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Posts posted by webdeveloper123

  1. Hey Barand,

    Yes I removed it. It wasn't there earlier, but I was having real problems for days so I put it in there to see if everything is ok.

    This may or may not help, but I have this line in the same file:

          <p class="title"><?= htmlspecialchars($listing['title']) ?></p></br>

    And as the error suggested, there is a "</br>" element involved. But the HTML is valid and the php is fine. I was just trying everything I could think of, so I removed htmlspecialchars just to see if it had any effect- but still nothing. It just comes from a select sql query, then I foreach around it and output each element

  2. Hi Guys,

    Been at this for over a week now. I am making a cinema ticket booking system. Everything is fine apart from one thing - showing unavailable seats (seats already booked) in red on the cinema seat map. I am getting this error:

    map2.php?screen=7&sgid=59:108  Error fetching booked seats: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', "<br />
    <b>"... is not valid JSON
    (anonymous) @ map2.php?screen=7&sgid=59:108
    Promise.catch (async)
    (anonymous) @ map2.php?screen=7&sgid=59:108
    Promise.then (async)
    (anonymous) @ map2.php?screen=7&sgid=59:59

    The booked seats are going into a table like this:

    booking (table name)

    booking_id       seat_id        screening_id

    57                      399             2
    58                      400             2   
    59                      751              96
    60                      752             96
    127                     668            59
    128                    669             59
    129                    623             59
    130                    624             59


    Now when I go to that screening: map2.php?screen=7&sgid=59   (note: sgid is screening_id) and screen=7 means screen 7, and it will generate the layout for screen 7. There are 10 screens, and each one has a different layout.

    All of that is fine, it generates the correct layout for any of the screens.

    Then I can successfully book tickets, by clicking on the Javascript seat map, each seat can be clicked on. It goes something like this: A-2 (which is the seat number) -> Click Book -> seat books and enters into db. 

    Then the part which is not working. Say if I went to map2.php?screen=7&sgid=59, it should know that seat_id = 669, 668, 623 and 624 are already booked and should show up as red on the seat map - it does not do that. When the seats are initially booked, it shows a JS alert which says "Seats booked successfully" and turns red, stays red until it refreshes, then goes back to its default state. 

    I have print_r the array and echo the json data. Here is a sample for getBookedSeats.php?sgid=59:  (this page has the php/sql for getting booked seats.)

        [0] => 623
        [1] => 624
        [2] => 668
        [3] => 669

    Here is the php for the file that gets the booked seats:


    try {
        // Create a PDO connection
        $pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=$host;dbname=$dbname", $username, $password);
        $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
        // Assume you have a database connection established
        $screeningId = $_GET['sgid']; // Get screening_id from URL
        // Fetch booked seat IDs
        $query = "SELECT seat_id FROM booking WHERE screening_id = :screeningId";
        $statement = $pdo->prepare($query);
        $statement->bindParam(':screeningId', $screeningId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
        $bookedSeatIds = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
            echo '<pre>',print_r($bookedSeatIds,1),'</pre>';
        header('Content-Type: application/json');
        echo json_encode($bookedSeatIds);
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        // Handle database connection errors
        echo json_encode(['error' => 'Database connection error']);
        // Log or display the actual error for debugging
        // echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage();

    and here is the full javascript from map2.php:

    <div id="seat-map"></div>
      <div id="selected-seat"></div>
      <div id="total-price">Total Price: £0.00</div>
      let screeningId;
    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
      const seatMap = document.getElementById("seat-map");
      const selectedSeat = document.getElementById("selected-seat");
      const totalPriceDisplay = document.getElementById("total-price");
      let seatPrice; // Declare seatPrice as a global variable
      // Use PHP data in JavaScript
      const seatData = <?php echo json_encode($seatData); ?>;
      const uniqueRows = <?php echo json_encode($uniqueRows); ?>;
      const screeningId = <?php echo $_GET['sgid']; ?>; // Get screening_id from URL
      // Fetch the price for the current year
        .then(response => response.json())
        .then(data => {
          seatPrice = data.price; // Assign the value to the global variable seatPrice
          // Create the seat map
          uniqueRows.forEach(row => {
            const rowContainer = document.createElement("div");
            rowContainer.className = "row";
            const rowSeats = seatData.filter(seat => seat.row === row);
            rowSeats.forEach(seat => {
              const seatElement = document.createElement("div");
              seatElement.className = "seat";
              seatElement.setAttribute("data-seat-id", seat.seat_id);
              const seatNumber = document.createElement("span");
              seatNumber.className = "seat-number";
              seatNumber.innerText = `${row}-${seat.seat_number}`;
              seatElement.addEventListener("click", () => {
          // Fetch booked seat IDs and update seat map
          fetch('getBookedSeats.php', {
            method: 'POST',
            headers: {
              'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            body: JSON.stringify({ screeningId }),
          .then(response => {
            console.log(response); // Log the entire response
            return response.json();
          .then(bookedSeats => {
            console.log(bookedSeats); // Log the booked seats data
            // Mark booked seats as occupied
            bookedSeats.forEach(bookedSeatId => {
              const bookedSeatElement = document.querySelector(`.seat[data-seat-id="${bookedSeatId}"]`);
              if (bookedSeatElement) {
          .catch(error => console.error('Error fetching booked seats:', error));
        .catch(error => console.error('Error fetching price:', error));
      function updateSelectedSeat() {
        const selectedSeats = document.querySelectorAll(".seat.selected");
        const seatNumbers = Array.from(selectedSeats).map(seat => {
          const seatId = seat.getAttribute("data-seat-id");
          const selectedSeatData = seatData.find(seat => seat.seat_id == seatId);
          return `${selectedSeatData.row}-${selectedSeatData.seat_number}`;
        selectedSeat.innerText = `Selected Seats: ${seatNumbers.join(", ")}`;
        // Calculate and display the total price
        const totalPrice = seatNumbers.length * seatPrice;
        totalPriceDisplay.innerText = `Total Price: £${totalPrice.toFixed(2)}`;
      function bookSeats() {
        const selectedSeats = document.querySelectorAll(".seat.selected");
        // Check if seats are selected
        if (selectedSeats.length === 0) {
          alert("Please select at least one seat.");
        // Get seat IDs and insert into the database
        const seatIds = Array.from(selectedSeats).map(seat => seat.getAttribute("data-seat-id"));
        // Make an AJAX request to insert data into the database
        fetch('bookSeats.php', {
          method: 'POST',
          headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
          body: JSON.stringify({ seatIds, screeningId }),
        .then(response => response.json())
        .then(data => {
          console.log('Booking successful:', data);
          // You can update the UI or perform other actions here
        .catch(error => console.error('Error booking seats:', error));
        // Simulate booking with a delay for visual effect
        selectedSeats.forEach(seat => {
        // Move the updateSelectedSeat function call inside the setTimeout function
        setTimeout(() => {
          alert("Seats booked successfully!");
        }, 500);
      // Attach click event listener to the "Book Selected Seats" button
      const bookSeatsButton = document.getElementById("book-seats-btn");
      if (bookSeatsButton) {
        bookSeatsButton.addEventListener("click", bookSeats);

    I logged the response to the console.log and this is what I get:

    Response {type: 'basic', url: 'https://xxx.xxx.com/cinemav2/getBookedSeats.php', redirected: false, status: 200, ok: true, …}
    Headers {}

    I tried to do this as well:


    To log the seats booked data, but its not working.

    Apparently it might be that html is getting into my JSON

    Can someone please help?


  3. 19 hours ago, Barand said:

    Anything output from the php script in response to an ajax request is sent back in the ajax response. If ypu want to output the screening_id to the screen it needs to be done in the response-handling function.


    Yes, your right. That only hit me about 2 hours after I logged off yesterday.

    Thanks for the code - I'll play around with it, see where I get to.


  4. Hey Barand,

    Thanks for the advice.

    I managed to get the array printed and I realised it would be better to have screening_id inside of screening array instead of movie. Here is the updated code and a sample of the array:

    $data = [];
            #  Put data into an array with same structure a required output
            #     - array of movies, each movie having arrays of screenings
            foreach ($res as $r)   {
                if (!isset($data[$r['movie_id']])) {
                    $data[$r['movie_id']] = [ 'title' => $r['title'],
                                              'image' => $r['image'],
                                              'genre' => $r['genre'],
                                              'runtime' => $r['running_time'],
                                              'movieinfo' => $r['movie_desc'],
                                              'screenings' => []
                $data[$r['movie_id']]['screenings'][$r['date']][] = ['start' => $r['start_time'],
                                                                     'sno'   => $r['screen_num'],
                                                                     'sgid' => $r['screening_id'],

    array sample:

        [1] => Array
                [title] => Aquaman And The Lost Kingdom
                [image] => aquaman.jpg
                [genre] => Action
                [runtime] => 2 hrs 4 mins
                [movieinfo] => When an ancient power is unleashed, Aquaman must 
    forge an uneasy alliance with an unlikely ally to protect Atlantis, and the world, from irreversible devastation.
                [screenings] => Array
                        [Tuesday, 16th Jan] => Array
                                [0] => Array
                                        [start] => 10:00
                                        [sno] => 1
                                        [sgid] => 1
                                [1] => Array
                                        [start] => 13:00
                                        [sno] => 4
                                        [sgid] => 2
                                [2] => Array
                                        [start] => 16:00
                                        [sno] => 7
                                        [sgid] => 3
                                [3] => Array
                                        [start] => 19:00
                                        [sno] => 5
                                        [sgid] => 4

    Now I am trying to save screening_id into a variable and echo it with:

    $screeningId = $data['screenings']['sgid'];
    echo "Sgid is $screeningId";

    But when I run it, before the exit statement, I get no error but when I click on any of the days of week, I get nothing, blank page.

    Can you help please?

    Btw, I also tried:

    $screeningId = $data['screenings']['date']['sgid'];


  5. Hey Barand,

    The code works great - but I am having difficulties in editing the code.

    Firstly, I can't print the array - I am using this:

     echo '<pre>',print_r($data,1),'</pre>';

    Now I noticed the exit statement at the end, so I thought put it before, otherwise it probably won't run. But putting it before raises no errors, but then when I click on the days of the week, none of the listings show. So I put it after the exit statement and it still raises no errors, but the listings do show, but not the array.

    I have updated your code to include 2 new attributes in the SQL (movie_desc & screening_id) and adjusted the movies array accordingly. Here is your code, with my updates:


    include 'includes/db.php'; 
    if (isset($_GET['ajax'])) {
            $res = $pdo->prepare(" SELECT m.movie_id as movie_id
                                         , m.title
                                         , m.image
                                         , g.description as genre
                                         , CONCAT(m.running_time DIV 60, ' hrs ', m.running_time % 60, ' mins') as running_time
                                         , date_format(sg.screen_on, '%W, %D %b') as date
                                         , s.screen_num as screen_num
                                         , TIME_FORMAT(sg.screen_at, '%H:%i') as start_time, m.movie_desc, sg.screening_id
                                    FROM screening sg
                                         JOIN screen s ON sg.screen_id = s.screen_id
                                         JOIN movie m ON sg.movie_id = m.movie_id
                                         JOIN genre g ON g.genre_id = m.genre_id
                                    WHERE dayname(screen_on) = :day
                                    ORDER BY movie_id, screen_on, sg.screen_at; 
            $res->execute([ 'day' => $_GET['day'] ]);
            $data = [];
            #  Put data into an array with same structure a required output
            #     - array of movies, each movie having arrays of screenings
            foreach ($res as $r)   {
                if (!isset($data[$r['movie_id']])) {
                    $data[$r['movie_id']] = [ 'title' => $r['title'],
                                              'image' => $r['image'],
                                              'genre' => $r['genre'],
                                              'runtime' => $r['running_time'],
                                              'movieinfo' => $r['movie_desc'],
                                              'sgid' => $r['screening_id'],
                                              'screenings' => []
                $data[$r['movie_id']]['screenings'][$r['date']][] = ['start' => $r['start_time'],
                                                                     'sno'   => $r['screen_num']

    I want to see the array because I want to save screening_id to a variable and pass that to another page using hidden input inside a form. Thing is, because I can't see the array, I don't know what the code would be. I tried:

    $screeningId = $data['movie_id']['sgid'];
    $screeningId = $data['sgid'];
    $screeningId = $data['screening_id'];

    Each at a time, tried to echo them, but got an Undefined variable error.

    Can you help please?

  6. Hey Barand,

    I'm a bit lost. I ran your code, edited the SQL slightly to fit with my entity names and attributes - ran the SQL, that's fine.

    But I get a:

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function pdoConnect() in /var/www/vhosts//getMoviesv2.php:4 Stack trace: 
    #0 {main} thrown in /var/www/vhosts/getMoviesv2.php on line 4

    on this line:

    $pdo = pdoConnect('movies');      //   CODE GOES HERE

    I tried changing "movies" to my db name, but no luck.

    I have also replaced

    include 'db_inc.php'

    With my own db.php connection file, and the path and everything is ok

    When you say:

    16 hours ago, Barand said:
    $pdo = pdoConnect('movies');      //   CODE GOES HERE

    What code goes there? I'm lost

    Sorry, I know this sounds really amateur - But I don't get it 

  7. 1 minute ago, Barand said:

    What about all the other data in your query results

    I am displaying them in a Div container via JavaScript. So my html is:

        <nav class="days">
             <button onclick="showScreenings('Monday')">Monday</button>
             <button onclick="showScreenings('Tuesday')">Tuesday</button>
            <button onclick="showScreenings('Wednesday')">Wednesday</button>
            <button onclick="showScreenings('Thursday')">Thursday</button>
            <button onclick="showScreenings('Friday')">Friday</button>
            <button onclick="showScreenings('Saturday')">Saturday</button>
            <button onclick="showScreenings('Sunday')">Sunday</button>
        <!-- Placeholder for movie details -->
        <section id="screenings-container"></section>

    And my JS is:

    function showScreenings(day) {
        const screeningsContainer = document.getElementById("screenings-container");
        screeningsContainer.innerHTML = "";
        // Fetch movie data from the PHP file
            .then(response => {
                console.log('Response:', response);  
                return response.json();
            .then(movies => {
                console.log('Movies:', movies);  
                movies.forEach(movie => {
                    const movieTitle = document.createElement("h2");
                    movieTitle.textContent = movie.title;
                    const movieImage = document.createElement("img");
                    movieImage.src = `images/${movie.image}`;
                    const date = document.createElement("p");
                    date.textContent = "Date: " + movie.date;
                    const startTimes = document.createElement("p");
                    startTimes.textContent = "Start Times: " + movie.start_times;
                     const screens = document.createElement("p");
                    screens.textContent = "Screen number " + movie.screens;
                    const movie_genres = document.createElement("p");
                    movie_genres.textContent = movie.description;
                    const running = document.createElement("p");
                    running.textContent = movie.running_time;
                    const desc = document.createElement("p");
                    desc.textContent = movie.movie_desc;
                    // Append details to the screeningsContainer
            .catch(error => console.error('Error:', error));

    But I am going to re-write some of it - I am not going to use document.createElement - instead create 8 Divs (for 8 attributes) and give them Class names instead of Id's, then style using css 

  8. Hi Guys,

    I am building a cinema ticket booking system. All is going well but I just realised something about my SQL. What I want to do is associate screen numbers with screening times. Like the attached screenshot.

    I want the start time and screen number in there. Not the price or movie finish time. And in ASC order, earliest times first.

    Here is my code:

     if (isset($_GET['day'])) {
            $day = $_GET['day'];
            $query = "SELECT m.title,
         GROUP_CONCAT(s.screen_num) as screens,
         date_format(sg.screen_on, '%W, %D %b') as date,
         m.image, g.description, CONCAT(m.running_time DIV 60, ' hrs ', m.running_time % 60, ' mins') as running_time,
          GROUP_CONCAT(TIME_FORMAT(sg.screen_at, '%H:%i')) as start_times, m.movie_desc
    FROM screening sg
         JOIN screen s ON sg.screen_id = s.screen_id
         JOIN movie m ON sg.movie_id = m.movie_id
         JOIN genre g ON g.genre_id = m.genre_id
    WHERE dayname(screen_on) = :day
    GROUP BY sg.screen_on, m.title
    ORDER BY sg.screen_on;";
            $statement = $conn->prepare($query);
            $statement->bindParam(':day', $day);
            $movies = $statement->fetchAll((PDO::FETCH_ASSOC));  
        echo json_encode($movies);

    I'm going to take an educated guess.....is it some sort of group function, grouping screen_at and screen_num together?

    I have also attached my data model for reference.



    barand model v5.jpg

  9. Hey Andou,

    Thanks for that link. I read it and someone was having the same problem as me. When the guy said he changed the encoding type, I instantly knew what was wrong with it. In movie_desc attribute I had a word in single quotes : ‘Nicky’ - When I was reading the print_r from the array is was rendering that word with question marks on either side. I didn't think much of it - until I read that thread! 

    • Like 1
  10. Hi Guys,

    Been at this for 2 days now. I've got a script here where I am trying to encode the movies array to JSON and pass it to a Javascript file. The thing is if I do:

            echo json_encode(array_column($movies, 'title'));

    It works, but only returns the title attribute (which is what array_column is supposed to do) But I want to send the whole thing in and display all the data. So I am trying:

    echo json_encode($movies);

    But it won't send anything.

    Here is a sample from print_r of the array:

        [0] => Array
                [title] => Aquaman And The Lost Kingdom
                [screens] => 1,4,7,5
                [date] => Wednesday, 17th Jan
                [image] => aquaman.jpg
                [genres] => Action
                [running_time] => 2 hours 4 minutes
                [start_times] => 10:00,13:00,16:00,19:00
                [movie_desc] => When an ancient power is unleashed, Aquaman must 
    forge an uneasy alliance with an unlikely ally to protect Atlantis, and the world, from irreversible devastation.
        [1] => Array
                [title] => Ferrari
                [screens] => 2,6,7,5
                [date] => Wednesday, 17th Jan
                [image] => ferrari.jpg
                [genres] => Drama
                [running_time] => 2 hours 10 minutes
                [start_times] => 12:30,15:30,18:30,21:30
                [movie_desc] => It is the summer of 1957. Behind the spectacle of Formula 1, ex-racer Enzo Ferrari is in crisis.

    Also when I use array_column statement, and go to the page  - say for example: getMovies.php?day=Wednesday

    It will show this (correctly):

    ["Aquaman And The Lost Kingdom","Ferrari","Mean Girls","Next Goal Wins","Night Swim","One Life","Priscilla","Wonka"]

    but when I use:

    echo json_encode($movies);

    I get a blank page.

    Here is the code:

        if (isset($_GET['day'])) {
            $day = $_GET['day'];
            $query = "SELECT 
        GROUP_CONCAT(s.screen_num) as screens,
        date_format(sg.screen_on, '%W, %D %b') as date,
        CONCAT(m.running_time DIV 60, ' hours ', m.running_time % 60, ' minutes') as running_time,
        GROUP_CONCAT(TIME_FORMAT(sg.screen_at, '%H:%i')) as start_times,
        MAX(m.movie_desc) as movie_desc  
    FROM screening sg
    JOIN screen s ON sg.screen_id = s.screen_id
    JOIN movie m ON sg.movie_id = m.movie_id
    JOIN (
        SELECT m.movie_id, GROUP_CONCAT(g.description) as genres
        FROM movie m
        JOIN genre g ON g.genre_id = m.genre_id
        GROUP BY m.movie_id
    ) g ON g.movie_id = m.movie_id
    WHERE dayname(screen_on) = :day
    GROUP BY sg.screen_on, m.title
    ORDER BY sg.screen_on;";
            $statement = $conn->prepare($query);
            $statement->bindParam(':day', $day);
            $movies = $statement->fetchAll((PDO::FETCH_ASSOC));  
        //echo json_encode($movies);
            echo json_encode(array_column($movies, 'title'));


  11. Hey Guys,

    I think it's going to be better If I have the screening on fixed days. So for instance I have a nav bar that has all the days of the week - So when I click on Monday, it will always show me the same listings, same with Tuesday etc. This way if I want to show someone my website in a months time, I don't have to load new data everytime. This will mean a change to the data model. 

    Shall I change screening.screen_on to a varchar and have "Monday" for all of Mondays movies, and "Tuesday" for all of Tuesdays movies or shall I have a seperate entity for the days of the week and do a JOIN.


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