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Everything posted by emc2k99

  1. ???[code]<?php $x='sourceid=navclient-ff&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1B2GGGL_enUS177&q=tube+socks'; //$x = 'p=tube+socks&fr=yfp-t-501&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8'; //$x='fr=FP-pull-web-t'; //$x=''; $f=fsockopen('www.google.com',80,$errno,$errstr,30); if(!$f) { echo "Socket error #$errno: $errstr"; } else { $wr="GET /search HTTP/1.1\r\n Host: www.google.com\r\n"; $wr.="Location: www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient-ff&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1B2GGGL_enUS177&q=tube+socks"; //$wr="Allow: GET, HEAD, PUT\r\n"; $wr.="Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; //$wr.="Content-Type: */*\r\n"; $wr.="User-Agent: Firefox 2.0\r\nContent-length: "; $wr.=strlen($x)."\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n$x"; fputs($f,$wr); while(!feof($f)) { echo fgets($f,(1024 * 50)); } fclose($f); } ?> [/code] Trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong with this, basically trying to pull up the search results...
  2. Okay, I figured out the problem with accessing particular pages... however, should I research Html headers 1.1? or something like that to understand this more? Anyone have some difinitive pointers?
  3. Does anyone know the basic rules of doing this? why can't I access a page that ends with a file extension, for example (www.domain.com/search/main.php)? It seems that the fsockopen only works with direcotries I know how to send variables through the GET and POST method thanks to some other scripts, I also tried to spider a google results page, but i get an error saying that the page has moved. My suspicion with that is the fact that I use a proxy server to connect trips google up. I'm using Firefox 2.0 and just need info on those 2 things, Thanks so much in advance... Likcuid
  4. Good morning, I've had this problem about a year ago: my service, for an unknown reason, stopped running (on my testing server). I'm running wamp 1.6.3 and it's not starting for me. I went to services in the control panel and tried to manually start it. no luck. A year back, I had to end up [b]reinstalling windows[/b] after uninstalling and reinstalling several times to get it to run. Why is it that after uninstalling and reinstalling the service, it still won't run? Can anyone tell me a solution that would save me the trouble of not having to reboot? Any insight, suggestions and links to tutorials or documentation will be greatly appreciated...THANKS  ;D
  5. If I can use php to read - and not just write - from an smtp-based server (if there is such a thing, i'm not sure at all), I would.
  6. Hey everyone, I want to write a mail client to integrate into my site... Is there an email server that especially used with php? Basically, something that may be the email equivalent to mysql? I visited php dot net, and there is "information" on configuring php, but it is all non-descriptive and pretty vague, so I ask: does anyone know of any good tutorials on the subject? The only real thing I am fuzzy on is setting php up to work with a mail server, after I grasp an understanding of how to set up and then administrate either pop, imap or smtp with php (and eventually, ultimately know all there is to know about the subject), I should be pretty good to go. The commands and keywords are, as usual, self-explanatory. Let me just take a moment to thank this supportive forum community. I appreciate all help as always, emc
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