phpinfo() stands for. At the end of php.ini I have: zend_extension = xdebug.so So it should, at least theoretically, work. What did I do wrong? I didn't see any error while compiling from sources, but maybe the compilation went somehow wrong??
  7. Okay, I followed this wizard: https://xdebug.org/wizard I did as it says (compiling from sources) but still I don't see xDebug in my phpinfo() ! Why?
  8. You know what... I just had a look at that xDebug and it looks like it completely changed over the years... I remember few years ago it only supported some lame variable output to browser - like I was using print_r ... I will definately have a look at that. However still I think it would be much simpler if I could use this ZendDebugger.
  9. I won't give up with this that easily... untill it WORKS. Anyone else here using Zend Debugger on Linux ??
  10. I didn't ask for such advice. And I am not lame to use stuff like xDebug. I work with real time debugger. Anyone else?
  11. I've been working on Windows in PHP for many years using Zend Studio and Zend Debugger which is great. Now I'm trying to set this up on my Linux Kali installation and I'm having some problems with this. I have installed newest Apache 2.4.46 and PHP 7.4.x from debian repositories (using apt) (strangly the sub-version (x) was not the newest one!). After downloading Zend Debugger and configuring it in php.ini the debugger was not present in phpinfo(). The file downloaded from Zend website (https://www.zend.com/downloads/zend-studio-web-debugger) is named ZendDebugger-linux-x86_64/php-7.0.x/ZendDebugger.so and it doesn't work with PHP 7.4.x (very bad from Zend, isn't it? Or did I do something wrong?) Anyway I switched to PHP 7.0.x - also downloaded from apt and then the debugger showed up in phpinfo(). I have installed Zend Studio 13 and Firefox toolbar which is configured with default settings: broadcast port 20080 (clicking Test button shows OK). I run Zend Studio and click "Debug Current Page" in Firefox on some localhost PHP file with breakpoints set up and it doesn't work - instead I see standard "Connect has timed out" in Firefox - WHY? It looks like ports are not disabled on localhost, but I'm rather new to Linux so I may be wrong somewhere... Please help :-) What I added to php.ini : zend_extension=/usr/lib/php/ZendDebugger-linux-x86_64/php-7.0.x/ZendDebugger.so [zend_debugger] zend_debugger.allow_hosts= zend_debugger.allow_from_all=true zend_debugger.passive_mode_timeout=60 zend_debugger.expose_remotely=always
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