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Everything posted by Aljade

  1. I am making a user login system and I thought a way to make a session/cookie more secure I could store the users password encoded with sha1 and verify it. So for example when the user logged in I would make 2 sessions like so: [code]$_SESSION['user_id'] = $user_id; $_SESSION['secure_hash'] = $user_sha1_password;[/code] Also if the user selected to automatically login I created 2 cookies: [code]setcookie("autologin_userid", $user_id, time() + 31536000, "/Example", "example.com", 0); setcookie("autologin_secure", $user_sha1_password, time() + 31536000, "/Example", "example.com", 0);[/code] Then I would check the stored hashed password from cookies/sessions with the one that was stored in the database. Now is this actually making my system more secure than if I just stored the user's id in the session/cookie or is it making it less secure? Thank you!
  2. Ok the best way to ask this is with an example. [code]$variable_number = 0; while($num < 10) {    $variable_number++;    //Here is want to create new variable called $variable[$variable_number] }[/code] I want to have this code create 10 variables called $variable1, $variable2, $variable3, etc. I know it may seem to make more sense to create an array, however this will not work in my situation. Thank you!
  3. [code]function showHideOtherTax(job_id) {     var tax_field = 'job'+job_id+'other_tax';          if(document.proposal.tax_field.selectedIndex == 2) {         document.getElementById('job'+job_id+'other_tax_div').style.display = "";     } }[/code] The if statement doesn't work in this function. If type in say job1othertax instead of using tax_field it works, but I need it to work according to what job_id is. How can I fix this? Thanks!
  4. How would I have a drop down menu change options for another drop down menu. I want one for selecting a city and then another would come up the the various zip codes for the selected city. Thanks!
  5. Oh yeah, thanks!! But I have another question. Ok, I am making a form where the user can add/remove "Jobs" which is basically a row of a table. But what I want to do is have another button/link that lets them add "Rooms" to the jobs(room will be selected with a drop down menu). I need the user to be able to add multiple rooms to each job and have the system save the information(in the "GET" I mean) entered for each room. How might I go about doing this?
  6. How would I make a link submit a form(with GET method) but also add a value (ex: &value=test)? I hope that makes sense, thanks!
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