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Everything posted by keithappleby

  1. Hi guys, ok this is a weird one. i have a piece of code that opens a csv file, takes the data, and inserts it into a database, or at least its supposed to.. this is what i have CSV FILE EXAMPLE "DMC 157","Cornflower Blue very","1173","5.9","6" PHP SCRIPT $conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $database); // Check connection if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); exit(); } $lineno = "1"; $fh = fopen('Diamonds.CSV','r'); while ($line = fgets($fh)) { // <... Do your work with the line ...> if ($lineno <> "1") { $newid = "00001"; $details = explode("\"", $line); $dmc = $details[1]; $colour2 = $details[3]; $drills = $details[5]; $grams2 = ceil($drills/200); $addfile = "INSERT INTO diamondlists(artID, dmcnum, dmccolour, dmcqty, dmcgrams)values('" . $newid . "', '" . $dmc . "', '" . $colour2 . "', '" . $drills . "', '" . $grams2 . "')"; echo $addfile . "<br>"; mysqli_query($addfile) or die ("could not add record"); } $lineno++; } fclose($fh); mysql_close($conn); RESULTING PHP PAGE INSERT INTO diamondlists(artID, dmcnum, dmccolour, dmcqty, dmcgrams)values('00001', 'DMC 157', 'Cornflower Blue very', '1173', '6') could not add record now.. if i use the above code INSERT INTO diamondlists(artID, dmcnum, dmccolour, dmcqty, dmcgrams)values('00001', 'DMC 157', 'Cornflower Blue very', '1173', '6') and put it directly in the database it works fine. i am using the correct databsae, and get no connection error as per the FAILED to connect part of the script. However no matter what i try i cannot get it to insert the records.. any ideas please.. its driving me crazy. using PHP 7.3
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