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About johnnyfortune

  • Birthday 10/30/1990

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  • Gender
  • Location
    North Dakota
  • Interests
    Coding, Art, Redheads, Heroin
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johnnyfortune's Achievements


Newbie (1/5)



  1. Thanks for your reply. This is kinda what I came up with so far. It generates a pixel grid for X & Y coordinates. IDK maybe someone someday will find this useful? I figured I would share. it works for what I needed. GRID FUNCTION <?php public static function battleShipGrid($w, $h, $size) { $totX = intval(floor($w / $size)); $totY = intval(floor($h / $size)); $xRanges = array(); $yRanges = array(); $xLimit = 0; while ($xLimit <= $totX) { $start = intval($xLimit * $size); $end = intval(($start + $size) - 1); if ($end > $w) $end = $w; $xRanges[] = range($start, $end); $xLimit++; } $yLimit = 0; while ($yLimit <= $totY) { $start = intval($yLimit * $size); $end = intval(($start + $size) - 1); if ($end > $h) $end = $h; $yRanges[] = range($start, $end); $yLimit++; } return array("x" => $xRanges, "y" => $yRanges, "xTotal" => $totX, "yTotal" => $totY); } SEARCH public static function searchPoint($xTest, $yTest, $xRanges, $yRanges) { $xResult = self::searchSquare($xTest, $xRanges); $yResult = self::searchSquare($yTest, $yRanges); return array("x" => $xResult, "y" => $yResult); } public static function searchSquare($needle, $haystack) { $found = false; $current = 0; while ($found === false) { $x = $haystack[$current]; if (in_array($needle, $x)) $found = $current; $current++; if ($current > count($haystack)) $found = "not_found"; } if ($found !== "not_found") $result = $haystack[$found]; else return false; $min = $result[0]; $max = end($result); return array("key" => $found, "min" => $min, "max" => $max, "items" => $result); } USAGE EXAMPLE <?php // Getting example coordinates like this $examplePoint = "1910,1070"; $points = explode(",", $examplePoint); $xTest = intval($points[0]); $yTest = intval($points[1]); // We can find out which X & Y Square they can be found in. $xResult = self::searchSquare($xTest, $xRanges); $yResult = self::searchSquare($yTest, $yRanges); ?>
  2. Hello All! I am struggling to build a script that is generating random images. I want to place a bunch of circles on a rectangular image. However I want those circles to appear in random locations. I have been using the range($min,$max) function to keep track of "used" spaces on the X axis, based on the circle size, but I was wondering if there is a class somewhere that could simplify this. Ideally, something that takes a given width and height, and breaks that into a group of "cells". IDK if any of you have played the game battle ship, but something like that. Id like to be able to do placeCircle("A1"); Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks for reading! JF
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