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Everything posted by pottidmeat

  1. Hi, I hope someone can help me resolve this issue, as it's driving me crazy. Here are the respective links just in case it might help to get a clearer picture: http://www.gmparchitects-la.com/docs/projects.php?project=Water%20Terrace http://www.atomiccherry.com/clients/gmp/docs/projects.php?project=Water%20Terrace Here's the skinny... The "project.php" page on each respective server is identical, line for line.  The problem is that the pagination aspect on the test server (www.atomiccherry.com/) works great, but on the clients server, the one it needs to work on, doesn't function properly. Here's a snippet of the code: <?php if ($totalRows > 1) { do { echo "<div class='center'><img src='../images/projects/" . $row['image'] . "' /></div>"; } while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)); echo "<div style='text-align: right; font-size: 10px; margin-top: 15px; height: 25px; padding-top: 4px;'>"; if ($page != 1) { $pageprev = $page - 1; echo "<a href='projects.php?page=$pageprev&project=" . $_GET['project'] . "'>&lt;&lt; </a>"; } else { } $numofpages = $totalRows / $limit; for ($i = 1; $i <= $numofpages; $i++) { if ($i == $page && $totalRows > 1) { echo "<span style='color: #DDDCDB;'> " . $i . " </span>"; } elseif ($totalRows > 1) { echo "<a href='projects.php?page=$i&project=". $_GET['project'] . "'>$i</a> "; } } if (($totalRows % $limit) != 0) { if ($i == $page && $totalRows > 1) { echo "<span style='color: #DDDCDB;'> " . $i . " </span>"; } elseif ($totalRows > 1) { echo "<a href='projects.php?page=$i&project=" . $_GET['project'] . "'>$i</a> "; } } if (($totalRows - ($limit * $page)) > 0) { $pagenext = $page + 1; echo "<a href='projects.php?page=$pagenext&project=" . $_GET['project'] . "'>&gt;&gt;</a>"; } else { } echo "</div>"; } // end recordset finds results query if ($totolRows == 1) { echo "<div><img src='../images/projects/" . $row['image'] . "' /></div>"; } ?>  
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