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Everything posted by phpnoob34

  1. I'd like to get this data from this code <div class="css-16oi4kv-metrics"><div class="css-a5m6co-text css-p8ym46-fontFamily css-1s1cif8-fontSize css-mun6jo-color css-15qzf5r-display">Crawled</div><div class="css-a5m6co-text css-p8ym46-fontFamily css-1s1cif8-fontSize css-mun6jo-color css-wmls8-align css-15qzf5r-display">49.3K</div><div class="css-3sdovo-deltaCell"><div class="css-a5m6co-text css-p8ym46-fontFamily css-1s1cif8-fontSize css-1u51kiy-color css-15qzf5r-display">−522</div></div><div class="css-a5m6co-text css-p8ym46-fontFamily css-1s1cif8-fontSize css-mun6jo-color css-15qzf5r-display">Redirects</div><div class="css-a5m6co-text css-p8ym46-fontFamily css-1s1cif8-fontSize css-mun6jo-color css-wmls8-align css-15qzf5r-display">201</div><div class="css-3sdovo-deltaCell"><div class="css-a5m6co-text css-p8ym46-fontFamily css-1s1cif8-fontSize css-12oi5yl-color css-15qzf5r-display">−2</div></div><div class="css-a5m6co-text css-p8ym46-fontFamily css-1s1cif8-fontSize css-mun6jo-color css-15qzf5r-display">Broken</div><div class="css-a5m6co-text css-p8ym46-fontFamily css-1s1cif8-fontSize css-mun6jo-color css-wmls8-align css-15qzf5r-display">325</div><div class="css-3sdovo-deltaCell"><div class="css-a5m6co-text css-p8ym46-fontFamily css-1s1cif8-fontSize css-1u51kiy-color css-15qzf5r-display">+306</div></div><div class="css-a5m6co-text css-p8ym46-fontFamily css-1s1cif8-fontSize css-mun6jo-color css-15qzf5r-display">Blocked</div><div class="css-a5m6co-text css-p8ym46-fontFamily css-1s1cif8-fontSize css-mun6jo-color css-wmls8-align css-15qzf5r-display">5</div><div class="css-3sdovo-deltaCell"></div></div>
  2. well the thing is when you login you can get some stuff which is dynamically generated and I really want to get this items so I don't have to check more than 100 websites.
  3. http://karramba.se/test/curl.php thats the link to the website. I'm seeing the whole main page of ahrefs but I want to get the part in the middle of the page " Try Ahrefs now Start using Ahrefs Site Explorer tool and dive into all this powerful data right now!Start trial " for example
  4. Let me try to find it. I have this code on my hosting so I can show you this code live.
  5. <?php include "simple_html_dom.php"; $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://ahrefs.com/site-explorer/overview/v2/subdomains/live?target=karramba.se'); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1 ); $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); echo $response; $html = new simple_html_dom(); $html->load($response); foreach($html->find('div[CollapsingNavbarHeader]') as $link) echo $link->plaintext; ?> I was trying to get some info from Ahrefs. can you help me to display single post or image from Ahrefs , so you will give me as an example.
  6. ok let's say I want to get "welcome to the BBC " from https://www.bbc.co.uk . That's just a simple example. I know I can get single items using HTML DOM STRUCTURE, but for some reason its not working. I have done with tutorial.
  7. Hey guys I need help with curl php . I cannot get info from other website. I have been trying to get single post but I'm gettig the whole page or more than one post. I get tutorial from youtube, but for some reason its not working. Does anyone can help me with simple example ? code prehaps?
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