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Everything posted by pmonstad

  1. Hi! Any chance I can pay you to get this working? My knowledge is far too limited.
  2. I have a map running at https://fjellturblogg.no/kart What I want is an option to turn on/off the current GPS position, to make it possible to navigate the map. I have found an example of a working HTML5 example of how this can be implemented at: https://jsfiddle.net/31ws6z37/1/ What I really need some help to fix, is how to put this into my main script. I only need a pointer or blue circle to represent current position in the map. An option to turn this feature on/off is also welcome. I will also need a possibility to refresh the map/current GPS position every 30 seconds. My main scrips looks like this: jQuery(document).ready(function($) { var mapContainer = ".nu-map-container"; var randId = new Date().getTime()*Math.random()*1000000; var mapId = "map-"+randId; var graphId = "graph"+randId; $(mapContainer).each(function(i, el) { $(el).find(".nu-map").attr("id", mapId); $(el).find(".nu-graph").attr("id", graphId); // Get all default settings from parent var columnsData = $(el).attr("data-columns") || "{}"; columnsData = JSON.parse(columnsData); var settingsData = $(el).attr("data-settings") || "{}"; settingsData = JSON.parse(settingsData); var locData = $(el).attr("data-loc"); // Center marker name; var viewData = $(el).attr("data-view") || "all"; // Display all markers or not var viewDataArray = viewData.split(","); var geoJSONUrl = $(el).attr("data-geom"); var gpxUrl = $(el).attr("data-gpx"); // TODO: Temp before use drive url // AJAX Request settings var nonce = $(el).attr("data-nonce"); var action = $(el).attr("data-action"); var tablePressId = $(el).attr("data-table"); // Marker coming in form [east, north], selected zone is 33N [https://prnt.sc/qnu3sy] var rawMarkers = [ { east: -26078.16, north: 6636791.98, title: "static-marker-1", url: "https://leafletjs.com/examples/layers-control/" }, { east: -19405.98, north: 6645694.74, title: "static-marker-1", url: "https://leafletjs.com/examples/layers-control/" } ]; // Layer of markers var poiLayer = L.layerGroup(); var tracksLayer = L.layerGroup(); // Store markers list retrieve from database var markers = []; // Trigger WP AJAX to get the raw marker data if (tablePressId) { createMarkers(poiLayer); } // NOTE: use center name in shortcode /*var east = (settingsData.center || "7164014, 400784").split(",")[1]; var north = (settingsData.center || "7164014, 400784").split(",")[0];*/ var east = ("7164014, 400784").split(",")[1]; var north = ("7164014, 400784").split(",")[0]; // Set width height $("#"+mapId).css({ "width": settingsData.width || "100%", "height": settingsData.height || "400px", }); // Init base map var map = L.map(mapId, { //center: [59.8939529,10.6450337], // capital Oslo center: convertUtmToLL(east, north), zoom: settingsData.zoom || 4, layers: [poiLayer, tracksLayer], dragging: !L.Browser.mobile, tap: !L.Browser.mobile, fullscreenControl: settingsData.fullscreen == "yes", fullscreenControlOptions: { position: 'topleft' } }); jQuery(document).on("mouseout", ".map-scroll", function() { jQuery(".nu-map").removeClass("map-scroll"); }); $(document).on("mousedown", ".leaflet-control-zoom-fullscreen", function() { $(".nu-map").removeClass("map-scroll"); }); //disable default scroll map.scrollWheelZoom.disable(); mapId = "#"+mapId; $(mapId).bind('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); if (event.ctrlKey == true) { event.preventDefault(); map.scrollWheelZoom.enable(); $(mapId).removeClass('map-scroll'); setTimeout(function(){ map.scrollWheelZoom.disable(); }, 1000); } else { // Only add map-scroll if the screen is not in fullscreen if (jQuery(".nu-map").is(":fullscreen")) { map.scrollWheelZoom.enable(); $(mapId).removeClass('map-scroll'); setTimeout(function(){ map.scrollWheelZoom.disable(); }, 1000); } else { map.scrollWheelZoom.disable(); $(mapId).addClass('map-scroll'); } } }); $(window).bind('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function (event) { $('#map').removeClass('map-scroll'); }) // Load geojson masked loadGeoTiles(geoJSONUrl); var overlays = { "Ruter": tracksLayer, "Punkter": poiLayer }; L.control.layers(null, overlays).addTo(map); function loadGeoTiles(geoUrl, tileUrl, attribution) { $.getJSON(geoUrl, function(res) { var geom = res; var osmUrl = 'https://{s}.tile.opentopomap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'; var osmAttribution = 'Map data: &copy; <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, <a href="http://viewfinderpanoramas.org">SRTM</a> | Map style: &copy; <a href="https://opentopomap.org">OpenTopoMap</a> (<a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/">CC-BY-SA</a>)'; var openTopoMap = L.TileLayer.boundaryCanvas(osmUrl, { boundary: geom, attribution: osmAttribution, trackAttribution: true });//.addTo(map); var norgeskartMap = L.tileLayer('https://opencache.statkart.no/gatekeeper/gk/gk.open_gmaps?layers=topo4&zoom={z}&x={x}&y={y}', { attribution: '<a href="http://www.kartverket.no/">Kartverket</a>' }).addTo(map); var baseLayers = { "Topo": openTopoMap, "norgeskart": norgeskartMap }; //L.control.layers.addBaseLayer(baseLayers).addTo(map); }) } // Convert UTM [east, north] to [lat,lng] function convertUtmToLL(east, north, zone, band) { var item = L.utm({x: east, y: north, zone: zone || 33, band: band || 'N'}); var coord = item.latLng(); return coord; } // Convert and create markers function createMarkers(layer) { jQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", url: nu_ajaxurl, data : { action: action, tableId: tablePressId, nonce: nonce }, success: function(data) { // Use column data above, -1 for correct zero-based index, check _main.js NOTE var rawMarkers = data.slice(1); // Remove header var nameCol = columnsData.name-1 || 0; var urlCol = columnsData.url-1 || 0; var positionCol = columnsData.position-1 || 0; var gpxCol = columnsData.gpx-1 || 0; var heightCol = columnsData.height-1 || 0; // Remember to check against loc and view var foundLoc = rawMarkers.filter(function(m) { return locData && m[nameCol] && m[nameCol].toLowerCase() == locData.toLowerCase(); })[0]; if (foundLoc) { var pos = foundLoc[positionCol].split(","); //[north, east] var llCoord = convertUtmToLL(parseFloat(pos[1]), parseFloat(pos[0]), 33, 'N'); // 33N is default for norway coord, map.panTo(llCoord); } for (var i = 0; i < rawMarkers.length; i++) { // exclude the position empty var markerData = rawMarkers[i]; if ( markerData[positionCol] ) { var linkUrl = $(markerData[urlCol]).is("a") ? $(markerData[urlCol]).attr("href") : ""; var popupTemplate = '<div class="l-popup">'; if (linkUrl) { popupTemplate += "<label><a href='"+linkUrl+"'>"+markerData[nameCol]+"</a></label>"; } else { popupTemplate += "<label>"+markerData[nameCol]+"</label>"; } popupTemplate += "<br><span>"+markerData[heightCol]+"</span>"; var pos = markerData[positionCol].split(","); //[north, east] var llCoord = convertUtmToLL(parseFloat(pos[1]), parseFloat(pos[0]), 33, 'N'); // 33N is default for norway coord, var marker = L.marker(llCoord).bindPopup(popupTemplate); // Only generate chart on foundLoc, or else many of charts is created // Check against the view option if (!viewData || viewData.toLowerCase() == "all") { marker.addTo(layer); // Find gpxURL attached to each generateTracker(markerData[gpxCol], !!foundLoc); //generateTracker(gpxUrl+"Krakkanuten5.gpx"); } else { viewDataArray = viewDataArray.map(function(v) { return (v.trim() || "").toLowerCase(); }); if (viewDataArray.indexOf(markerData[nameCol].toLowerCase()) != -1) { marker.addTo(layer); // Find gpxURL attached to each generateTracker(markerData[gpxCol], !!foundLoc); //generateTracker(gpxUrl+"Krakkanuten5.gpx"); } } marker.on('mouseover', function (e) { this.openPopup(); }); marker.on('click', function (e) { this.openPopup(); }); } } return markers; }, error: function() { updateMessage("Can't fetch the table header"); console.log(data); } }); } // Get data from gpx file function generateTracker(fileUrl, generateGraph) { // Break on empty if (!fileUrl) { return; } var _fileUrl = generateDriveUrl(fileUrl) ? generateDriveUrl(fileUrl) : fileUrl; // Try to find the $.get(_fileUrl, function(result) { var gpxContent = result.documentElement ? result.documentElement.outerHTML : result; if (gpxContent) { //Create gpxParser Object var gpx = new gpxParser(); //parse gpx file from string data gpx.parse(gpxContent); if(gpx.waypoints.length > 0) { $('#part-waypoints').addClass('part-visible'); } else { $('part-waypoints').removeClass('part-visible'); } gpx.waypoints.forEach(function(wpt) { tracksLayer.addLayer(L.marker([wpt.lat, wpt.lon]).bindPopup(wpt.name)); }); if(gpx.tracks.length > 0) { $('#part-tracks').addClass('part-visible'); } else { $('#part-tracks').removeClass('part-visible'); } gpx.tracks.forEach(function(track){ buildPolyline(track.points); }); if(gpx.routes.length > 0) { $('#part-routes').addClass('part-visible'); } else { $('#part-routes').removeClass('part-visible'); } gpx.routes.forEach(function(route){ buildPolyline(route.points); }); // GRAPH: Draw the highchart var track = gpx.tracks[0]; if (track && generateGraph) { drawGraph(track.elevation.elevation, track.distance.cumul, graphId, settingsData); } } }) } function generateDriveUrl(url) { var id = url.match(/[-\w]{25,}/); if (id && url.indexOf("drive.google.com") != -1) { return "https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id="+id; } return ""; } function buildPolyline(points){ var latlngs = []; points.forEach(function(pt){ let p = [pt.lat, pt.lon]; latlngs.push(p); }); //let color = '#'+(0x1000000+(Math.random())*0xffffff).toString(16).substr(1,6) var color = settingsData.line_color; var polyline = L.polyline(latlngs, { color: color || "#d93025", weight: 4 }); polyline.addTo(tracksLayer); //tracksLayer.addLayer(polyline); //map.fitBounds(tracksLayer.getBounds()); } }); return; });
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