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Everything posted by Hybris

  1. Ok great, this helped me fix some other minor issues in my code that I saved for a rainy day. Thank you soo much
  2. Ahh ok thanks, is there another way of getting the value of a cell that returns the type too or is the type="" in html just for formatting the inputfield?
  3. It should be a date I guess? In the inputfield I get a calendar where I can select a date and as I edited in above the type says date ^^ ? If I type in 2020-01-01 as a date that is also what the etaDate alertbox displays? eEDit:: Ahh so Im making it something else than date when i use .value?
  4. Wierd. Its working if I split etaDate into substrings and use them to set a new date? Anyone know why that works but not to just use it direcly? <input id="etaDate" class="inputClass" type="date" tabindex="5">
  5. I noticed it should be .getDay() but it is still not working..
  6. var etaDate = new Date(); etaDate = document.getElementById("etaDate").value; window.alert(etaDate); var day = etaDate.getDate(); window.alert(day); I have a form with some date inputfields. Now I need to check what day of the week a certain date is but I can't get the getDate() to return a value. The etaDate print out the correct date but alert(day) show nothing? Any ideas? Thanks.
  7. Hi, I just started on a small project where I have a form where I want to prefill some stuff like the 2 last digits of the current year (20). I made a small javascript for that but have to put it in a function that I start onload in the <body> tag and it works just fine.. then it struck me I could write a similar function in php instead and I started to wonder what is best practice for small functions like these? Is there some general golden rule when its better to use javascript instead of php? (My feeling is php for database stuff and stuff thats happening as the page loads and javascript when a page already is loaded and one wants to mess with stuff like keypresses or mouse movements and things like that..?) Was several years since I did my last project so am a bit rusty.. Last time everyone told me to use Laravel instead of writing my own code so I did..or I tried..and tried..and tried.. but never understood what I was doing so I quickly lost interest so this time I will write everything from scratch using no frameworks.
  8. Hi, I'm a hobby coder that do some work now and then.. So last project I made was some years ago and recently I started up a new project. I had a small PHP question so I logged into the forums where I used to hang.. http://forums.devnetwork.net/index.php So I tried to post my question but got an error message my message contained too few characters.. So I wrote a longer post.. same thing.. Aha must be my browser thats bugged so I logged in from my phone.. Nope same result. I tried to PM the MODs but same result.. too few chars.. Ok ok.. must be my user that is bugged.. maybe the code rusted together since I been away for so long.. Created a new temporary user.. Ok here we go...NOT. Same Error and this time I was pretty sure I did not use too few characters unless they required me to write a book in my post.. WTF is this??? Here comes the creepy part: So I started to look outside my narrow little box, I looked at the forum overview.. General discussion: Last post - 2019 March 07 PHP Code - Last post - April 02 2019.. I was all alone in a dead forum probably haunted by the ghosts of the old devs.. What happened? I tried to find some goodbye post.. nothing.. Just like everyone suddenly just dissapered? I google what happened to php dev forum? - Nothing, nada shows up??? So here I am, trying to find a new community. So hello all. If anyone know what happened to the php dev forums please let me know. I'm really curious.
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